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Everything posted by Will

  1. My problem is I can't stand it if I'm not parked perfectly. Going in forwards my visibility is crap and I mess it up almost every time. My mirrors are the exact width of the rear of my car though and I can generally get in pretty damn well going in backwards.
  2. On the reversing subject I pretty much always reverse into parking spaces, find it much easier in fact than going forwards usually.
  3. They're all of the same horrible variety though, no misconceptions here. Got pulled over by the Police this morning on my way to work, no issues apart from my car is registered as a white convertible Honda motorbike (wtf?). Had a good chat with them, seemed like really decent people actually.
  4. So we should ring them up before hand if we're going to be burgled? Seems fair enough, can't expect them to react to things as they happen.
  5. Haven't they confirmed that no teams can miss any races? They've had long enough to get it sorted, if Lotus can manage it being the last confirmed team then there's no excuse for the others. Get a car out or give up the slot to someone who can I say.
  6. God I hate the brummie accent, makes the cleverest person alive sound like an idiot. Pretty old clip if I remember rightly but the whole filming/picture taking thing is way out of hand still.
  7. I'm not saying that all of these groups are totally innocent of anything, but to automatically assume they are doing something suspicious/illegal is a pretty sad state of affairs. The Tomlinson case is utterly ridiculous, ultimately a Police Officer killed him, and should be punished as such. I haven't followed the case much recently to be honest - what's actually happening with it now?
  8. I wouldn't mind one of those, I'm trying to picture how exactly you use it but can't work out how/what it attaches to. I like it though.
  9. I don't think 5.4 is even walking yet.
  10. I'm actually quite surprised at how nice it looks. I'd certainly like to try it out and really see what it can do. I do get the feeling it won't quite be as good as iPhone OS, from the few videos I've seen they just don't seem to quite get it exactly right. With a bit of work it has a lot of potential, it would have to be really really good for me to replace my iPhone though.
  11. It's one of the things often highlighted when people report on the various ridiculous arrests that happen. Just one of reasons people don't like the police. Why the automatic suspicion? Our legal system is based on innocence until proven guilty, what on earth reason do you have to be suspicious of people just for being outside a shop or (unbelievably) in a bus stop?
  12. I thought some newer power steering cars would alter the amount of turns from lock to lock? Making you turn less when at low speeds and making them insensitive to sudden movements at top speeds? Could be totally wrong on that though. It's something everyone should try imo, firstly to experience the suffering at low speeds and secondly to see just what the feedback can be like when moving a bit faster. All the mod-cons people have nowadays I sometimes wonder if people actually understand just whats going on.
  13. I don't, I actually find it very weird driving cars that do have power steering now.
  14. With any profession their will be good and bad people involved, the problem for the Police is that ideally each and every one of them should be exceptional in what they do - something they're obviously never going to manage. The system doesn't particularly help them either, pushing them towards targets rather than decent policing. I've had both good and bad experiences with them. Traffic Police I've always had good experiences with, anything else (when I need their help usually) they've been pretty crap.
  15. The more pics the better! It seems to be dry-ish at the moment, might give the polishing a go after the rugby if it holds out.
  16. Those are really cool, BlueStar. Where are they all from?
  17. Cleaned the car for the first time in 2010 this morning: Photos taken just as it started to rain... Polish and windows will have to wait for another day now, at least it's white again though.
  18. I bought it in April last year so there's still a couple of months left. Didn't take anything extra to the standard cover out.
  19. No I never bothered getting a disc drive for it, just don't have any use for them anymore.
  20. I've been a passenger in one and it seemed fine to me, though I suppose your not paying as much attention when not driving. I don't think I'd mind it at all though. Definitely my next colour combo.
  21. From the overview: Model Identifier: MacBookAir1,1 Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed: 1.6 GHz 2GB memory/80GB hard drive. Based on a few internet sources I'd probably look to get about £500 for it.
  22. Yeah I think the 500 is pretty much my favourite small car at the moment, the one you posted above looks fantastic! White Car/Black Wheels is what all the cool kids go for...
  23. If you want one cheap mine is available :wink: This is what I'm thinking, they have got to be updated soon.
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