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Everything posted by Will

  1. And unfortunately it means absolutely nothing at all when it comes to business. You can be the cleverest most hardworking person in the world, if you don't have the right way of using it you're not going anywhere. Anyway that's a different conversation. I'm not saying Kate was bad, just don't see much in her to win this process. The right person won.
  2. I really don't think first class honours degrees mean very much at all, its an entirely different thing to actually working. Again Graduate Schemes don't exactly mean much, they're generally just a way of getting in a lot of decent graduates with a view to finding the couple of decent workers, going through the process doesn't qualify you for much. It's not really the same thing, this is a £100k job, not a low level management role a few years out of uni. You have to have a decent amount of experience to succeed. Building your own business up it probably about as good a thing to have going for you as anything.
  3. Lotus Lanyard: Lotus Business Card Case £20 all in so I thought why not, hopefully they will be fairly decent quality.
  4. I think completely the right decision to hire Yasmina, Kate really didn't seem to have too much you'd hire her on. Really bad series of candidates this year I thought, more and more they seem to be picking people for reasons other than business sense. Always enjoyable though, I'm very tempted to apply to be on it, if it wasn't televised I think it would be a lot of fun.
  5. Had a few drinks out with my mate last night, only 4 pints but feels like a lot more nowadays. Good (bad) times. Had a weird drunken dream, a mix between 12 Monkeys, Lost and Command and Conquer. I'm sure I could write it into a book and become a rich man. Today should involve F1, a little drive and some tasty food so going to be all good I think.
  6. Just reading how Team Lotus have entered a team for next year with a rather strong looking lineup, Mike Gascoyne, Johnny Herbert as well as a few of the guys involved with the team last time it was operational. With the FIA looking like they are not that willing to negotiate with the current teams demands is anyone else beginning to think that when the team list for next year is announced Williams are going to be the only team that still has a space? I'm very excited to see how this all pans out.
  7. If it's taken them this long to get 1gb of content I'd rather them just get it out rather than taking longer to create almost the same amount of content again. Monaco vid looks great, looking forward to this one a lot.
  8. Went Karting last night with a couple of guys at work, first time I've been in probably 2 years since leaving uni. Took a few laps to learn the track but ended up with the 3rd fastest lap time and best average of the group of 20 or so people. A lot of fun and I think we will be putting together a work team which could be a good laugh. Nice and cheap too which was pretty surprising. Godamn rain got my car filthy having only just washed it the night before - utter pain. Seeing a uni mate this afternoon/tonight which should be good. Wii and Beer always goes down well
  9. Drivers: Button, Vettel, Massa, Alonso, Barichello, Webber, Raikkonen, Rosberg Top 3: Barichello, Vettel, Raikkonen Charge: 17 Times
  10. The main problem with this proposed UBI is surely it's assuming as soon as you are born your parents die? If a kid has rich parents he will still live a rich lifestyle, a poor kid will have to live a poor lifestyle. I don't see how it actually helps anything?
  11. My 8 drivers: Button, Vettel, Massa, Alonso, Barichello, Webber, Raikkonen, Rosberg Top 3: Barichello, Vettel, Raikkonen
  12. Will

    PSP Go

    Looks very echochrome-ish. Very nice, definitely on my to buy list.
  13. Which place was this? Definitely going to be where I go for my next trim.
  14. All this talk is really making me want to go back to Galaxy, got to finish it with Luigi before number 2 is out. Such a beautiful game, if only more could be like this.
  15. The glow-batons are basically WM+ Wiimotes, with the camera used for extra positioning. Its effectively allowing both glow-batons to use the wiimote pointer functionality without having to do any pointing.
  16. You woudn't be taxed at 100% though. It's basically saying everyone gets, say, £5,000 a year regardless of what they do. You can then just live off the £5,000 or get a job and have your £5,000 as well as whatever you earn.
  17. I think I hate this program. They already ruined my favourite
  18. Haha yeah maybe it wouldn't be all bad... I would worry about the quality of track they'd be racing on though. Its going to be a very interesting couple of weeks.
  19. My main problem with Natal is it's just a very very sophisticated Eye-Toy, and that didn't get boring because it was rubbish, it got boring because it just doesn't fit that well with regular games. I really think MS have gone completely the wrong route with this where Sony have taken what Nintendo did and improved upon it.
  20. How much do you reckon it cost you for the whole thing? Not sure I'd be able to camp (no way I'd get a tent + stuff in my car) but sounds like even with a hotel stay it wouldn't be too bad. Realistically it's going to be next year before I'll have time to do it but an early spring trip could be very enjoyable. Having a think the best thing I ever did was start a website and go through a process of trying to get venture funding for it. Had a great business experience that I'll never forget. Didn't get any money in the end but it was a hell of a lot of fun while we did it. It also ended up in me getting my current job which has worked out better than I ever could have imagined.
  21. I'm watching it as I always tend to do with the first episode. Not many freaks at all this year which is good. I'd love it if they would go back to just having normal people like when it started. If Sophie didn't have the boobs she's be very nice but Noireen (sp?) is my favourite, she's lovely.
  22. It would just be updated software that worked out what the controllers are, the hardware has very little to do with it. In theory any camera that had a high enough resolution could be used in it's place.
  23. I think that page is actually a lot better at explaining it that the super text link before. I actually think it's a very good idea. As part of a wider simplification of the tax system I think it has a lot of merit.
  24. Thats top of the exclusions list. Sorry.
  25. Like a spanner I'd read one of the rival ideas more than what they support - far too much text for my brains liking. Is there a link to a condensed version of their views on it? There's no way I can read all that stuff. In theory - sounds like it could be a good idea, maybe.
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