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Everything posted by Iun

  1. First game of the season and I've got a mania/depression episode about to break. First sign is always a "brain fog" which started yesterday morning - the whole world gets slightly out of sync, like looking at a 3D image that just won't "pop". Then the fun REALLY begins: if it's depression, the windows will need to be locked. If it's mania, I'm going to have to concentrate all my willpower and every other mental resource I've got into NOT attempting to run a mile in under a minute/climbing up lamp-posts with a carving knife in my teeth "because I'm a pirate"/doing Matrix-style wall-runs/eating the sofa. Hilarious as it sounds (and boy is it funny at the time) it's a real bastard of a nuisance. But I can control it. Yes. I can control it. All of it.
  2. You can batter my sausage any time! ...this abstinence before football matches is hard.
  3. Iun


    @Sheikah So what you are saying, is that we can overcome an emotional and ingrained fear of monsters in the cupboard, but not an emotional response to two ladies eating bearded clams wanting to get married? That just makes no sense whatsoever to me. If it makes sense to you, fair enough.
  4. Iun


    If we can get rid of the urge to explain the existence of a new day being due to the goat we sacrificed last night, then surely we can eradicate feelings of disgust at the sight of a pair of gorgeous blokes having a snog.
  5. Oh, yeah, I do... He can stick me with his Goron Knife any time.
  6. Iun


    Fairly argued. Same thing about religions: some poeople can be hypocrites. However, there is no denying that religion, wither scientifically disproven or not, brings a lot of comfort to many people without doing them too much harm (providing they are not themselves being led by the aforementioned hypocrites) But regarding the ingrained psychological reaction to homosexuals: would you not argue that since the dawn of man, we have either worshipped or created deities for ourselves - and therefore its an instinctual reaction like the prejudice against lovely lovely bumsex?
  7. Iun


    Again, I disagree. Homophobia seems to be conditioned by... daddadadaaaaAAAHHHH: religious prejudices. If you have rejected religion, you should be able to reject the inherent prejudces as well. And that alcohol thing is a bit of a straw man argument, come on... that's a narcotic that purposefully changes your body chemistry. It's not even an apples and oranges comparison.
  8. Your honesty is a shining example to us all! You mug.
  9. @Goron_3 Happy birthday, Big Bro!
  10. Iun


    I don't think you can equivocate on this point: If atheists deny the existence of a supreme being or supreme beings based on science, then they can't reconcile the belief in the Little Blue Pixie Who Cleans The Toilet simply because they don't recognise him as a supreme being. You mean human chemical reactions? Again, logically speaking, if you are capable of scientifically and empirically proving against the belief that there is something bigger than us that we cannot see... ...then two blokes having a shag shouldn't prove an obstacle. And if it does, there should be some internal struggle within the mind of the atheist saying "My prejudice is irrational, therefore I should temper it".
  11. Iun


    So, going by the empirical evidence thing, I guess all atheists must therefore be completely accepting of homosexuality? After all, there's a slew of evidence that homosexuality is a genetic predisposition and therefore the logical thing to say is that it's simply a part of the species. Additionally, when someone says "I love you" do you respond "thank you, but you're simply vocalising a number of chemical changes in your brain and choosing to call it love."? I'd like to point out here that I was excommunicated from the Catholic Church for openly questioning their dogma in Sunday School.
  12. I used to use Amazon for deliveries like you, then I took an arrow to the knee.
  13. Iun


    Speaking of which...
  14. @ReZourceman Did you get your free police helicopter though?
  15. Keep it. The manufacturing cost of a single set is likely to be less than a quarter of the retail price.
  16. Iun


    Fair enough, as long as we agree that religious nutjobs and self-satisfied atheists can be equally annoying.
  17. Iun


    Oh mighty Silhouette Cat, who died for our tins (of Whiskas) and who gaveth of his life that we might live(r and chicken flavoured treats)!
  18. Iun


    I'm going to have to respectfully disagree: having arrogant members who superciliously claim to have "got it" and treating people who "haven't got it" as children is a valid comparison. While there is no comparison between the belief and non-belief system, there's a comparison to be made between the people within it.
  19. Iun


    Oh my word, THIS. It's as if these atheists are somehow privy to some amazing secret of the universe that the rest of the universe hasn't worked out yet. And boy oh BOY are they smug about it. Now, who the fuck does that sound like to you?
  20. I'm sorry... for some reason I just thought of the following: "It's like a good Chinese dinner, with the sweet and the sour... expanding on that analogy, I will smile with delight - that's the sweet, as you beg for your fucking life. Of course, that's the sour." I actually enjoy the pacing of TWD, the narrative can be a bit off at times, and there are characters I just don't like. But it's head and shoulders above most things on TV. Anyway, I think it's wisest to compare within a genre, and Walking Dead pretty much... owns the genre. There's nothing else on TV quite like it. For example, if you were to talk Sci-Fi it would look something like this: Premiership: BSG Season 1, 2 (first half) 3 (first half) 4(mid-end), DS9 Season 5 (Ep10 -end) Season 6 (6-episode beginning story arc) Championship: Stargate SG1 (until O'Neill left), TNG. Terminator SCC. Parts of DS9 and BSG. League 1: Stargate Atlantis, Andromeda, Blue Square Bet Premier: Voyager, Enterprise, Stargate Universe.
  21. A bit of context: the "Pearl Tower" (or as I like to call it, Shanghai's Penis) side of the river is an area known as Pudong - it was almost completely undeveloped farmland close to the sea for years. I've been up to the top of the Giant Bottle Opener, it's truly... boredom inspiring.
  22. Mmm.... Anyhow: My 7's team had a practice match yesterday and we won 4-2! Very pleasing result considering it was only our second game playing together.
  23. Actually it's not China - they've got a really relaxed view of piracy. Lets face it: DVDs are on sale for 50p in some places, games cost no more than £1 if they are on a disc and there are thousands of R4s out there.


    The issue is the UK because they know about all the piracy!


    Anyway, you've piqued my interest so I'm going to buy it regardless. Then if I can work out a way to get it to you, I will.

  24. My only concern would be physically getting the stuff to you - not supposed to send DVDs out of China. Maybe I could put it on a memory stick, it depends on how it needs to be installed.

  25. Yes:





    Some of those items are downloads, some are DVDs. I'm a bit knackered at the moment (staring at computer all day) but I can find more info out for you tomorrow if you want.

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