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Everything posted by Will

  1. It would just be updated software that worked out what the controllers are, the hardware has very little to do with it. In theory any camera that had a high enough resolution could be used in it's place.
  2. I think that page is actually a lot better at explaining it that the super text link before. I actually think it's a very good idea. As part of a wider simplification of the tax system I think it has a lot of merit.
  3. Thats top of the exclusions list. Sorry.
  4. Like a spanner I'd read one of the rival ideas more than what they support - far too much text for my brains liking. Is there a link to a condensed version of their views on it? There's no way I can read all that stuff. In theory - sounds like it could be a good idea, maybe.
  5. Granted I only skim read through a few paragraphs of that but my God it sounds ridiculous.
  6. How do you mean? I was under the impression it was just the standard PS Eye available at the moment. I don't see any reason why they would need a new one.
  7. Oh crap my postal vote is still in my bag. All ready to be sent as well. My cross was in the conservative box. Damnit.
  8. Yes absolutely. Where there is money to be made the 3rd parties will be there.
  9. I actually think that they would have an incredibly hard time putting together their own championship. As far as I'm aware they wouldn't be able to race at any track that has an FIA sanctioned race on it, they need to sort out TV coverage and a whole host of other things. I really think that they need F1 more than it needs them. I'll certainly be watching no matter what. It will be absolutely hilarious if they publish the teams list for next year and it's full of names noone has ever heard of.
  10. Will

    PSP Go

    With what? It certainly is, seems to have been picking up nicely recently. Obviously it depends which direction is beneficial to you...
  11. Your trip sounds ace, goaferboy. What car did you do the trip in? It's something I'm hoping to do either this summer or next in the Lotus, something I've always always wanted to do but never had a car worth doing it in until now. I'm not sure what I would say is the best thing I've ever done, I'll have to have a good think about that one.
  12. I actually think it looks better than the current models, and I had planned to have it folded up when carrying it around. Slim and Lite might not be too heavy but its still too big to carry around in a pocket, much like the DS. Obviously there are advantages to both models, for me the PSP Go has more of what I want so that's what I'm getting. Sony themselves have said both will be supported so I really don't see what the issue is at all. If it doesn't do it for you stick with the old one.
  13. I think this is one of the problems many people will face, and not just with London. Anyone looking for jobs straight out of Uni, or indeed in your position, needs to be as flexible as possible and be willing to go where the work is. I ended up moving to London within a few months of leaving uni and have to say it was probably the best decision I ever made. Much more happening here and I'm doing a job that simply wouldn't exist in most other places.
  14. I think the key thing in a lot of these situations is to work out where you want to be in 5 years time (easier said than done) and work back from there to get a rough idea of what you need to be doing now. My gf is just finishing uni and it really does seem to be a terrible time to not have something set out for you. When I was finishing I was one of the only people not to have a job lined up, with her friends most of them seem to be in the position I was. More than ever you need to have some sort of action plan and work very hard to make it happen.
  15. I'd do the college course and try to pick up as many unpaid (or paid if you get lucky) work experience positions as possible while you're doing it. This way you finish college with both the qualification and the experience to get into a half decent job when you finish. The qualification will open a lot of doors for you, the experience will put you top of the shortlist compared to others who have simply gained the qualification while not doing much else.
  16. Even without carrying around a load of UMD's you've still got to carry around a huge PSP. Now that it's only a little larger than an iPhone and I'll be able to fit one in my pocket its become a much more attractive option. Along with some fantastic games coming out at the same time or just a few months after it makes far more sense (for me) to go for the Go rather than a regular PSP.
  17. Will

    PSP Go

    Thanks for that, ordered just in case the price does end up being higher. Cheaper than I'd budgeted for so now I can add another game in somewhere. Edit: Game have now put it up to £230.
  18. I'm going to be on holiday when this happens now Next time I'll be there!
  19. Sold my PSP a few years ago and I've been waiting for the download only one for ages. I'll definitely be picking up a PSP Go at launch with a few of the big games. I think it's going to be a great relaunch for the system. Everything else I already have, so won't be buying other hardware - a lot of games on my to buy list mind.
  20. To be fair this is by far the best of the three motion controllers. Taking the key bits of the other two and using them for (actually working) prototype games. Looking at the demo's they were showing I don't think they actually intended to show it off at E3, but after seeing Natal thought they may as well as it blows it away in terms of right nowavailable applications. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this has already been shown to 3rd parties and there will be a few games available from both Sony and others next year when it launches.
  21. Will

    PSP Go

    But then if you already have a PSP there is absolutely no need to. The good thing about this is if you want a download only slightly more portable machine then you can buy one, but existing owners don't miss out in the slightest. Good range of games coming out alongside this. Machine and a few games budgeted for for me.
  22. Quite like the look of this, Wii Fit was actually quite a good way to keep in semi-decent shape and this seems to build on it well. I'll probably pick up a copy.
  23. Can't wait for this, I'd go as far to as to say the first is my all time favourite game, so I am very very excited.
  24. Sounds like you'll have a fantastic time, hope it all goes well!
  25. I'm feeling pretty good at the moment, after an incredibly busy time the last couple of weeks things are calming down and I'm watching lots of E3 stuff in-between little bits of work. Hopefully it will be calm today and I can decide whether to watch the conferences at work or at home. Could be a very late one if I stay here so I'll try and head off early. My car looks like its grown a beard with all the flies that have been around. A good cleaning session must be had later in the week which I (sadly) always quite enjoy.
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