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Everything posted by Will

  1. Yeah it's been open for a 2/3 weeks now, a friend told me as I'd given up checking it seemed to be under construction so long. Morning would make sense, bit more hassle but could be worth popping out for.
  2. I like that a lot, choice of No. 1 just brilliant!
  3. Yeah it could be worth it if you have something to potentially get signed, the last F1 thing I owned was a Damon Hill cap from '98. Still have it at my parents place actually, might get it at some point though I doubt I'd ever wear it. Now I think about it they had some really nice driving gloves downstairs in the Ferrari shop, which is one thing I really want at the moment. Not sure I'd pay the prices they're asking though. Do we know what times Kimi is there tomorrow? I may well pop down if nothing else comes up.
  4. My flatmate was telling me about that, to be honest I'm amazed Kimi can be arsed to do it. No doubt he'll leave as early as possible and head into soho for a few drinkies. Might be able to see him in his natural habitat Did have a little look round last weekend but it was pretty shit, and very expensive. Tempted to go to the opening just to see what Kimi gets up to.
  5. Depends how long you want to wait for one, I'd personally expect a drop around September time so if you want one soonish I wouldn't bother waiting. If you're not too fussed I'd hold out until then at least.
  6. I don't think it would be that awesome at all, why would it need to be there in the first place?
  7. It's an interesting subject, and something I probably only think about in the run up to a consoles launch. They always look so much better when you don't own them yet! Once I get them home I usually like to look at them a lot as they're nice and new, after a while though they're just under the TV in the lounge and I never much think about them after that. Of the current lot I think the Wii is my favourite due to it's sheer simplicity, with the 360 coming last (redesign soon please). Can't say I've ever really not liked one though, they all look good to me.
  8. Godamnit my little drive yesterday has resulted in sunburnt arms and face, really should remember to put some stuff on before going out in blazing sun for hours on end.
  9. I always think things like this are great but I've never ever seen one in the flesh. Would really like to be able to see it from all angles and how they put these things together. The sort of artistic talent that I will never have!
  10. Welcome! This is certainly one of the better forums available, you chose well!
  11. Had a very nice day today. Nice weather so polished my car this morning, also did the glass, wheels and bits of plastic so it's looking absolutely fantastic at the moment. Then me and my flat mate decided to do a bit of a Bridge run around the city, London Bridge and then round to Tower Bridge, very very nice to drive around. Also got in Piccadilly and Hyde Park, which are always good fun with all the tourists around. Had a MacDonalds once we got back to Ealing which was good, though I left my card in the machine and had to go back and get it later on which sucked. Now just chilling out with a bit of TV, can't be bothered to do much this evening so will prob waste it playing games and such.
  12. Not too bad then, still seems to be a way behind what you'd expect from other phones nowadays. That's the same as the phone I had a few years ago, it did take good pictures though. Are there any other rumoured features for the new handset?
  13. I'm assuming there will be a new iPhone alongside the upgraded OS? I just hope for a better camera, would be nice to be able to take really nice pictures with it.
  14. We've just had those Dyson Airblades put in at work, really really good. Bit noisy but well worth it for the drying goodness!
  15. At the moment I'm having Brie and Bacon sandwiches in the morning. Very very tasty and a good way to start the day. Tend to, like others, stick to one thing for a fair while and then go onto something else. Other things I like: Clusters Boiled Egg + Soldiers Scrambled Egg on Toast Sausage/Bacon and Egg sandwich I think thats probably about it, probably my favourite meal of the day!
  16. Given their track record it wouldn't surprise me at all if they do end up serving the ban, I'm actually quite surprised they weren't banned immediately.
  17. Where are you working now? It sounds goooood! My day has started fantastically well, the sun was shining so I could drive to work with the top off my car. Get in and I have an email confirming promotion + payrise!! Very happy!!
  18. Not sure if this has been posted before but here is a little game I've been playing for a few weeks: New Star GP It's an old school top down style Grand Prix game based on the 2009 season. Names have been changed but you can edit them back to the correct ones. Might be of interest to a few of you.
  19. Nothing against Immigrants at all, the systems that deal with them are the problem. Our Immigration and Benefits policies need a massive overhaul in my opinion. If we addressed the core issues properly there wouldn't be any reason to be against it.
  20. Isn't it their Pull-Rod suspension that causes the problem? They seemed to be saying they were well on the way with a new diffuser when questioned in Bahrain so I'm not sure how much of a problem it is. The key thing is that with being one of the best cars anyway they only need slight improvements rather than the huge ones needed by the liked of Ferrari.
  21. At least there's some sort of reason then! Seems like a simple admin error that should be pretty easy to sort out. Has anyone else had the same thing happen? As long as it's just you everything should be ok... Hopefully!
  22. Everywhere seems to have weird pay around this time. At our place our bonuses and pay rises are decided in April but we're paid very strangely: April: Old Salary + Half Bonus May: Old Salary + Half Bonus June: New salary backdated Means we end up with no idea as to how much we should really have until July, cant complain as long as it comes in though! Had a great weekend, wondered about in central London on Saturday then a few drinks in the evening. Sunday watched the GP and then took the roof off my car for a drive round watching the runners and generally enjoying the sights/sun. Today it's wet and I'm at work, not too busy though so it's not all bad.
  23. Start of the race was fantastic, 3 wide racing into corners is exactly what F1 needs. Shame it became a bit of a procession after 10 laps or so, overtaking still isn't quite there yet, definitely an improvement on recent years though. Was a shame Vettel couldn't get past Hamilton or Trulli, I think he was on for the win had he managed it. Toyota strategy really let them down and Button just picked up the pieces and a well deserved win. I think the Red Bull could well be the one to take the fight to Brawn, they're fast even before getting a new diffuser, when they do I think Vettel has to be a favourite for the title. Still loving this season, best in years imo.
  24. Here's me on a Tree Top trail browsing Shy Creatures: Than I decided to attack my girlfriend: Then we were friends again, though she still looks a little suspicious:
  25. That's what I meant Used to have a pug 206 so I quite like them, very nice fronts I always think... Is that the one they've been advertising on TV recently? Looks good whichever it is!
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