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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I'll add you later. @flameboy we'll try for a meet in about ten hours when I get off work :p
  2. @S\.C\.G. @Rummy @flameboy When are you guys free to come over? I need more campers!
  3. So jump in the river and learn to swim GOD'S GONNA WASH AWAY ALL YOUR SINS!
  4. Happy birthday! I thought he changed his name anyway?
  5. Happy birthday, James Robert Walton.
  6. Finally cracked a million Bells in the bank, some house upgrades coming and then to make Soleil move out.... yes.... yes... everything is proceeding exactly as I have foreseen it...
  7. We watched the first set. To be honest, I was amazed this morning when I woke up and saw Murray did it in straight sets, Djokovic is such a talented player. To beat the world number one -and Djokovic was BEATEN - is a fantastic achievement. Hopefully now my dad will shut up about Brits being in love with big-hearted underachievers like Frank Bruno, Tim Henman and the England Football team.
  8. *ahem* "well duh." EDIT: Aaand CLOSED! Winner was El Beel from C-Jiang Town. Thanks very much to the 0 NE guys who turned up.
  9. Noonvale Fishing Invitational! 10am UK time, gates open in one hour! The first person to catch 10 fish and meet me at the train station wins 50,000 Bells. Gather at the station and when I say "GO!" the ten minutes start. When I say "WINNER!" the tourney is over! Remember your etiquette for visiting other towns and feel free to bring gifts for your gracious host If I've not added you and you've not added me yet, bad luck!
  10. Sure, see you then! @londragon et al! My gates are open! EDIT: Connection errors, closing down...
  11. I saw you online... now is good? Open your gates?
  12. I'll take the cap off your hands! As far as I'm concerned, you can have both the metroid and bill blaster. They're just taking up space. I've added your friend code.
  13. Aaaaaaaaaaand.... *grope*
  14. Yeah, that's certainly better than 7 hours ahead like the rest of this shower in the UK!
  15. @\-Dem0\- - 0903-2725-1475 @dr4hkon - 1977-0147-1525 @Mr\-Paul - 5284-1547-7294 @Rummy - 0705-2844-8568 @Sheikah - 3523-2023-5626 @Ville - 4725-9249-9838 NOONVALE FISHING INVITATIONAL! This Sunday 10am. Gates of Noonvale open 10am UK time (5pm China Time) First Prize: 50,000 bells. First four people to arrive through the gates at around that time get the chance to compete in a Fishing Tourney. Here are the rules: Timed game of ten minutes using timer to measure number o catches. I will be waiting outside of the Plaza. When everyone has arrived, we all "best friend" each other and when I give you the "GO!" get to fishing! First person to catch ten fish and tag me at the Plaza wins 50,000 bells. Other contestants will win various bits of junk I don't need anymore. And remember: first come, first served! Extra prize for the biggest fish. ALSO: Let me know if you plan on attending! Negatory, work has no wifi
  16. Looking for Alpine stuff - already have the dresser, bed and lamp, wallpaper and carpet, need everything else! Also, I'm a sucker for the cabin stuff, so if anyone is close to a full set, order it from your catalogue and I'll pay you for it all. PLUS: I have a Bill Blaster, a pair opf heroes boots and a metroid for trade. I'm looking for varia suit top and helmet, or heroes clothes and cap. But will take any reasonable offers!
  17. Yeah, they are really and most definitely pushing their luck. Don't give them the satisfcation, as you say. Record conversations digitally if necessary and then drag them to court when it all gets too much. It kinda happened to me in a branch of GAME at one time - we had to get a loyalty swipe with every purchase, so if the customer wouldn't buy a loyalty card or didn't have one, the team there had a bank of cards (about 15-20) they kept in a file and each one was addressed to a different member of staff under a pseudonym. So they got a shed load of vouchers and the "hit rate" was always 100%. I refused to play ball and then when they applied the thumbscrews I just recorded every conversation and pretended to play along. On the day that I quit without notice the manager was all "well, you're not getting this month's pay" so I calmly put the CD in the player and replayed all the "chats" we'd had, and told them that this could go to loss prevention any time I felt like it, and if I didn't get paid the full month, that's where it would end up. They paid me and I sent the CD anyway. Two people lost their jobs.
  18. That's a case for constructive dismissal or workplace bullying right there.
  19. Thank you... I know what I am though :/
  20. It would be my mother's 47th birthday today, had she lived. This time of year always inspires such low feelings. And the girl I still lovej ust walked back into my office. Ten seconds, a smile and a hello and suddenly my heart feels like a lump of stone. I guess I wasn't over her. 3 months without speaking to her, but thinking about her every day. I was just getting to the stage where I could really keep her from intruding into my thoughts, and where I was making a real go of my marriage. Yes, I'm a terrible person. Ah, shit.
  21. Happy Birthday Sam, love and hugs!
  22. Never been a fan... Thanks for taking the time to respond! Do they have to be online as well?
  23. How do I send messages to my best friends in other towns?
  24. My gates are opening at around 12pm UK time today if anyone is interested? I've already got a friend coming over for some hammer action on the Island.
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