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Everything posted by Will

  1. My political viewpoint is most certainly to the right and in all previous elections that I've been eligible for I've voted Conservative. This time I'm not so sure. It actually seems like smaller parties will have a good chance to make up a good proportion of parliament this time so I'm going to look into everything and see who best represents me. First stop the test from chairdriver...
  2. What the bloody hell was the thinking behind showing half the race on a different channel? Having recorded the race on BBC1 with no idea that was going to happen I've now missed the entire end of the Grand Prix. Why not just show the whole damn thing on BBC2? Very annoyed.
  3. Way before then! I reckon the last time I properly watched it would be when the Rock was corporate/peoples champion having various feuds with Mankind. The corporate ministry were around as well - maybe 1999ish? I think I will give this a go, Undertaker vs HBK sounds like something I definitely want to see.
  4. As an old school fan of WWF, let's say I started watching when Shawn Michaels left the Rockers and was an avid fan until about Wrestlemania XII, is it worth me buying this? For some reason I really want to watch a bit of wrestling.
  5. Totally agree with you, Emerald Emblem. I think this could well be the year that Vettel will be the guy who should have won it but the car let him down so much he doesn't - much like last year in fact. Still, it leaves things open for Alonso to take
  6. Basically I'm getting fucked at both ends. The policy will cover the value of the car, the big problem is I have to effectively pay the depreciation and the loan off after one year instead of the planned three. It's the main thing I'm pissed off about, through no fault of my own I'm losing a chunk of money plus my car, and worst of all I totally understand why it's happening. At the end of the day things aren't that bad, I still have it much better than most and I fully intend to maximise that. It's still a shitter though, but what can you do? Things will take their course and we'll see what happens At least I'm drunk. Dyson, That sounds crappy but at least you seem to have a plan of action of where you want things to go. Once your set in motion I think things should work out ok. nightwolf, God noisy neighbours are pretty much the worst thing you can possibly come up against. I really hope you get a decent place sorted out when you move again. It would be a real shame to have to give up uni over it - you should do everything you possibly can to make sure that doesn't happen. Hope it works out well for both of you.
  7. Understandable issues! Thankyou, luckily I have located a flatmate so I'm off to drown my sorrows.
  8. I'd actually quite like to work in a shop for the summer, always look back on my retail days with fond memories. Not a great day for me, couldn't find out anything about my car so I'm pretty much resigned to the fact it's going to be written off. Based on the likely payout I'll get I won't be able to afford to replace it either, brilliant. My only real hope is that my Dad still has a bit of money packed away and we can buy the car and get it repaired ourselves, not ideal but could be the only option I have. Godamnit. To make matters worse, I got home today and met the new tenants downstairs (some nice girls as it happens so not all bad) but the landlord in all their wisdom has said they can park outside the flat, which would be fine, but theres only one space which I use. Even if I do get my car back its going to be a pain in the backside if I'm fighting for a space to park it all of the time. Add to all of this the fact I'm going through a breakup and being sued by the idiot that crashed into me (wtf) and it's generally a very low point at the moment. I think I need to have a few beers.
  9. VGChartz are very rarely accurate, I wouldn't put much faith in their numbers. There are many reasons why this hasn't sold as many as people might think it should have. You could list the possible reasons all day long. Ultimately it would come down to the fact that it's the wrong game for the platform.
  10. Sounds good, Ramar. If they know your situation they must be pretty keen to have you on board. Hope it all goes well - what's the job?
