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Everything posted by Iun

  1. 40p? Holy Fnorking Scnhitt. The other part I just found out is that they were going to charge me for being overdrawn in March as well, but they waived that when I sent them my first letter. My grandma put in some money and they still to 28 quid in feb, leaving me a tenner overdrawn. Now they say they are unlikely to waive the first charge... it's sick.
  2. I will do what I can, got a good contact in the medical profession here, so hopefully that will help! Remind me again in a week if I've not gotten back to you, things are hellish right now with work!

  3. I'm going to send them a letter requesting the money to be given back, I will then close the account. Shame, because this did not need to happen.
  4. How do you like this? In China, I bought our Wedding Rings, I took out money from the UK bank to pay. Normally, if I don't have enough money, the ATM rejects it. So I withdrew enough money, thinking the was no problem. BAM! I get an email from Dad, and I went "overdrawn" when I took the money out. Evend though I told Natwest I wanted no overdraft whatsoever, they still gave me an "unauthorised" overdraft, I THOUGHT UNAUTHORISED MEANT YOU COULDN'T DO IT?! So they send my pater a letter saying they will charge me 28 quid for this at the end of the month. I got my grandma to pay in 20 quid to pay off the "overdraft" figuring it couldn't be more than 10 GBP at most. BUT WAIT! Natwest STILL took away the 28 quid at the end of the month, leaving me, yes, you guessed it: EVEN MORE IN "DEBT"! I wrote them a letter authorising them to give my grandmother control over the account. I told them where I was living and to send any further correspondance either to my Shanghai address or my grandmother. OF COURSE! Silly me! Giving them my account numbers, signature and private question details like they told me to was not enough! So they, assuming I was still living in England, sent a letter to my father's address. Which, I very nearly didn't get. I need a formal declaration letter and all that jazz from them, which I have to sign and send back. Of course, being as they are not sure I am in China, they told my grandmother to send the documents to me. Which she did and now everything is sorted. EXCEPT! You know why all this happened? 2.48 GBP overdrawn. 2.48 overdrawn. Does anyone else think this smacks of profiteering? 28 GBP is what, more than 10 times the overdrawn amount?
  5. I have to say, although I am enjoying it, this season got daft a loooooooong time ago. It's like the producers are saying "Let's see how much crap we can give anyone before it gets ridiculous!"
  6. ...I ... I ... I want to criticise Moogle for his two and possible three-timing me, but he's just so.... awesome. Happy Birthday, ViPeR.
  7. ... The long and the short of it is, no thank you, I already have Robots, and he doesn't have a DS. Dr Snuggles, does anyone else remember that one? I vaguely remember being a bit creeped out by the theme tune and the doctor himself.
  8. Iun liked the sound of this...
  9. Thank you, but I have a legal way of getting games here in China that doesn't involve anything illegal! Absolutely nothing illegal whatsoever. Mmhmm. And no, he doesn't have a DS, his mum doesn't like computer games. She's in for a nasty shock when we buy our house.
  10. Been watching the Transformers season 1 DVD's I bought a while ago. My stepson is really into cars and robots so it makes sense. Yeah... that sounds plausible. I bet I fooled them, go me! I think I'll have a little dance...
  11. Your hands or your eyebrows?
  12. Let's also not forget Ulysses 31 and Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors! Also brought to you by that dirty frog, Jean Chalopin.
  13. Agreed. Put your wing-dang-doodle in his thunderbox and have at it. The missus bought some sexy undies a while back, got to see them on her for 30 seconds last night
  14. A very simple one: Kingsmill, olivio, crunchy peanut butter, a layer of cheese and onion crisps, smooth peanut butter, olivio, kingsmill. I call it the "Claggy Clogger"
  15. SCC THERE MUST BE MORE! So help me, I will go own on my hands and knees before the Fox executives and beg if I have to! This is by far the most intelligent, well-acted and entertaining piece of television since Battlestar Galactica. There is no equal on television as it is, and I genuinely believe there will not be a better series for a long time to come.
  16. Going ok, slightly stalled! We have to scrimp enough for a house frst, and the bank wants a 30% deposit! Flip! Did I mention I am the owner of the largest mint-condition Iron Man Action figure collection in the world?
