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Everything posted by Will

  1. Not sure if this has been posted before but here is a little game I've been playing for a few weeks: New Star GP It's an old school top down style Grand Prix game based on the 2009 season. Names have been changed but you can edit them back to the correct ones. Might be of interest to a few of you.
  2. Nothing against Immigrants at all, the systems that deal with them are the problem. Our Immigration and Benefits policies need a massive overhaul in my opinion. If we addressed the core issues properly there wouldn't be any reason to be against it.
  3. Isn't it their Pull-Rod suspension that causes the problem? They seemed to be saying they were well on the way with a new diffuser when questioned in Bahrain so I'm not sure how much of a problem it is. The key thing is that with being one of the best cars anyway they only need slight improvements rather than the huge ones needed by the liked of Ferrari.
  4. At least there's some sort of reason then! Seems like a simple admin error that should be pretty easy to sort out. Has anyone else had the same thing happen? As long as it's just you everything should be ok... Hopefully!
  5. Everywhere seems to have weird pay around this time. At our place our bonuses and pay rises are decided in April but we're paid very strangely: April: Old Salary + Half Bonus May: Old Salary + Half Bonus June: New salary backdated Means we end up with no idea as to how much we should really have until July, cant complain as long as it comes in though! Had a great weekend, wondered about in central London on Saturday then a few drinks in the evening. Sunday watched the GP and then took the roof off my car for a drive round watching the runners and generally enjoying the sights/sun. Today it's wet and I'm at work, not too busy though so it's not all bad.
  6. Start of the race was fantastic, 3 wide racing into corners is exactly what F1 needs. Shame it became a bit of a procession after 10 laps or so, overtaking still isn't quite there yet, definitely an improvement on recent years though. Was a shame Vettel couldn't get past Hamilton or Trulli, I think he was on for the win had he managed it. Toyota strategy really let them down and Button just picked up the pieces and a well deserved win. I think the Red Bull could well be the one to take the fight to Brawn, they're fast even before getting a new diffuser, when they do I think Vettel has to be a favourite for the title. Still loving this season, best in years imo.
  7. Here's me on a Tree Top trail browsing Shy Creatures: Than I decided to attack my girlfriend: Then we were friends again, though she still looks a little suspicious:
  8. That's what I meant Used to have a pug 206 so I quite like them, very nice fronts I always think... Is that the one they've been advertising on TV recently? Looks good whichever it is!
  9. Looking quite good so far, I think both 2009 and 2010 games will be day one purchases for me. Reading through the article it looks like both could be fantastic games.
  10. My reading of it I think the HD version will be a 2010 season. Really stupid idea not to get an HD 2009 version while the season is still running though. I would have though it will be a new game every year rather than D/L content, depends on sales/game structure but I'd have thought they will go for full games to maximise profits - they'll need a lot to pay for the license.
  11. I think that format strategy may be the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.
  12. Yeah there's definitely a good few talented drivers sitting doing nothing at the moment. If they can get competitive drives then that would be great. Here's hoping they get it right.
  13. I don't think student overdrafts are too bad, even if you're fully into them they're not massive once you start working. I think my total available overdrafts are about £3,000 currently. Don't use any of it but it's nice to have a buffer in case things need to be paid unexpectedly. Like anything debt related, as long as you use them correctly/sensibly they're no bad thing.
  14. All these new teams is obviously a good thing but I do worry that we'll end up with some utter shit in there making it a mess for everyone else. Lola, despite all of their success in other series have been utter shit whenever involved in F1. Hopefully they can get a decent mix of new teams while maintaining some level of quality.
  15. The trouble is not all ATM's/Shops etc. marry up in real time and so can allow things like this to happen. It's a real pain and they're cocks for charging like this but there is a reason for unauthorised overdrafts to occur. Obviously this is a bit harder for you being the other side of the world but every time I've had this happen I've phoned them up told them I don't want to pay it and I'm very disappointed with them and they're removed the charges, may depend on how much they value you as a customer of course. A real pain in the arse when things like this happen.
  16. I'm now also pretty much definite for this, still need to 100% confirm but all should be good. Anyone planning on doing anything in particular in the evening?
  17. Today I have purchased: 3,332 shares in RBS and a Buffalo LS-CH1.0TL LinkStation Live
  18. Just wondering if anyone had any experience with these things? I've been looking at the following : WD MyBook but I'm not really 100% sure if it meets my needs or there is better out there. Basically what I want it to do is: Store all my music and video files. Allow me to access video/music from my PS3/360/Mac/PC. Backup my macs using time machine. Allow me to access the files held on it remotely. I think that one will do most of those but are there better options out there?
  19. Just received my MacBook Air. Not had much of a play but seems very nice indeed.
  20. It's all down to the user base of the machines, PS3/360 lean far more towards the hardcore gamer who see gaming as a main hobby. While the Wii is far more casual/older/family user who see it as a little extra fun as and when it takes their fancy. Where stats like this have an effect is that publishers tailor games to the main audience of a console, and it's exactly why you see so many mini/party games on the Wii - it's what the vast majority of Wii owners want.
  21. I also grew up near Birmingham, Stourbridge to be exact. Went to school locally and had evening/weekend job in Electronics Boutique. One of my best mates worked there too but we had to leave for posting messages on a forum about how crap our manager was. Shame really as it was good fun, I often think I'd quite like to go back there. Next I moved down to Bournemouth for uni where I studied Business Studies. Really great fun being there for uni, beaches in the summer, lots of bars nice girls etc. Course was a bit of a piss take but you can't have it all. Mid way through I went home for a year to work as an Analyst at Panasonic, great job that no doubt set me up for what I'm doing now. Back to uni and I set up http://www.theigdb.com, which went very well. Only just missed out on a venture capital investment which was a shame. Good fun trying to get it though, lots of Dragons Den style presentations and meetings with some very rich people. Still work on it a little when I get the chance. Missing out on that meant it was time to get a real job which is when I moved down to London to be an Analyst at SEGA. Been here 1 and a half years now and loving every second of it, great company and a great job. Most recent goal was to buy a new car which I've managed, I'm currently playing the stock market with a bit of spare cash and doing quite well. If I can keep going at the rate I have been I should have a decent amount of cash soon.
  22. I was very lucky that I got a great placement year mid-way through my uni course as a Business Analyst something it turned out I was very good at. Before then I wouldn't even have known such a job existed. I was then even luckier that I landed a job at a great company in the right industry a few months after I left uni. Now I do something I'm good at for something I care about it makes other things fall into place quite nicely and it almost doesn't feel like work. I think the best advice is to send out a few speculative applications to companies who do things you would care about doing, then work out what position you really want later on. There's nothing wrong with job hopping for a few years to get a good idea of where you want to be.
  23. It doesn't really work like that, it's not as simple as publishers sell to retail who sell to consumers. There's lots of deals in place that complicate matters. I'm sure I could write pages and pages on this issue but I'll simplify matters. If you're buying new titles then regardless of price your supporting everyone involved in bringing that game to market. So long as you continue to do so there's every chance that those you're supporting will continue to operate.
  24. Really stupid of them, I don't know why you would even bother when there is going to be so much evidence as to what actually happened. The guy at Toyota didn't shed any extra light on the situation to my friend but obviously was very happy as they now have 3rd and 4th positions for the race.
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