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Everything posted by Will

  1. To be fair this is by far the best of the three motion controllers. Taking the key bits of the other two and using them for (actually working) prototype games. Looking at the demo's they were showing I don't think they actually intended to show it off at E3, but after seeing Natal thought they may as well as it blows it away in terms of right nowavailable applications. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this has already been shown to 3rd parties and there will be a few games available from both Sony and others next year when it launches.
  2. Will

    PSP Go

    But then if you already have a PSP there is absolutely no need to. The good thing about this is if you want a download only slightly more portable machine then you can buy one, but existing owners don't miss out in the slightest. Good range of games coming out alongside this. Machine and a few games budgeted for for me.
  3. Quite like the look of this, Wii Fit was actually quite a good way to keep in semi-decent shape and this seems to build on it well. I'll probably pick up a copy.
  4. Can't wait for this, I'd go as far to as to say the first is my all time favourite game, so I am very very excited.
  5. Sounds like you'll have a fantastic time, hope it all goes well!
  6. I'm feeling pretty good at the moment, after an incredibly busy time the last couple of weeks things are calming down and I'm watching lots of E3 stuff in-between little bits of work. Hopefully it will be calm today and I can decide whether to watch the conferences at work or at home. Could be a very late one if I stay here so I'll try and head off early. My car looks like its grown a beard with all the flies that have been around. A good cleaning session must be had later in the week which I (sadly) always quite enjoy.
  7. Will

    PSP Go

    I'd almost be surprised if they didn't add trophies to PSP games. People love all this stuff and if there's another way to get them people are going to be even more pushed back towards PSP gaming. A very smart move if they are implementing them.
  8. I think it was a combination of the two to be honest. You basically need a combination of the making it easier to follow the car in front and different cars faster at different stages of the race. The rules this year were designed to improve the 1st part of that with next years building on that and addressing the 2nd part. I think this year has improved the situation but not by enough. They need to carry on tweaking the rules in this direction to get the cars close enough. Even now cars are 5/6 car lengths behind due to dirty air. Ideally once your within this distance slipstream should allow you to simply drift right up to the back of the car in front. Hopefully they will continue to work on this and make it even easier over the coming seasons. KERS is definitely helping in shaking up the order a bit, I think the rules over that need to be tweaked a little to really help the racing.
  9. Will

    WWDC 2009

    I'll be happy with anything right now, my iPhone 3G is falling to bits, need something to replace it asap.
  10. I agree with Nicktendo on this, I am fully confident it will lead to a good thing for races. I doubt very much they will stick to the current qualifying format of using race fuel. It will be more like Q1 & Q2 where they do as fast a lap as possible on vapours then fill up for the race. Should ensure that the grid is mixed up a bit. Some people will go for 0 stops and very smooth conservative driving (Button types) and others will end up doing 3/4 stops and driving on the ragged edge the whole time. I think tactically it will be far more interesting that the current, incredibly predictable, sprints between the optimal amount of pit stops.
  11. Will

    PSP Go

    Been waiting for this for a while and I have to say I'm quite excited by the PSP for the rest of the year. Some great games coming, and with this redesign alongside it could really give the machine a new lease of life. Got rid of my original PSP a few years ago now and I've been waiting to buy a new one for a good while now. I'll definitely be getting one at launch.
  12. Seems to me like you're not completely happy in your current job and this new one is tempting you even though it's not quite what you want/need. Personally I think it would be a mistake to take the step down for more money, you have great experience from your current post so why not apply for other positions that can give you the new environment/extra salary but also keeping you moving up the ladder?
  13. From twitter hence the link, me looking sad after locking myself out of the flat.
  14. Well worth it though, and the delight that is Lord Sandwich next door. I miss living there sometimes.
  15. Shakeaway is great, always go to the one in Bournemouth. Had a fairly decent day but took the wrong keys to work so had to arse around waiting for my flatmate to come home. Pretty annoying as I wanted to wash my car ready for the weekend and now it will have to wait until next week sometime. Went to Westfield while I waited and was going to buy the GF some earrings but the only ones they don't have are the ones she wants. Pretty good fail all round for me then.
  16. Do you really need it? Laptops and the like are usually covered under contents insurance anyway.
  17. There's people outside Westminster 100% of the time in my experience, they should get a job if you ask me. I've just signed up to Twitter (behind the times I know) bit boring as I don't have many people on it yet. SegaWill is my username if anyone wants to add me and make it a little more interesting.
  18. Love your London pics, Retro. Makes me think I should get myself a decent camera. Next time I'm home I'm going to try and borrow my Dad's HD camcorder for when I go out driving round there. I have a half day tomorrow and Monday off so trying to get all my work out of the way today. Looking forward to it very much but I hope the weather is nice as I'm driving to Exeter tomorrow. Looks a bit grey at the moment and was hoping to clean the car tonight
  19. It's a real shame that Ferrari opening wasn't so good, you're London pics in the other thread look good though! Did you manage to get in the store at all later on? Probably fair enough letting VIP's in over other fans, someone who might buy a few cars off them a year is far more important to them than a few hundred people who might buy a mug. As for Super Aguri it would be good to see them back in - it will be good to see anyone coming in if it gets the sport back up to a full grid.
  20. Did you miss EA's financial results this week?
  21. Have to agree with Gizmo on this one, the sport is much bigger than Ferrari. I really don't think they would leave anyway, without F1 Ferrari lose a hell of a following. I still hope the wins for the championship comes in in some form, I actually think it would be good.
  22. So what's the rule here? Any company that has never had an interest in games may at some point in the future release a games console? You can't use a minority of examples as reason for someone else to act on something. Both Sony and Microsoft had been heavily involved in games/consoles before launching their own efforts. As far as I can tell (happy to be proved wrong on this it would be quite interesting) Apple don't really have any useful history in this area.
  23. I'd be amazed if Apple come out with a console, games have never been at the forefront of their strategy and I really don't see that changing anytime soon. I don't think it's something Apple have the ability to do successfully. Second point I agree on, though if you're making a crap (cheap) game then you don't need to sell much to turn a profit. There IS a market for games on iPhone and there's a lot of money changing hands over it.
  24. Sounds very very dodgy to me, if it's not you're fault then I really don't think they can reasonably expect you to reimburse company losses. I'd definitely be kicking up a massive fuss if it does happen - I'd also be looking for another place to work as if they have shit policies like that it can't be the best place in the world.
  25. Where did anyone mention this? IF Apple did buy them there's no way they would be stopping their cross-platform development. What makes you think this? There is a LOT of money to be made from iPhone games.
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