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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I just watched the trailer, I wasn't interested before and I'm not interested now. This is going to get two seasons at best. I'd love to be proven wrong, but it just looks like mid-90's rubbish with fancy camera angles.
  2. Calling it a "stem cell burger" makes it seem ultra unappealing, like the meat will be ... crunchy? However: Fowl Unfertilised Ovulations - Eggs Coagulated Bovine Plasma - Black Pudding hmm... there might (not) be a market for gross-out names of rather delicious dishes.
  3. Sorry to hear about your injury,having worked with individuals with special needs, I know how dangerous it can be. Also, being injured sucks out loud. Two jobs?
  4. But I thought... we were... and you said... but...but... I'm happy for you, but I just can't help thinking what might have been between you and I. (Congratulations, man, it's a tough job well done!)
  5. I call every fortnight - always goes to BT answer or whatever it is, and email once a week, I get a reply on average once every six weeks. And so far this month I sent my dad five unanswered text messages.
  6. He would need a licence to serve alcohol...
  7. Good lord, isn't that the guy from The Blind Side?
  8. Backpack: iPad, pen, spare cufflinks, hand cream, lip balm, glasses, baseball cap (for sunny days), LoZ Beanie (for rainy days), spare socks (rainy season in Shanghai can have water up to 12 inches in about 30 minutes and the downpours can be sudden), plastic shoe covers (again, lost too many shoes to rain), keys, umbrella and collapsible police baton. I've never had to use it, but there have been several cases of nationalistic Chinese going after foreigners for no good reason over the last twelve months. Pockets - phone, wallet, travel card for public transport and that's about it.
  9. Yeah I get that. For me I just can't talk to dad about mum, doesn't help that they divorced before she died. And also...well what the hell, man? You begged me to stay with you when you guys divorced and then two years later were happy to cut me out of your life almost completely! That's such BULLSHIT. @ReZourceman You mention that Claire's family is nice, do you have a good relationship with them?
  10. @JonSt I wish I could say the same - after mum died and my father remarried, it was as if my existence was a nuisance: I got one phone call a month at University (which completely dried up after the second semester of the second year), I was charged £200 a month rent during the Summer holidays (even though I didn't have a job) and since moving to China I have received an average of two phone calls a year - one on my birthday and usually one to confirm what is supposed to be happening at Christmas. Don't get me wrong, they're happy to see me at Christmas and always treat me nicely when I'm there, but in ever feel like anything other than the cuckoo in the nest. Out of sight, out of mind seems to be the motto.
  11. Iun

    Iron Man 3

    Yeah, it's the Chinese only version. Contemptible crap. Also, once or twice throughout the movie, Dr Wu "calls" a Chinese associate of Tony to remind him to take care of his health... BECAUSE CHINA JUST LOVES HIM SO MUCH!
  12. Iun

    Iron Man 3

    Having huge difficulty finding this n 2D here. Nuisance.
  13. What fascinates me about this is that these two girls redefine what we think of as constituting a "person": Two heads, but one body, two different perspectives on the world, but only one pair of hands to touch it. Amazing.
  14. Iun

    Iron Man 3

    Out on Friday in China.
  15. Gutting performance. But mind you, we deserved that to get our heads out of our asses. To be honest, I hope we get relegated. Cut out some dead wood, hold other players to their contract to remind them: playing in the Premier League is a privilege that you earn.
  16. Abby and Brittany Hensel are two conjoined twins: they have one body shared between them - two hearts and lungs one reproductive system, one colon. They are trying to live a completely normal life - but what is "normal"? White bread, orange juice and reading the Times? Can two girls like this ever live what would be considered an unremarkable life? Discuss.
  17. I would call you an outright liar and smear horrible cheap honey on your face, then tie your hands so you couldn't wipe it off.
  18. People I Feel Sorry For: - Orphans - People with incurable and slow-progressing diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's etc. - People unable to conceive naturally who would make awesome parents - Individuals who spend their lives giving only to watch everybody else taking People I Don't Feel Sorry For: - Luis Suarez.
  19. Tell her you feel the same way about her clothes. Honestly, no voice chat? Madness!
  20. Suarez banned for 10 games, shocked by the "severity" of punishment: "Liverpool managing director Ian Ayre was unhappy with the severity of the verdict. He told the club's official site: "Both the club and player are shocked and disappointed at the severity of today's Independent Regulatory Commission decision. "We await the written reasons tomorrow before making any further comment." " 10 games for intentionally biting someone too severe? Discuss.
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