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Everything posted by Will

  1. I actually think thats really cool. It would be pretty intense so you'd only really want to use it for short periods, max time of a film I'd have thought but that would work well. If I could hook this up to my PS3 and then play 3D games lying on my bed I'd almost certainly get myself one. I hope they manage to get a proper version finished.
  2. It's one of the recent new colours of the DSi XL, I think they did blue yellow and green just before the Christmas period.
  3. Excellent entertainment on my latest flight, glad I randomly decided to buy them.
  4. Which they would just repeat on the outside? Or can it only be printed once?
  5. It's definitely missing a back piece, there's nothing to read into that though, the parts are just labelled as they regularly would be, the insides of most electronics are labelled up in a similar way.
  6. I upgraded to upper class for my flight home, currently I'm awaiting smoked salmon and scrambled eggs in the virgin clubhouse.
  7. Looking through the set they seem far to clear and nicely done to be fakes. I do think the thing looks a bit half finished though, like Nintendo couldn't be bothered with sorting out certain aspects of it.
  8. PS3 Controller Dock $10 with a voucher: Apple battery charger $30: Apple TV $100:
  9. I have a few things I'd like to get done this year. Sort my job from being a bit boring to what I actually want it to be. Should be fairly easy to achieve but I need to tread carefully for a while. Sort out my money situation, see if it's at all possible for me to buy some sort of house. Sort out my lovelife, this is a bit of a resolution but I really need to stop getting myself in bad situations with girls. Have a holiday, I've not really had one in a few years, I'd like to go to Hawaii this year. Go to a Grand Prix, as a massive F1 fan it saddens me that I've never been, almost made it last year then new job got in the way. I am going to do my best to make it to Korea or Dubai this time. Sort out a couple of blogs, again something I've kind of started in the past, now I have a few good ideas and want to see what I can do with them. Thats it for now, now that they're written down I feel like I have to at least try and get them completed.
  10. I almost bought pretty much exactly this but then my mate pointed out they look silly so short. I think if you can find a longer version go for it, as it is I vote against though.
  11. Rather than start a new thread I thought I'd ask in here. Do Game/Gamestation now have a standard trade-in price list? I have an absolute shed load of games i want to get rid of and I can't really be bothered going back and forth to get the best price.
  12. Oh god it's even cooler than I thought, is it wrong for a 27 year old man to buy one?
  13. It does look cool, where is it from?
  14. It is indeed, as is the wallet, hopefully they both come before I head back home.
  15. New wallet £39 Hoody £50 Sunglasses £14
  16. So I just read that leggard is being replaced by brundle and that coulthard will take the analyst commentary role. Not sure what to think on that, on one hand I'm glad leggard is gone but I'm not sure how well the new lineup will work. Fingers crossed it's a good mix.
  17. Yeah show us some pics of you with hot babes. The costumes are awesome, I'd definitely like to copy you at some point.
  18. I've definitely been doing the sitting on the same side of the table thing recently - sorry. None of the other stuff though, that's definitely cringeworthy. I've never minded the odd kiss in public but I wouldn't suck on a girls face unless drunk, though I'd pretty much do anything when drunk.
  19. I LOVE snow driving! So glad I got back in time.
  20. They are indeed, they go so well together. Not quite as nice as my old euro ones though.
  21. Will


    Naughty time zones. The vast majority of my drive was clear, And the snow near my house was fine, enjoyable drive all in. Looking forward to getting out in it again tomorrow.
  22. Work is finished for Christmas and I made it home safe and sound. I also got to drive in the snow. Yay! Now I just need a good long sleep.
  23. Will


    Crikey that sounds fun, last year the lotus was good in the snow but I'm not sure it can cope with that.
  24. I tried that once and hurt my back. I actually do have a blog post midway done, I'll look into it.
  25. Will


    What's my drive from heathrow to Birmingham likely to be like tomorrow? Am I going to crash?
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