  17. Well, essential information first: My ame is David Scott Iun Rohhann Robert Jastallis Teleka Hockley. I'm 26 years old and the Director of English Studies at a school in Shanghai. This year I will marry my lovely Chinese girlfriend, Jasmine. The Bad Mother was adopted by my grandparents, her real mother was a Native American Catholic convert with 7 other children. Mum had a lot of abandonment issues. She had me when she was 15, my real father was kept away -I was told he wanted nothing to do with me. The man I consider my father, although not biologically, met my mother around age 18 and they got married at 21. They both loved me and took good care of me for 10 years. I had a sister who was stillborn. Mum always told me no-one else would ever love me than her. Trust issues for me. Age 12 my mother has another baby and suffers from severe Post Natal Depression. Never bonds with my brother, becomes an alcoholic and has an affair with a younger man. Parents begin divorce proceedings. For six months I live in a house with my father, who is sharing my bedroom with me, my alcoholic aggressive mother living in the main bedroom, my grandparents (mothers parents) living downstairs and my 1 year old brother in his small room. My grandparents camped out in the house ostensibly to "take care" of my mother, but in reality they were doing everything they could to destroy my father and take the house away. I had previously elected to stay with my father, even though he is not my "real" father. That angered them, so for 6 months my grandparents tried to destroy me too. Cue lots of time off school, dramatic weight gain, fear of going home. All culminated in my father being savagely attacked by my mother one night and us going to live with my other grandparents for two months. Mum eventually caved in, gave us the house and moved into my grandparents house for her own good. They bought her a house. Dad eventually finds another lady with a daughter from her previous relationship, and we move in together. I got called into my parents (father and stepmother) bedroom one night just at the begnning of my GCSE's to be told that my mother had been found dead in her home by my grandfather that morning. The cause of death to this day has never been found. It'll be ten years in May Lost my virginity age 14 to a girl who died 6 months later having a routine operation to have a cyst removed. Fear of hospitals and distrust of doctors. Age 16, minor brain tumour appears and is removed. Age 17, diagnosed with benign testicular cancer. Opt for a surgical route and experimental medication. Run a half marathon for Imperial Cancer Research (as it was then) with 5 other testicular cancer patients, 4 of whom were terminal. Raised 60,000 GBP for cancer research, only to be told that the money would be poured into funding research into breast cancer. Two weeks later, the terminal patients all died. Begins my long-standing hatred of Imperial Cancer Research and my strong anti-feminist bias. Diagnosed OCD and Manic Depressive aged 18. String of failed relationships ensues, one that permanently damages my relationship with my father due to his opposition of having a girlfriend during my A-Level year. Hated University from the start due to insomnia caused by assholes coming back every night at 2.30am and playing music til 4 or 5. Plus no time to bond with others thanks to relationship with G/F in Nottingham Uni, quite the distance. Two spetacular fights during this time: One I got stabbed in the arm in my home town. I literally broke the guys' eye socket with my fist. It wasn't even my fight and he stabbed me. He's now blind in that eye. Second scrap came as I finally had enough of the asshole at the end of the corridor playing music during exam week. Saw him in the communal bathroom and rammed his head against the sink, fracturing his jaw. The Good Always had a very high IQ, somewhere in the low 160's at last check. But find it difficult to focus. Graduated Reading University with two degrees, one in French and one in English. Ended up as a professional photographer for a while as my area is fairly short on jobs. Eventually head hunted by an SME to be the Trading Manager, extremely successful stint working with a government organisation. Didn't lie the job but enjoyed the travel opportunities, I was good at the job but I hated lying to people. Met a Chinese girl on a business trip to France. Decided to jack it all in and move to China and work as a teacher, captivated by the intelligence and elegance of the lady. Within 3 months I was sure I had made the right move for the wrong reasons. Girl was terrible but the place was great. Quickly established a reputation as one of the best teachers in the city. Anyway, got rid of her, met up with my lady and... yay! In my spare time I box and have an amateur record of 14 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses. If I carried the card to China it would be 18 wins now I'm a southpaw, even though I am a natural right-hander. My left hook is frequently described as "thundering" though I have never been able to uppercut. I have written for N-Europe for about 5, maybe 6 years. I enjoy Fire Flower as it never fails to get a reaction. I'm quite a successful voice actor and I was recently in the new Star Ocean game. I do corporate DVD's, books on CD, investor proposals, TV voiceovers and radio advertising. Used to be a big Pokemaniac, but I find it's gotten a bit too in-depth and fanboyish now. On my first run through in the game, I beat Brock with only a level 2 Metapod. My favourite game is Morrowind, I still regret that I did not bring my GOTY edition and Xbox with me to China. Oh yes, I am also the lead singer of a very popular band in Shanghai, we have frequent gigs in the fashionable areas of the city. Anything else... my health is generally poor, I've been partially sighted since age 3. And of course, I once gave my ex 8 orgasms in a row, she was unconscious for 30 minutes afterwards
  18. I am partially sighted, so I can't see the 3D in 3D films, and going to see them gives me a headache
  19. So our Alan is confirmed as interim manager! Well, while I can't say I am anything but unsure abut whether he is a good manager or not, he and Kevin Keegan are the only two men in football who would be given a fair chance by our often over-vocal supporters. On a blind-eye level, I personally feel very happy that one of my boyhood heroes is back where he belongs Let's hope it has the same effect on our campaign to stay in the Premiership.
  20. Just a lot of greasy soap dodgers out for a day trip... "Establishment, establishment, you always know what's best"
  21. Seems implausible... we already have a manager, but many sites are reporting it as fact... Pff. I don't believe it, to be honest, though I think it would be a big boost.
  22. Hilarious, Shorty, absolutely hilarious... :/
  23. That's more than a little cheeky. Club shirts and shorts are just as bad though. Support your club and country n'all that, but that's a little too much to expect with finances the way they are.
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