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Everything posted by Will

  1. I often find I have no desire to play games, and so I don't. Unfortunately I really should be playing them a bit more, just to keep my finger on the pulse of what's going on. At the end of the day it's no bad thing going off them, try your hand at something else and wait to get your hunger for it back.
  2. Randoms will follow you (though not many people follow me - WRCox) It's great for keeping up to date with your favourite things though.
  3. I still don't get the love for that game, I found it average at best.
  4. I had no idea there was a remake of The Karate Kid on the way. One of my favourite films as a kid and this one doesn't look too bad. I think I'll be checking that one out when it's released.
  5. Will

    Your town

    Yeah that's pretty much it, there is a little shopping centre type thing but nowadays it's just a small Waitrose and WH Smith. There is a Bright House for the local scum though.
  6. Will

    Your town

    Oh very close then! I was back over Christmas and I can't believe people of and around my age seem to like the place so much. Only a couple of bars and pubs, none of which are particularly great and a few charity shops. It used to be great when i was a kid, now it really has gone down the pan.
  7. Will

    Your town

    The Badger's Sett reminds me of being a kid, I'm sure my Mom used to go there on nights out with friends leaving me with the babysitter. There were a couple of schools in Hagley, surprising considering the size of the place, I think a lot of the hot girls used to come from them... I'm from Stourbridge, an equally depressing place: The high street: Some people you might meet: Some things you might see: Actually this site has a few nice pics of the place, still, I'm glad I don't live there anymore.
  8. I think this is the first time I've posted in this thread, enjoy a few pics from my new year! My Dad and I at the start of the night: Start of the night again, me in a stupid pose: Bit later on with a friend of my mom's: Much later on attacking my girlfriend:
  9. Because it still sells like hotcakes! No need for a price drop on that game.
  10. So did many people actually pick this up and have a go? I've not played the Wii version but have played through a couple of seasons on the PSP game. I actually rather like it, it's in no way a full F1 simulation but it's a competent little game. There's some very annoying parts, strangely placed lens flare, strange behaviour of the cars with certain driving aids and random penalties. But overall I actually quite like it. Until a more complete 2010 game comes out I'll be quite content with this.
  11. Fun thread, looking through my Wii games to pick my faves and I've got one hell of a lot of Wii software, more than my PS3 ad 360 combined. Not sure what that says about me as a gamer... Anyway, my top 10, in reverse order of course: 10. Smash Bros. 9. Mario and Sonic 8. Warioware 7. No More Heroes 6. House of the Dead: Overkill 5. Zelda: Twilight Princess 4. Wii Sports 3. New Super Mario 2. Mario Kart Wii 1. Mario Galaxy Having looked through my collection a lot of it is just utter crap, things that showed promise yet now leave me completely empty on looking back on them. Can't see me buying many more this year, more than likely just the big Nintendo titles.
  12. The key thing with things like this is Developers/Publishers will make games based on what has sold before and what is likely to sell again. As we move further in to these consoles lifespans new markets become less and less likely to emerge, so things fall back on whats gone before. People now know what works commercially on the Wii and future releases are likely to fall back on these templates. It's just a shame they lend themselves so easily to crap shovelware.
  13. Decent day really, first day back at work after 2 weeks off and didn't really have a lot to sort out. Got a fair bit of 2009 summary reporting to sort out but it should be simple enough. Been setting up templates for 2010 stuff throughout the day, hopefully with the aim of making the year efficient for myself!
  14. Got myself a Flip Mino HD mini camcorder. Decent enough quality, haven't had a good chance to use it properly yet though. Also have the following book, some great recipes in there. Will be putting together a shopping list for the week tonight.
  15. Logo is ok I suppose, driver pairing is very boring though. I think I'll find it very hard to back a team with that driver lineup.
  16. All 3 in the final were very likable people, and also very talented, enjoyed watching them the whole way through. Joe was my favourite from the start though so I was pleased he won. Not massively keen on the final single but I can imagine Joe will have a nice album in a few months time. Overall a good series, I could see quite a few of the people from this year sticking around for longer than they usually do.
  17. Button winning everything was boring but it was actually one of the most enjoyable starts to a season I can remember. Agree on the DDD, I guess they are reasoning that if everyone has it they don't need to ban it. They are so close to actually sorting out the regs it seems stupid to not go the whole way.
  18. The Cosworth could be very interesting indeed, on the one hand they are unproven in recent years but on the other that have extra development time plus the advantage of supplying a few teams so gathering more data. If all the new teams make it to the grid I think the first part of next year could be as good as the start of this year's season was.
  19. How you drive and of course the car, I tend to change up at about 3k in normal traffic then 7k when I'm going some. If your cruising at 45mph then you want to be in as high a gear as possible really, all helps the economy!
  20. I like that plan, I've always thought winners of a race should be rewarded more and this seems to do just that. Having the points run further down the field is a good thing too, makes it much fairer for the regular midfield runners and the lucky race back markers have every once in a while.
  21. Nan's are usually happy with anything 'nice' though. Smelly stuff, flowers, sweets, olde cooking type things. I have no idea what mine actually like as they are so enthusiastic whatever I get them. I think they're just glad I'm a nice young boy.
  22. I totally agree, but from what I understand the CBT is pretty much an hour (or however long it lasts) of telling you what to do and then watching you do it, and then 9 times out of 10 you go home with a pass. At least this is what my bike riding friends tell me. I reckon your right on that one, even mine has it and that's about as backwards as it gets for a modern car. You can tell you learnt in a diesel! For people learning at the moment the revs to change in a petrol would obviously be higher. Knowing when to change gear is just something you get the hang of with experience. I don't even look at my speedo or tach during regular driving (as I'm sure most don't), you just learn the feeling of when you need a bit more throttle and when it's time to change gear.
  23. Don't they also give you the basic understanding of riding a bike? Controls etc. I'd certainly need that!
  24. Usual driving I get about 250 miles from 40 litres of super unleaded. I have been as high as 450/500, once... when I was running the car in. I barely ever drive economically, I should do really but it's much more enjoyable to drive fast. Out of the office for a meeting tomorrow and I'm led to believe I have a good drive ahead of me, should be a good start to the day.
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