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Everything posted by Will

  1. You definitely don't want sports suspension if you have a bumpy ride to work. The snow/ice has absolutely wrecked the roads round here, theres one particular place on my route to work that is a 40mph limit and I'm having to slow down to about 5mph to get through - much to the amusement/anger of other road users. Granted mine is way more extreme than a Corsa's would be but you'd still feel a lot more of the bumps than usual. I quite like the newer shaped Corsa, much nicer than they used to be. I'd probably also check out the lower end Fiat 500's and some of the Toyotas. If you really like Peugeot/Citroen/Renault then check them out too, never know what deals they may do but theres the obvious French carmaker things to consider. Just had my tax renewal, somehow I have to pay for that and my insurance in the next couple of weeks. Godamnit.
  2. I think it's between him and Alonso for the title this year. I would put some money on but theres never the odds to make it worthwhile. Probably the best bet for risk/reward is a punt on Webber - or at least it was last time I checked.
  3. What is the current thinking as to upgrades to the macbook pros? I'm thinking I'm going to finally get round to selling my iMac, get rid of my macbook air (much as I love it it just doesn't have the hd space I need) and then have a macbook pro as my main computer with an iPad for general web browsing/playing. I just don't want to buy one only for them to be upgraded a few weeks later.
  4. I think it looks really really nice, I'm annoyed I can't get on there to give it a try. My only gripe is that it's attached to Gmail, as a separate service I think I'd actually make it my main social media activity.
  5. It actually looks really good, just the right mix of Twitter and Facebook. If I could use it as a standalone service to gmail I think I'd really like it.
  6. The new Lotus. Colour scheme is nice but the car looks very simple here. I think they will be off to a slow start but probably have the team to make good progress.
  7. As expected with a game like that it's dropped straight out of the chart, far too niche a title to generate big week on week sales.
  8. So do you just type in the title of the game and set your own stats? Seems like a massive oversight to me if so, I'd want to compare my collections with other people at a title level ideally. I think I'll sign up and give it a go.
  9. Well if you want to give ours a try it's certainly not going anywhere. We've also got a facebook app which I'm hopefully going to do a big overhaul to over the next couple of weeks, make it run a lot better hopefully.
  10. Excellent stuff, if it's running nicely right now then it looks like you've got yourself a bargain. I bought a load of cleaning stuff today, I reckon it's finally time to clear off the winter grime. I'm fully expecting it to rain tomorrow, making it all pointless.
  11. Not me I'm afraid. Noticed the link in your sig but the site doesn't seem to be working.
  12. We've got something similar to this on http://www.theigdb.com, I like the stats on here though, something I haven't really had a chance to implement yet. We have a few improvements on them though in terms of our actual database I think. Would be great if some of you guys could try out our site and give me some feedback to it. I definitely want to get some more of these stat-based things going, very cool!
  13. Looks fantastic imo, it's making me very tempted to do it myself.
  14. Yeah those tyres look cool, are they a specific set you bought or just what you had before painted? The whole thing looks really good at the moment, I desperately need to clean/wax mine, it's a right state currently.
  15. I don't like it much at all. Gives the impression that it belongs in GP2 or some other lower level racing. Just seems a bit tacky to me.
  16. Nice one! I look forward to hearing how you get on with it.
  17. Wasn't the question actually which countries should host Grand Prix, rather than what tracks they should be at within them? The ones that should host I went with Britain, Italy, France, Monaco and US. The ones that shouldn't I went with the various countries that as far as I know have no real motorsport heritage.
  18. I'm not sure I can wait for this on Sky, I need new Lost ASAP.
  19. The more I look at the back end of the McLaren the more of a total mess it seems to be. None of it looks right put together, like they had a load of really good parts, all from different cars and thought if they just bodged them all together they would have a fast car. Granted that could well turn out to be the case.
  20. You could say that of absolutely any electronics device though. The fact of the matter is, just like the iPhone before it, there will be loads of great apps that take full advantage of the hardware.
  21. Loving this, so good having twitter to follow the various feeds and keep tabs on whats going on. Seems like Schumacher is already faster than Rosberg, I can't wait for the racing to get going.
  22. I'd agree with that too, looking at the rates they use on various products I would say we're probably looking at prices something along the lines of: £400, £475, £550 for the basic models and then the 3g models being about £100 on top. Right now I think I'm going to go for the very base model. My iPhone has never even come close to it's 8GB capacity so I reckon 16GB in one of these will do me fine.
  23. At £500 it looks pretty decent, worst comes to the worst I doubt you'd lose much money on it. Go for it I say. I like Vespas but the way things are looking at the moment they're going to be a bit out of my price range. Going to end up with something crappy just to commute on I think. Don't worry too much about the hazard perception, I found it pretty easy. Just click everytime something changes that could in any remote way end up as a hazard. As long as you don't go crazy you should be fine.
  24. Excellent thanks! There's a couple of dates in London, definitely going to look into going to that.
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