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Everything posted by Will

  1. My PS3 is horrendously slow, as is my PSP. The PS3 is wired in so I assume its a PSN issue - all my other stuff works fine. It's very very annoying, I'd love to know if there's anything that can speed it up a bit.
  2. I agree the black bonnet looks better, I think less black would be better though, maybe stripes?
  3. They should give you some written notice of the charges being taken out of your account so don't worry too much about that happening soon and making you more overdrawn. Best thing, as others have said, is go in and talk to them about it. You'll usually find they're happy to help and I'd doubt they'd keep the charges if you've been a good customer up until now.
  4. I like this a lot.
  5. Yeah I think thats right, as long as you pass the probation period!
  6. Sounds like you've had a crazy month or so Bluey, not a good situation at that school but probably a blessing in disguise as who wants to work with morons like that? I'm sure you'll be successful with the SEGA app, I trust Pat referred you and will be getting a nice bonus for it? My girlfriend and new housemate are both still looking for work so it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up there too - one big happy SEGA family.
  7. Will

    PSP Go

    I'd have thought both the Go and the X000 lines will be revised and updated as time goes by, not massively, just in a similar vein to how they have been up to now in the PSP life cycle. As for a PSP2, I think any comment on that could be read too much into given what I've said further up the thread. Prices will sort themselves out over time, the key thing is that at the moment people downloading games are the early adopters and willing to pay a premium for the content. As time goes by the market will dictate prices and they will fall in line with what mass market gamers value content at. It could take years to happen but price disparity with boxed copies won't be around forever.
  8. Will

    PSP Go

    It will certainly be interesting to see how they manage the platform going forward, I don't think any PSP variants will disappear completely in the near future though. I'm not sure it will massively effect any move towards digital distribution, it's something that's going to become more and more a part of the gaming environment as time goes on.
  9. Will

    PSP Go

    I would guess there won't be any numbers released other than the usual xx thousand sold in Europe/America/Japan during the launch period. The 30k is likely to be someone's random guess I would have thought.
  10. Will

    PSP Go

    Yeah you can, there's an option in the menus for if you want it on/off and connecting to other devices. Where did you get the 30k figure from? I had hoped it would do a little better than seems to be reported at the moment.
  11. Will

    PSP Go

    I'm in Head Office in London, there's (nearly) always testing jobs coming up. Other than that it's a case of checking out the jobsite, which I think is available via the companies main website.
  12. Will

    PSP Go

    I can't claim any responsibility for the Warehog idea, or any other part of that game infact. I'm a Business Analyst here, working on market tracking, sales forecasts etc. I tend to steer clear of commenting on any SEGA stuff that's put up on the boards but it certainly makes for interesting reading a lot of the time.
  13. Totally agree on this point, I used to love special editions but now they're more of a hassle - what on earth are you meant to do with all the shit they come with?! Having just moved house and realising how big my collection has become over recent years I'm rather looking forward to everything being available via download.
  14. Will

    PSP Go

    SEGA, don't tend to post too much about it but don't keep it a secret either.
  15. Will

    PSP Go

    I should really have known that one!! I'll have to see if I can get a code for it via work somehow
  16. Will

    PSP Go

    Having been using mine for much of the weekend I'm very impressed with it. Really good quality machine, a pleasure to use for extended periods of time or short bursts. I can see myself buying a fair few games for it over the coming months, all in all it's pretty much exactly what I want from a handheld console. The minis version of Tetris is great, I'd recommend it to anyone. That and GT are working out very well for me. Having not had a PSP for a good few years I'm a bit behind on the best games for it, are there any decent 2D platformers I can get on it?
  17. Ikea stuff! How could I forget the place that has made my money situation so bad! This week I have bought: 2 Bookshelves: Coffee Table: 2 Door version of this wardrobe: Bedside Table: Storage Chest: Along with a load of living room cusions, new bedding, bed covers, towels, bathroom storage shelves etc.... Moving house is far too expensive Ikea stuff! How could I forget the place that has made my money situation so bad! This week I have bought: 2 Bookshelves: Coffee Table: 2 Door version of this wardrobe: Bedside Table: Storage Chest: Along with a load of living room cusions, new bedding, bed covers, towels, bathroom storage shelves etc.... Moving house is far too expensive
  18. Most of the ones around me are £70 odd, godamn London/Virgin Active. My PSP Go came today, I like it a lot.
  19. Will

    PSP Go

    For me it's no discs, and the fact I can actually carry it around with me. It's arrived now and it's very nice indeed, much better than my previous PSP and the bosses lite. Just got to charge/update and then actually download something for it to give it a proper try. Pleased with it so far though.
  20. I have to say I think this recent series is the worst stuff he's ever done. In the past it's all been very cleverly put together and actually provoked some thought as to how he's done it. These recent shows are just far to trick-like and obvious set-ups. I'll be watching the rest (not sure how many are still to go) but I'm really not as taken with them as in the past.
  21. I'm very happy about the Alonso-Ferrari deal, now I just hope Lotus hire someone good and I'm all set for next year.
  22. Just watched this and thought it was great, definitely the kind of games show I could watch more often. Someone really should commission a full series of something similar.
  23. Will

    PSP Go

    Mine is out for delivery so hopefully it will come fairly soonish. Having just moved boxes and boxes of games while moving house I'm most definitely looking forward to all consoles having everything available to download like this.
  24. This is amazing, I'll be keeping that one for future use. It's entirely reasonable to not buy things you can't afford, absolutely no justification for stealing music at all. I really hate this sense of entitlement people seem to have nowadays, if you're so poor you can't afford a few songs then how on earth do you afford all of these gigs, t-shirts, posters etc? You can't pick and choose what you pay for in life.
  25. Will

    PSP Go

    I actually think this is a fairly decent offering from Sony. It would have been a nightmare trying to allow people to get every game they own onto the PSP Go.
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