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Everything posted by Will

  1. This is amazing, I'll be keeping that one for future use. It's entirely reasonable to not buy things you can't afford, absolutely no justification for stealing music at all. I really hate this sense of entitlement people seem to have nowadays, if you're so poor you can't afford a few songs then how on earth do you afford all of these gigs, t-shirts, posters etc? You can't pick and choose what you pay for in life.
  2. Will

    PSP Go

    I actually think this is a fairly decent offering from Sony. It would have been a nightmare trying to allow people to get every game they own onto the PSP Go.
  3. I think this thing looks great, if it ever actually comes out I'd definitely want one for work. If Apple do something similar I'll be very happy indeed.
  4. Even though I'm biased, I genuinely think this looks fantastic. I'm really looking forward to getting my copy.
  5. The problem for music is that there's really no incentive to pay for downloads over doing it illegally. The received product is exactly the same whether I pay or not. Perhaps that new LP thing via iTunes will give some incentive, it's things like that, giving the people who pay something better that will go some way to sorting this out. Even if they could immediately stop piracy it wouldn't give them quite the boost they think anyway. Most downloads are of things people would have no desire to purchase in the first place.
  6. I like this a lot. You can definitely tell the difference between cheap and expensive clothes, some things are worth paying more for some aren't. It's all about mixing and matching!
  7. Not sure if I read the article you linked to correctly but I'm pretty sure it said he was cleared of any involvement?
  8. That looks great, when a regular white PS3 Slim is available I think I might just be tempted to upgrade.
  9. I like it! Definitely liking the look of this game more and more, hoping I can find it for a good price sooner rather than later.
  10. Will


    I barely drink at all nowadays. When I do I'm fairly drunk off just 4 pints, it's like being 17 again and makes nights out rather cheaper than they used to be. Good times all round I think.
  11. Will

    PSP Go

    I rather like the white, even though my order is for black one.
  12. They're very nice indeed, worth the extra money to other diaries/notebooks imo. Where did you get it from for such a good price?
  13. Will

    PSP Go

    As far as I'm aware you should be able to do both. You can put in your credit card details to the PSP and just download whatever takes your fancy whenever you want or go into a store and buy a top up card much as you do with xbox live. I think you may be able to buy tokens for specific games in store but I'm not 100% sure anymore as it doesn't seem to have been mentioned in a while.
  14. I rather liked Flav, imo the sport needs over the top characters like that as part of the show. It often seems in danger of becoming rather emotionless. I wonder if we'll see him and Symonds show up at one of the new teams?
  15. Oooh I'll watch the GameTrailers review now, just noticed it's only been allocated £25 in my budget so it may have to wait a little while anyway.
  16. I've had a very good day, had my (rental) offer on a new flat accepted and it's a fantastic place. Can move in from next Saturday which is earlier than we wanted but by no means a bad thing. Can't wait to get in the place.
  17. It's on my budgeted list but I'm not 100% sure yet. Looks fantastic but I think I'll wait for a demo before parting with my money.
  18. Will

    PSP Go

    I would imagine there will be a limit on the amount you can transfer and some sort of system to stop people getting a digital copy more than once. Now we get GT for free it makes the price I'm paying a pretty good deal (Got it ordered when Game had it up at £180), I'm rather looking forward to it.
  19. A new iPod Nano for my girlfriend, a sort of joint good luck/well done on getting a job gift. Still waiting on the second part though. And also the deposit on a new flat, although it's a rental rather than a buy. Much nicer than the current place and cheaper too! Great times.
  20. Lotus confirmed as the 13th team with BMW given a preliminary 14th place now. Quite interesting news and I'm very happy to see the Lotus name back in the sport. Hopefully they get some good drivers in and manage to get some half decent results next year.
  21. Where exactly are these cinemas in London? I've been to a fair few and never ever to one that was low quality and blurry. You should try some others as the ones you are going to must be crap. Or maybe you just have a much better TV setup than most? I'm looking at getting a new one soon so would love to know what you have.
  22. Decent enough start for the slim I think. I hope it can keep this up for the whole of the Christmas period. It should make a good dent in 360's lead over the next few months.
  23. With the amount of confusing terms associated with TV's anyway I'm surprised this is causing any extra problems. Still, these do seem like damn good sets, the first Samsungs I've ever been impressed by actually. I'm very very tempted to pick one of the big ones up myself.
  24. Having lived in London for a few years now and coming down straight after uni I have some experience of what you're going through. Not too much to add as you seem to have already made up your mind, if you do want to ask anything though feel free. Firstly that amount of money would be more than enough to live on down here. To be completely honest it's not that much more expensive down here than other places. Also bear in mind your career progression is likely to be much faster, more money and better jobs come up a lot faster for the people I know in London than friends who stayed at home or my uni town. Personally if you're likely to end up doing the same thing living at home I'd say it's worth making the move to London. On the rejection front just say you've had a better offer, might make them up theirs and you end up with a whole different picture to consider.
  25. Will

    Oh Hai

    I really hate the accent, unfortunately it's the one I speak with myself. Thankfully it's started to fade now I've been away from the place for the past 6 years though. Anyway, welcome to the forum.
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