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Everything posted by Will

  1. It probably wouldn't even be that much. I'd have thought any required software updates would come with the motion control games - not every PS3 is connected to the net. Every PS3 will work with the motion control when it comes out. I wouldn't let it put you off getting one at all.
  2. I've just seen a job that seems to be exactly what I want my next career step to be. But I'm pretty happy with where I am and this role is located in California - Not sure moving to another country is completely what I'm after. Then I think this is a great job and it could be fun having a big move like this. Really not sure if I should apply or not, at the moment I'm leaning towards sending off a CV and just seeing what happens - I can always change my mind I suppose. I think a few guys on here have made big moves like this, pros/cons and oppinions?
  3. Last year the "show" was pretty awful, a load of already released games with a few minor future releases. If you're trying to get into the games industry it was pretty good though, a few nice talks from people in the know and a little careers fayre where you could talk about opportunities and show what you could do. I'll probably pop along to the London one at some point while its on.
  4. OK I was probably a little quick to say it was ok, I guess thats become the quality I expect from the wii - worrying in itself. I doubt expectations are too high for the Wii/PSP versions so probably a low dev budget has left them little room to create something of top quality here. Very questionable bothering with it in the first place.
  5. To be fair I don't think its that bad for a Wii game, I still don't understand why they're bothering to release it on there though.
  6. Thank god they've finally got qualifying right, next year seems to be shaping up to be pretty good - and in the meantime we've got what looks like a great end to this season.
  7. In theory the 3 cars a team is a decent one, costs of running a 3rd car are probably not too high in comparison to what 2 cost. Extra sponsorship space, more drivers - I like it. The big problem is if you had to drop say 10 drivers from the race who don't qualify. Chances are you drop all 3 drivers from the bottom 3 teams and one guy who's unlucky. These three teams are going to be out of F1 pretty quickly in this case as sponsors are going to be very unlikely to pay out enough money for their operations. I'd rather see extra teams to be totally honest.
  8. There's probably a reason why those who find being unemployed harrowing don't have a job in the first place... I agree with those who say they should do some sort of community service, it's ridiculous the requirements to get JSA - something like 4 applications a week. I still think that those who are entitled to claim it should, and they can spend it on whatever the hell they want.
  9. I think if people have never worked and have no intention of finding one are buying stuff like this then it's fair enough to be annoyed with them. Anyone that's lost a job through no fault of their own and is actively trying to get one, which seems to be the case here, can spend their JSA on whatever the hell they want in my opinion. I often complain about my money and I'm in a relatively stable and well paid job, I can't imagine what its like living off £50 a week so if little things like this cheer you up then I'm all for it. Actually my girlfriends just had her interview to get JSA, I'm fairly sure that money will all go on stuff she wants rather than needs, because she doesn't actually need the money. Thing is it's one of the things she's entitled to so she'd be pretty silly not to take it.
  10. I think some companies will do short term insurance though with uni holidays being fairly lengthy they may make you take out a full policy. Could you get one of your parents as the main driver with you named on the policy to keep costs down?
  11. I'd quite like to work in a Games shop again, used to have a lot of fun when I did many years ago.
  12. Definitely the right choice if you ask me. I hope you guys have a fun day.
  13. I love that pic, makes me want to dress up and do it myself. There's also one of Darth Vader in a black Ariel Atom - even better! Practically the whole car is held together with glue, the chasis itself is, as are both the front and back ends. It's weird orange coloured stuff. You can see it along the joins inside the car.
  14. I don't see the problem in hiring based on looks, the fit yet stupid people need to work too, right?
  15. Came within a whisker of getting some venture capital for a business idea, great experience and I fully hope to actually get something off the ground in the future. A lot of great things came about as a result of trying that wouldn't have had I just been applying. It's probably the most fun/productive thing I've ever done. Always have a niggling feeling I want to be my own boss, and there's always the chance that if you hit the right market at the right time you can do exceptionally well from it. One of the countries greatest bloody idiots. His plan and execution of the end to boom and bust certainly went well.
  16. I've considered getting a new card for the cashback in the past, just buy everything on the card, pay it off straight away and it's free money. Never really got around to it though. I'm incredibly anal about money, everything I earned or have invested is budgeted for and monitor my spending very closely. Works well for me though as I've gone from overspending all the time to being able to do pretty much anything I want and all well within me means. As for the OP, mistakes do happen, luckily with banks they're generally very good at sorting them out, and they should cover and costs you incur because of them. Any banking mistakes I've had in the past have always ended in my being better off because of it. Sure it's a pain right now, but you have to remember a Bank is made up of people, just like the rest of us.
  17. The vast majority in London are total morons, a danger to pedestrians and themselves with their total disregard for any road signs or laws. Personally I think every cyclist should have to pass a test, hold a license and also insurance if they're using the roads. They should also be punished as any car driver would be for running red lights using pavements as and when they please and any other problems they create. Every few months there will be some uproar about a cyclist being killed by a lorry or car here. In nearly every case it's happened when a cyclist has been undercutting in traffic and trying to get ahead against the laws of the road, and quite honestly they have no sympathy at all from me when that happens, it's one less idiot on the roads. I have nothing at all against cyclists who follow the rules, the trouble is most of them don't and they're probably my most hated group of commuters because of it.
  18. That's an option most of the time of course, any motorway or short trips though and I tend to leave it on. Then there's the ever present risk of rain!
  19. Pretty much everyone who knows me would know I'm into my games. It's also my career and people usually find games more fun than other industries so there's often big chats regarding the subject with me at the centre. With new people I find I don't tell them as much, not because it's a dirty secret, but because they're generally far too interested and it can become very tiring - especially when you meet gamer types. Games are a massive part of my life and probably (hopefully?) always will be. I would never hide something I'm this passionate about.
  20. I loved it until mine broke, hopefully it will be fixed this week, the way the weather is though I need it NOW!
  21. I can't make it now either, stupid family holidays! Hope you guys have a good time, next one I'll be there!
  22. Don't mind at all, it's a combination of things really. Firstly, they're not actually that expensive, way back I had planned on a Civic Type R but looking into it I only needed a little more for the Lotus so I saved up a bit longer. Really it came down to two decently sized bonuses that I didn't spend a penny of, a strict saving regime and a few investments going the right way. Throw in a decent credit rating and the car is the result.
  23. That really is amazing Vettel got pole then, an easy 1-2 for them I think so long as nothing goes to far wrong. I really hope this is an indication of things to come for the rest of the season. Not because I have anything against Brawn GP, I just think the championship and F1 as a whole could really do with this battle opening up again. Looking forward to the race.
  24. It's strange how different colours show the dirt off. I always assumed black would be the best but in reality they only look clean for about 5 minutes after you wash them. It seems the brighter the colour the better they are - why on earth is this the case?
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