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Everything posted by Will

  1. That is very very cool, Rummy. Is it all now in working order or does your brother still have work to do?
  2. Some really interesting cars there, goaferboy. My history is nowhere near as varied. First I had a box shaped Micra: Pic isn't actually my one. My Nan bought it for me and my sister to share when a Great Aunt was too old to drive anymore. Came to us in almost as new condition and we ran it into the ground pretty much (heavy footed sister). Great fun really as it was my first freedom, felt like it would fall apart between 60 and 80 but quite happy above or below. Next up a Peugeot 206 1.4l and was a big difference to the Micra. Had it from new on my 21st birthday, Dad paid half as a present and I paid half. Ended up working in Northampton but living in Birmingham so it did a hell of a lot of motorway miles. Great car and my first proper own car. Sold it a few weeks ago to a guy in the office. Currently Driving a Lotus Elise Only had it two weeks and already I'm in love. The drive is like nothing else and I'm only running it in at the moment. Acceleration is awesome and then you go round a corner and realise the acceleration was nothing. Totally and utterly amazing car. It's in for it's 1,000 mile service right now so I'll be able to really open it up tonight on my drive to Bournemouth. Very excited.
  3. Well obviously we can't make a true judgement until qualifying but it really seems the new rules have thrown the form book out of the window. Would love to see Rosberg keep up the pace and get a win for Williams. So excited for the start of competition, great racing ahead I feel.
  4. Good to see them getting some backing, the Virgin deal seems to be as main, though not title, sponsor. Not that is matters much. I'm getting very excited, can't wait for the action to start.
  5. Using the same categories as you: WDC: Fernando Alonso WCC: Ferrari Number of Points Force India Score: 12 Good Year For: Barrichello (and his final) Bad Year For: McLaren Mclaren's Year: Bad, midfield most of the season. Maybe a lucky win. This Years Controversy: Diffusers, Medals System, Big KERS accident. Hamilton Penalised For: Being a cock. (I doubt he'll be in a position for anyone to care about penalising him this year)
  6. I think if they can get well managed budget caps in place then there will be a big interest in startup teams. As you say, probably not going to be next season, but in 2011 I can see a good few people trying to get on the grid. Chatting in the pub the other night I think I must be the only person to support the race wins system, I really think it would be better for the sport. The other system we came up with was 1 point for last going up a point for each position and then 100 for the win. Gives each driver a reason to overtake with a big bonus for getting the win. Something definitely needs to change in some way though.
  7. Bought a few more shares today after selling a load last week. Not too exciting but they seem to be doing well so far.
  8. God they all seem terrible this year. The asian guy seemed to crack a few wife/female jokes and could be quite funny I reckon, apart from that I think, as D_prOdigy said, no real stand out characters. Did they select the women based on how ugly they were? Apart from the one relatively normal looking blonde I've never seen such a bunch of mingers in one place.
  9. Thank God this year it's a more sensible 6am. I might even manage to stay awake for the whole race for once.
  10. I'll be up early watching it too. I think we're in for one hell of an exciting first race.
  11. Personally I wouldn't have one and I doubt many people here will want one either. I can see why it would work somewhere like India but I don't think there will be much of a market for it here. I think the Euro price is more like £4,000 and for that much it's not much of a stretch to a small pug or Citroen. Great idea mind, I think they'll make a lot of money from it.
  12. Oh I agree and I don't pretend to know more than anyone who's actually involved. It's just so hard to know whether the pace is real and actually a true indication of likely race performance. I've never rated Button (as my few posts here will show) but I would love it if someone like Brawn can make a team like that go places. Best news so far this season, for me, is the lack of McLaren pace. I really find that team displeasing to the very highest level. Far far too corporate/German* for my liking. I really think this is shaping up to be one of the best seasons in a long while. The new rules/lack of any great testing could make it fantastic from start to finish. I'm sure a few people have said they plan to attend certain races, might well be able to sort some mini-meets at some venues. *The German bit is a OTT joke - nothing against Germans at all here.
  13. The thing is who honestly believes he's that likely to win it now? Pre-season testing doesn't mean too much, especially in a season like this with massive rule changes. If the Brawn cars really are that good in a real race situation then I'd much rather have my money on Barichello.
  14. There's still going to be points - it's only the championship winner that's decided on wins. Great thing imo.
  15. The colour certainly divides people, I absolutely love the white, especially with the black detail. It needs a good washing already - please don't steal it! Yep thats me, however did you find it out? :wink:
  16. Picked my car up on Saturday, been very busy driving around since then. A few pics:
  17. Oh really? I must be confused with where on earth he actually works then. I assumed he would be in todays. Either way, he'll have had one hell of a good time in it. My day: Still pretty good, slightly tipsy now but not long until hometime and one week off work - woohoo!
  18. He's (I assume) at a company update presentation this afternoon. The first half of which is very boring and I am partly responsible for it.
  19. Just saw a massive one coming back into the office! Bluey, send Jamba my apologies for the bore fest he's been sitting through this afternoon.
  20. So far my day is going very well. Seem to be on top of work before a week off and pub lunch time in 15 mins. Pick up my new car tomorrow which I am very excited about as well. Not sure my day could get much better in fact!
  21. Just bought 4,500 shares in Lloyds, hopefully over the next couple of years they will return well for me.
  22. I'm originally from Birmingham but did 4 years at Uni in Bournemouth. My old 4th year flat was about 2 mins down the road from Travelodge - Hamble Court if you know it? Moved to London about 18 months ago when I finished for work. I'm down on the Friday 3rd April and staying until the Sunday. If you guys arrange anything around then I'll certainly try to come along.
  23. I got the little figure too - actually surprisingly good. A two night stay in the Bournemouth travelodge. Small uni reunion and the cost was very low. Should be excellent fun.
  24. Well I've had an incredibly busy yet awesome fun weekend. Drove up to my parents place on Friday night as Saturday me and my Dad had a Lotus factory tour/driving experience. Had to leave the house at 5am ready for 8am tour start - turned out to be well worth it. Started off with a little briefing in their sport area, nothing too exciting compared with the rest of the day. Then off for a factory tour, quite amazing how they hand build all their cars. The place looks like the super clean F1 factories you see, everything being done with massive precision etc. The factory itself looks like it's not much more than a garden shed, very lean production, hopefully they won't be affected by current financial issues. It would be a real shame to see someone like this go under. Then it was onto the real reason for the day, the driving experience. Had 20 minutes round their test track in an Elise with an instructor giving you some coaching. Started out quite slow but by the end your heading into a corner at 100mph with the instructor shouting "break, 3rd, POWER!" Unbelievably well handling car when driven in anger, some of the speeds round corners are mind blowing. Managed to keep out of trouble apart from one hairy sideways moment, bit of opposite lock and it was all good. Final part of the day saw the instructors take us out for a few laps to show us what the car can really do. It's then you realise you hadn't even come close to the full capabilities of the car. Very fun and very hard to hold your neck up straight. They only do two laps with you as most people cant cope with any more. All in all a bloody good time, going to need this week at work to recover I think.
  25. This is shaping up quite nicely, so long as nothing comes up I'll almost certainly be attending. Hyde Park is an easy drive with good parking so I may just drive in for a few hours on the Saturday. I assume some of you guys staying centrally will be going out for a few beers on the Friday/Saturday evening? That's a bit more my thing so if something is going to be happening I'll certainly pop out for that one!
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