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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Iun

    Iron Man 3

    Having huge difficulty finding this n 2D here. Nuisance.
  2. What fascinates me about this is that these two girls redefine what we think of as constituting a "person": Two heads, but one body, two different perspectives on the world, but only one pair of hands to touch it. Amazing.
  3. Iun

    Iron Man 3

    Out on Friday in China.
  4. Gutting performance. But mind you, we deserved that to get our heads out of our asses. To be honest, I hope we get relegated. Cut out some dead wood, hold other players to their contract to remind them: playing in the Premier League is a privilege that you earn.
  5. Abby and Brittany Hensel are two conjoined twins: they have one body shared between them - two hearts and lungs one reproductive system, one colon. They are trying to live a completely normal life - but what is "normal"? White bread, orange juice and reading the Times? Can two girls like this ever live what would be considered an unremarkable life? Discuss.
  6. I would call you an outright liar and smear horrible cheap honey on your face, then tie your hands so you couldn't wipe it off.
  7. People I Feel Sorry For: - Orphans - People with incurable and slow-progressing diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's etc. - People unable to conceive naturally who would make awesome parents - Individuals who spend their lives giving only to watch everybody else taking People I Don't Feel Sorry For: - Luis Suarez.
  8. Tell her you feel the same way about her clothes. Honestly, no voice chat? Madness!
  9. Suarez banned for 10 games, shocked by the "severity" of punishment: "Liverpool managing director Ian Ayre was unhappy with the severity of the verdict. He told the club's official site: "Both the club and player are shocked and disappointed at the severity of today's Independent Regulatory Commission decision. "We await the written reasons tomorrow before making any further comment." " 10 games for intentionally biting someone too severe? Discuss.
  10. No worries. If you can answer these questions well (sorry for sticking my nose in) then it will help guide you to the right sort of course.
  11. Yeah, no more football for a while. Which is just plain galling... I'm the team captain and I can't lead the team out on to the field. There's little I've found that has made me prouder, and now that has been taken away. Can I be a little pompous here... (Sorry, I lecture part time) read the following: https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/melian.htm And PM the following: 1: Why do the Melians believe that they can trust the Lacedemonians will intervene on their behalf? 2: What reasons does the Athenian Ambassador give for believing that the Lacedmonians will not intervene? 3: Do you believe that it is possible to rely on other states to consistently come to the aid of others in times of war? 4: Who, in the global arena, has overarching and legally binding authority in international relations between states to enforce compliance?
  12. Iun

    Iron Man 3

    http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/04/23/iron-man-3-extremis-video-featurette SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! But definitely spoilers.
  13. As a (handsome) man with a US 3DS, I would hope for a deal like this that benefits me
  14. These two. While IR Theory can be as dull as ditchwater, it's the jumping-off point for virtually everything in the field. Security is interesting, as there are several contending theories of security, none of which explain the concept in a one-size-fits-all method. Foreign policy of contending powers links into security studies, so it will be easier to transition. As for doing your dissertation on the drugs trade... up to you. But again, security studies and basi IR theories will be essential to this. I am personally feeling terrible. I strained a groin and knee muscle months ago. It's not getting better, in fact, the pain has been worse these last few days. Imagine a constant intense stinging pain bordering on agony the whole time, right on the inside of your hip. Then consider that sitting down makes it worse. But standing up creates a horrible feeling of tearing in the knee. Walking feels like someone is trying to pull your leg off. I haven't slept properly for weeks - and even with my insomnia that means I'm getting less than three hours a night. I just... can't bear the pain anymore.
  15. -Write a sonnet on his love for cirro-nimbus clouds -Buy several porcelain gravy boats and donate them to charity -Rub corn oil all over the statue of Nelson in Trafalgar Square -Open a market stall selling only depleted batteries -Fill a bathtub full of peas and throw dolphins at it -Appear outside random people's bedroom window shouting "ELEVEN O'CLOCK AND ALL'S WELL!" -Invent several new smilies that don't really make sense e.g. :''i or t=) -Join Miyamoto-san in his Garden and see if he can out-crazy him.
  16. Homosexuality was punished by imprisonment and sometimes death until the middle of the 20th Century in Great Britain. And then consider how much of the world had Great Britain as an influence...
  17. Gays should have the same right to be as thoroughly and unconsolably miserable in monogamy like me. Support gay marriage!
  18. I have a strategy: decide before I go shopping what it is I need, then decide within a reasonable median what my budget is. Go shopping: find item of clothing that I like; consider price willing to pay before looking at the label then if price = willing price or 5-10 GBP within range, add item to basket. Continue until basket has reached limit for changing room. Try items. Perve at the women. Discard unwanted items. Purchase desired items that fall within sexy/affordable median. "No darling, YOU pay for dinner tonight - you wanted to be considered my equal after all." *SLAP* "But this is equality!" *SLAP* "Please stop hitting me - or as we are equals now, am I allowed to slap you without being considered less of a man by society as we have established gender equality?" *SLAP*
  19. How very disappointing. But remember, it's only a few simple-minded and easily lead idiots that are saying this.
  20. Hehehe... "Oh no! That man is taking ADVANTAGE of the SITUATION!" Unlike those innocent ladies who go out on a date with a guy just because they're bored and want to get out of the house. "I thought I might like him more on a full stomach".
  21. Five minutes. Locked door. Tweezers.
  22. I sort of agree, but I think it's also important to show the aftermath - people banding together, sticking their fingers up at whoever did this.
  23. For me that is the very definition of "terrorism": forcing ordinary people into a state where they fear carrying out normal activities. I'd like five minutes in a room alone with the people who did this - all I need is a pair of tweezers.
  24. You are LEGALLY obliged to do this. I actually just spent a few minutes messing around on my iPad synthesizer... The main theme is relatively easy to work out - it's in A, the bass is contrapuntal riffing around about 3-4 notes.
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