  11. Maybe we can have a forum meet at the next one?
  12. Interesting questions, this is the sort of thing that I cover off day to day, though I tend to look at things a little less long term than what you're asking. Interesting to see this from gamers point of view though of course this generally won't dictate where the market moves from it's current position. In answer to your questions: 1:How do you think games will be stored? In 5-10 years time will we STILL be using disks? Or do you believe the likes of live arcade,psn or wiiware will expand and start running the show? As with all other forms of media there will be a mix here, downloads are definitely going to make up a bigger part of the market but there will always be a place for physical discs. I think we'll get some sort of solid state media as the main distribution for this but it will have to be cost effective and movies will need to be using the same format before this really takes off. Downloads will eventually be no problem, all our devices will come with a sim card and operate much like Amazon's Kindle for downloading content. 2: Do you think games will still be the same length? I've noticed a slight decrease in the single player adventure length in certain games in favour of on-line On the whole average game lengths will probably come down, though we'll still get the epic length RPG's. People in general just don't have the time for lots of very long games. 3: will on-line multiplayer be forced into every game or Is there always room for single player only titles? If anything we'll start to see a very clear split between multiplayer and single player experiences. Games no longer need to be a jack of all trades, certain titles can aim to hit very specific targets. Lot's of casual web games, multiplayer console stuff and story driven single player games to name just a few. There will be crossover but a game won't need to cover everything to be a success. 4: Stories in videogames? Ever since metal gear solid in my opinion, stories have started to become more and more essential and although I haven't played it,HEAVY RAIN seems to be an altogether new breed of game entirely. Stories will continue to be prominent where it's relevant to gameplay, where it's not needed it simply won't be present. 5: Will games continue to bridge the gap between itself and movies or is there a need? If the market is there for it then yes, as Darkjak says games offer different opportunities and this will likely come to the forefront of game development. I'm not sure if this question relates to the general market as a whole or movie based products so difficult to answer accurately. 6: How will gaming be perceived in the general media? As an accepted entertainment form, Darkjak's answer sums up my thoughts too. 7: HOw much will games cost? I think we'll see a big change in costing of games, lower initial purchase costs subsidized by more DLC, subscription and micro-payments. 8: Will we still be using gamepads? Yes. 9: Any franchises dead? Yes, lots. With many new ones coming and going. 10: 3d or not 3d? glasses or not glasses? This one I'm torn on. If it can be done without glasses and work for multiple people sitting in any arrangement then it will work for some games. If we need glasses or to be sat in specific 3D zones then it's a no go. My personal feeling is that it will work for Cinema and possibly single player story driven games. Multiplayer I can't see it taking off. 11: How difficult will games be? How will developers solve that problem? Is experiments like Super guide the future? Or maybe alone in the dark had the right idea with its "dvd menu" like ability to skip scenes? I don't see any change in this area. Some games will be easy others hard, some will get it right and some will get it wrong.
  13. Now that is an event I'd like to attend.
  14. That's so true, I hate it when the anticipation of a sneeze comes to nothing.
  15. I agree it did seem to affect him in qualifying but come race day Hamilton was most certainly driving at his best, were it not for the team letting him down as gaggle said they were on for a 1-2 and based on how Hamilton was going at that point he most certainly could have won it.
  16. To be fair I think he had every right to be pissed off, immensely bad call from the team on him coming in for a second spot. Good race I thought, wet weather as always mixing things up a bit. Bad luck for Red Bull, they seem to have the best speed but reliability is once again letting them down. Alonso and Ferrari seem to be the overall class of the field, to fall right down the field and end up in 4th shows he's going to be picking up big points at every race this year. Glad we only have a week to wait for Malaysia, hopefully it will be wet there too.
  17. I'm glad he got done by the Police, finally something that shows a little personality to the guy - hopefully he'll carry on in this manner and become an F1 badass. Also great that he's down the grid a bit, with any luck he should make the race a bit interesting. If he doesn't then something definitely needs to be done about this years rules.
  18. Felt a little ill today, fell asleep for most of the afternoon and to be honest I could quite happily go back to bed right now. Had some scooter test rides this morning which were good fun, I've got a pretty good idea of what I want to get now, just got to sort everything out. Nothing planned for this evening as noone is around, sad times.
  19. My sinuses have been totally bunged up today and now I have a cracking headache to round of what has been a pretty unlucky week. Brought a bit of work home for the weekend but don't mind about that too much as it meant i left early tonight and headed down the pub on my way home. So long as the weather is good tomorrow I have a nice weekend planned, need to find some random fun things to do inbetween my planned bits of fun though.
  20. Crikey, both make mine look like nothing at all. Glad you were both ok after those shunts. I think at some point most people are going to be involved in an accident, just got to hope when you are that it's only the cars that are damaged.
  21. Just had an update on the car and it's right on the edge of being a write-off. They are trying to do a deal with Lotus to get the parts as a package and push the value of the work below the 70% limit for this case. On the plus side, if it can be fixed and they ok the work I will practically have a new car with the seats and engine from the current one. I could also potentially change the colour but I think I have the best one in that respect. Things are looking up, I'm going to stay positive and hopefully come this time next week things will be in a much better position.
  22. I was in the 3rd lane moving towards traffic lights, no other traffic in my lane so still at regular speed, she was in a queue in the 2nd lane and pulled into my lane after I assume she saw she could make up some time. Only trouble is she went straight into the side of my car. Our front wheels collided so I don't really see how any of this will stand up under questioning. Just wish I didn't have to deal with the hassle. I have legal liability cover but I'm not entirely sure what that gives me. So far the insurers seem happy to deal with all of this which is good. The fact she's blatantly lied in this claim should put everything in a questionable light from her side. Hopefully this doesn't draw it out too much.
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