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Everything posted by Iun

  1. "It's time to try our new weapon..." "Step on the gas!"
  2. My personal favourite... get a vacant look in your eye, start swinging your arms... "Destroy... destroy... destroy..."
  3. "Surprise attack comin' from behind!" "Your father helped me like that too!"
  4. No, but there was a deleted scene where they lezzed up. There was no dialogue in that scene either. Not particularly bothered about that, though. And besides, don't women have some kind of unspoken psychic nod? They seem to instinctively know why another lady is unhappy, what kind of childhood they had,nowhere they fit in the social hierarchy, when shoes are on sale etc.
  5. I agree with this 100% and I have to apologise to Joss - I was sceptical about his involvement in this film. But he won me over.
  6. Y'see, I absolutely hated both of those films. They attempted to be far too cerebral with ridiculous subject matter. The high point of Watchmen was the actor playing Rorshach and the saving grace of V was the fact that it did, eventually, have an end. This was an excellent melding of a superb ensemble cast with some really tight direction, good editing and superb action sequences. I genuinely did not want this movie to end. The biggest plus for me was seeing Iron Man as... Iron Man. In both of the movies he was incredibly underpowered when compared to the comics. In terms of his abilities, only Thor and Hulk are consistently stronger and able to kick more ass. In his movies "oh not enough power/the guy with the silly string can beat me, let's high-five!" was the order of the day. Thor was much better here - interested but aloof, strong as a horny bull on steroids and well-underplayed by Chris Hemsworth. I find the character of Captain America to be so "Vanilla" but in this film it showed his unwavering decency was a worthwhile force for good, he was a mature leader. Everyone almost immediately deferred to him. And yeah, Hulk. It was so difficult to sympathise with either Bana or Norton - they both really acted the part. But it was like there was no connection between Banner and the fact that he transformed into the Hulk. Ruffalo talked about "The Other Guy" as a separate entity, but it was fairly clear that they were two sides of the same coin. As for the script, actually, it was clever enough to satisfy me. If I wanted Shakespeare... well, I never do, but still. Certainly there were little drags in places, but as an overall product, I can't see how it could have been better. The Avengers has always been about a strong team dynamic, the interplay of the characters and amazing fight sequences. Anyone claiming anything more than that, is probably reading too much in something trying to entertain.
  7. Happy birthday, apparently you are younger than me... ...what, is that some kind of achievement or something?! Are you PROUD, you whimpering hatchling?! ...sorry, that's the cough medicine talking...
  8. Iun


    Apparently this lady is coming to Shanghai for a concert, is that something I should be getting all moist-about-the-quim over?
  9. Ah, stop being such a big wet quim, you quim. In fact, I heard that Quimland was going to elect a Quim-Mayor, and it had to be the quimmiest quimmer in Quimland and you were generally thought to be the only one quimmy enough to take the post (up the quim).
  10. Oh, stop being such a mewling quim.
  11. Well, I was shocked by this, I didnt even know he was ill. Beastie's are great musicians, really loved Hello Nasty. It was the soundtrack to a Summer of my school days. RIP, you shall be missed.
  12. Argh... What a conundrum... We could get Champions' League Football next season, but it would involve helping Man U... ...I don't think it's worth it.
  13. Holy moly, put my pants in a pie and call me Travers! 2-0 away at Chelsea?! Magical!
  14. Dude... Feel for you, Han mugs. On the other hand, I'm trying to work out the best way to divorce Mrs Iun without hurt feelings. It's not working, by the way.
  15. Iun

    Red Dwarf

    Good lord, I was just thinking this afternoon how shitty and sad series 7 and 8 made me... I... I... I just couldn't stand it if it was another disappointment....
  16. Iun


    im probably 15 and lol no theirs nothing wrong with my grammar she just got out of the hospital
  17. Iun


    lol no, im michael, max is my brother and i wanted you to kno he was banned from the forum for o reason.
  18. Good for you! Now, I've never made a big fuss of this, but I think it's time to: my family is a split of Native American and Irish Catholic, perhaps two of the most poorly-treated and disadvantaged peoples of the last few centuries. You people have colonised and oppressed my ancestors, I'd like an apology and restitution from you.
  19. As much as anything else, it's Compassion Fatigue - you've had three decades of help and you're worse off than when you started, we tried and now you can drag yourselves up for a change. Which is heartless, but there's only so much heart to give.
  20. Quoteed for truth. As mercenary as it may sound, if she wants a concession like this from you, then you had better be able to extract a similarly tough concession from her. Try from the following list: 1: "Don't Be A Bitch Tuesdays" 2: "Dessert and BJ Friday Nights" 3: "Saturday Afternoon Gaming Only" 4: Breakfast in bed x3 per week 5: Absolutely no conversations that begin with "You won't believe what Megan said to me today..."* 6: Hand over all credit, debit and VIP cards to Handsome Boyfriend. *Because, for some unkown cosmic reason, it's ALWAYS someone called Megan. ** ** Except in China. Where it's ALWAYS someone called Lily. Seriously. You call an office here and say "Can I speak to Lily" and they're all like "Which one? We're an office 30 females and 26 of them are Lily". I'm not even joking, I wish I was. And then Lily answers the phone and you're like "No, I meant Lily, not Lily." And that goes on for five minutes
  21. That's weird, my last message didn't post, how bizarre. I spent a long time writing it... ah well. Can you just assume that I wrote an eloquent, hard-argued and well-thought-out response to your post that totally cowed you and won you over to my way of thinking? Thank you!
  22. Iun


    Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me, I want to feel dirty! Thrill me chill me fulfil me, creature of the night!
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