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Everything posted by Iun

  1. As an interesting aside: I've never, ever changed my avatar since I joined the forum ten years ago.
  2. Er, check my avatar and re-word.
  3. I got into trouble this year at Christmas with my family, they told me that they feel I am "Too smart, and insult our intelligence." Apparently the correct reply was NOT "How can I insult that which you do not possess?" So, I don't think I'm invited next year.
  4. Ah, I understand. Accountants are well known for their love of dragon-breath as a pencil-sharpening aid, so I'm guessing he's got a small-to-medium-sized dragon locked up in his room. Also, dragons are ALL about playing the banjo: so I bet the dragon is up until the wee hours strumming on its banjo and singing off-key American folk songs. Furthermore, EVERYBODY knows that accountants only eat the freshest leprechauns, better if killed on the day of consumption. Leprechaun blood is a BITCH to get out of the carpet so I wouldn't be surprised if he's always using up all your fabric stain remover. God, I feel terrible for you, man. We're all here for you.
  5. Christ, iused to use this place all the time from about 2002-2007, my old order history runs to about 120 items. The free shipping was the best part, just gave them an edge over Amazon - during my year in France they were an absolute godsend. But yeah, the whole Marketplace thing gave them a much more sleazy edge and pulled the feel of the place down. Also, they have been having trouble processing orders from foreign credit cards in the last 6 months. In June I ordered a book for my dads' birthday and that was convenient: come September their site shut down completely every time I entered my Chinese Visa card details.
  6. AAaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaah! My underwear is in sufficiently large to hold this much "excitement"! No HMs kthxbi.
  7. Birthday Saturday, I will be 30. Depressed about that, but what is most saddening is the hope that I'd have a big bash or something to take the sting away... I looked through my address book and realised that well, I actually have no friends. Everybody I know are people I work with/my staff. New Years Resolution: Get some friends, you sad fuck.
  8. Precisely. Ineligible for the position of Best Post and ineligible for the benefit of kudos/praise it would elicit.
  9. My man-boobs. Kudos for Magnus for getting this off the ground.
  10. THE FIRST ONES HAD RUBBER SKIN and were really shitty sex doll knock-offs WE SPOTTED THEM EASY...
  11. My heart just isn't in it any more. The players aren't even bothering to phone it in most of the time; Pardew is yelling his ass off on the touchline, but no-one is listening; Ashley is sitting on a big pile of cash whispering "My preciousssssssss" over and over; and I still feel guilty over what happened to Hughton.
  12. That's what happens when all your friends can't handle their drink. My best friend here is a Serbian ex-military engineer and he drinks beer like the rest of the world drinks water/coffee/tea/something people drink a lot of. The bassist from my old band wasn't pissed after 3/4 of a bottle of JD and yours truly frequently sinks bottles of Beaujolais at the rate of one an hour to no ill effects. Conclusion: you need cooler friends. Like me.
  13. While I don't wish injury on Ba, I do wish the bubonic plague on him. I think it's better in the long run. He has been a good player for us, no question, but an utter dick about his contract. And Chelsea can go f*ck themselves right up the chud-hole: they have played more than 7 million for far less quality players and just because they know they can f*ck us, they're doing it. But most of the blame lies with Ba.
  14. Not really very interested. I'd get it for a tender, but not for silly money.
  15. I think we can take heart at scoring 3, even though we lost. To put that many goals past Utd at Old Trafford is an achievement.
  16. Merry Christmas... Bugger me but I'm full...
  17. Aw, bundersnucks. I'd better actually do some damn Christmas shopping. Stupid Mayans, getting my hopes up...
  18. Iun


    Lol, I can probably think of 14.
  19. Band Aid. Let's just get the ball rolling!
  20. Let it snow. The rhythm is syncopated enough. @EEVILMURRAY: I've only got my iPad, so I can either do my bits over Skype or send you the files via the crappy recording program I've got. Can you send me the backing track?
  21. There was no Band Aid 20. It didn't happen. You have all clearly remembered wrong.
  22. Count on me. Let me handle the harmonies as well this time.
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