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Everything posted by Will

  1. Far too risky though. It will be one of the best things you ever saw.
  2. Should I post up the pictures afterwards?
  3. I haven't checked any bags so I hope not. If I do I'll only have myself to blame.
  4. A mega hot girl just sat down in the bar, she already caught me perving though, ooops.
  5. I could have told you that much just by your info tab on the left :-) Sunds shitty though, i hope it can be sorted.
  6. I'm pretty sure it's my least favourite airport in the world. If I'd have thou about it sooner I could have stolen a 3ds from work. Damnit. I might well do that, I'll see if there is anything good on ibooks. I'm not creative, and I'm pretty full from lunch still. The drinking is going well though.
  7. I'm exactly the same, my other worry is that I won't be able to open the door and then someone comes up and sympathetically helps me, and everyone on the plane knows I'm an idiot.
  8. Doesn't look like its on the card, my license is 11 years old though.
  9. Who's going to come and find me in time for my flight? Is it bad that i actually quite like it? Damnit I wish i had a ds with me now. Flying is the one time I hate using the bathroom, i always worry we'll hit turbulence while I'm in there and I'll pee all over myself.
  10. I want to have my brain put in the tummy of a robot corpse and drive it around. Pretty much Krang from turtles. The rest of my body can be cut up and used for the benefit of others. I agree on the donor thing too, it should be opt out. I have no problem with my bits being used but haven't bothered to register, I'm sure many are the same.
  11. So here I am at SFO waiting for my flighty home, we're slightly delayed but nothing too bad. I currently have 3 hours to kill though. So far my activities have included: Lunch with flatmate Watched some planes take off Pretended to look at perfume while checking out the ridiculously hot cashier Priced up some gin Looked at presents for family Now I'm in the only bar at the airport drinking some bud light. Anything else I can entertain myself with? What are your favourite airport activities?
  12. I'm never particularly bothered by them, birthdays or relationship anniversaries. Girls always seem to love them though so you have to make a big effort or your in trouble. My last gf made us do 6 month anniversaries which I just thought was weird.
  13. There's two others but yeah one of them is the long-term boyfriend. He was in bed in the other room, massively stupid.
  14. Yesterday I get home and the flatmate things have been happening with is dressed up incredibly nicely. She gives me a few presents (not expensive but obviously a lot of thought gone into it) and then we go out for my final night drinks and dinner. 8 hours and a lot of alcohol later and we end up in bed together, somehow no sex happens which is probably a good thing for the time being. Had to sneak back to my room at about 4am which was a little scary. Great way to end my first month in SF, hopefully no big trouble comes from it. Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed my flight is still on.
  15. My new business cards came, now when I chat to girls in England over Christmas I'll still have my international flair.
  16. If I'm reading this right noone has actually been round to check out the problem? Just the plumber and the landlord having a guess over the phone? I'd be straight onto the landlord to get a plumber over to have an actual look at it. I'd have a look in your contract as it should give a pretty specific breakdown of the landlords responsibilities in this situation, then take it from there dependent on what it says. It may pay just to get someone in to sort it and then recharge it back to the landlord later.
  17. I did that too! Amazing scenes. Those picture ones are fantastic, I rather want one myself actually.
  18. I find it quite weird being discussed as someone successful on here, thanks though to you guys who have mentioned me. From my point of view I'm actually not too sure what amounts to success. I think it's doing something individual, and attaining a level very few people can reach. I'd consider top sports people, successful company owners, world leaders as successful people. I don't consider myself successful at all, but I do feel like things are on the right track for me to achieve the things that I would consider to be successful. On Mokong's 'success' being discussed in here, ie. the family thing - It's something I don't consider successful at all, though it's definitely something I respect and want for myself. It just doesn't register on my success radar I guess. Still a great thing though.
  19. I absolutely loved this, saw it at the imax in 3D, which really added to the overall feel of it. Cool soundtrack, looked very very cool. In 3D on a massive screen I would certainly recommend it.
  20. Worst thing today is having to deal with the utterly terrible AT&T. There are some things that I find utterly backwards here, and mobile phones are very high on the list. I get crap service, very little minutes/text/data and for this pleasure I'm paying nigh on $100 a month. What makes it truly bad is you have to talk to one of those automated voice things, but they play typing sounds and phone clicks to make it seem more real. There actually must be some Americans that think it's a real person, I just hate it all.
  21. Alas, no. Movie night and tasty food is a genuine weekly event in my life, there hasn't been any sex involved yet.
  22. That's awesome Fish, good luck! Yesterday I went to movie night over at a friend from work's, some delicious pasta followed by marzipan stuffed apples for desert, amazing food times. Today I had a late lie in accompanied by flatmate for a while and now I'm working from home waiting for my TV to come. Definite good times.
  23. I'd actually prefer to have 25 races, make close ones back to back, take out the agonizing 3 week break and it works just fine. The condition is they have to be good tracks rather than money pumping crap.
  24. That looks good, I need to get myself something along those lines.
  25. Went for free drinks at the Ritz followed by an awesome bar called Top of the Mark on the 50th floor of a hotel at the top of a big hill. Definitely a good night, though another $100 bar bill wasn't so much fun.
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