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Everything posted by Iun

  1. @Aneres11 I already own a 3DS and I am getting a 2DS for my sister for Christmas, that way we can connect UK-China and play some games together. The 2DS price really appeals to me, but if the battery is not better and the screen isn't bigger, there's no point in my changing the system.
  2. Hmm, after reading your review, I'm not sure if this is something I should be picking up - the lack of 3D doesn't bother me in the slightest - I am physically unable to see 3D. However, button quality and screen size are a big question mark - the main reason I want a new one is to have a bigger screen to play on. What's the battery life like?
  3. I'd like to nominate this for Post of the Year. You took what I was thinking and made it real with words, purty words.
  5. I might be going as Link or Commander Shepherd - I'll have to paint/attach a red and white stripe to my body armor, or alternatively buy a Link costume. I haven't decided which yet.
  6. Kinda spoils things when one person is so dominant the whole damn time, no? Every attempt to get "into" formula one has been spoiled by the fact that it often ends up as a one-horse (speedy little car thing?) race by about 15 minutes in. Then my attention completely wanes.
  7. You're telling me. I remember I got XIII for the original xbox back in the day for 4.99 - and delivered to my address in France! The no delivery charge deal was fantastic and made them a much better choice than Amazon in 70% of cases.
  8. Didn't I read somewhere that play.com has gone exclusively "marketplace"? If so, this is a shabby way to treat its sellers.
  9. I don't give a rats ass who they are or where they come from, can they help us win a tournament?
  10. I did try watching that last Christmas with my sister and stepmother for the sake of some family bonding time. It wasn't for me, but they enjoyed themselves.
  11. No, we have an argument about once a week. It's invariably over money. "I need (want) x and you need to give me money for it." And if I say no I'm irresponsible, thoughtless, I don't love her and she doesn't feel safe in the relationship. I should probably leave, yes. But that's a pretty hard thing to do. In her defence, I could be viewed as miserly - I always make sure our mortgage is paid and that we have a minimum value of savings, and then we can do other things. Problem is she views herself as sole owner "MY car!" "MY house!" But it's me that has to fork over the big bucks. In fairness, she pays the food and bills and she earns less, so there is a kind of balance. But all the big outgoings are mine alone to handle. For example,I started my PGCE at last, and that's costing 6 k to do via distance. It wiped out all of my savings for retirement that I'd been putting together and necessitated me earning another 2k in 2 months - over and above everything else. Then she gets nasty when I say I'm going to have difficulty giving her money for the plane tickets. I slaved to earn another 50% of my salary, and then she makes out I'm a bad person because I won't do more. For the last four years of marriage, I have had maybe ten complete weekends that weren't government-mandated holidays as I have to work Saturdays in order to save for retirement. When I get in at home she then complains that I spend no time with her and demands that I teach her son for an hour every Saturday evening... I'm an idiot for staying with her, but despite this, there is love here and severing the cord scares me - I'm effectively alone here.
  12. I wanted to give us another chance, I thought to myself that we'd put all the effort in we should try to figure it all out. She was lovely for about the first two months back together. @Daft that's PRECISELY what I said to her the other day... We were talking about going back to the UK for Christmas and she was demanding that I pay for more of her tickets, and I was trying to explain her that if I give her more money that I have already budgeted, it means I need to go out and do more work. First she came back with the "if you don't it means you don't love me!" Then when that got her nowhere "you're a bad husband, other people earn more than you!" I told her she was "poisonous" and tried to jump out of the moving car. Funny that.
  13. She grabbed me on the arm and dug her nails in. Yeah we got back together... She's never hit me before, it's usually psychological with her. "My friends are going on holiday, if we don't have any money for the holiday and for you to pay for my car service then it means that you don't love me."
  14. Left a pair of bruises on my arm like a two pound coin, my face was numb and swollen the next day.
  15. I managed to score Mario Sunshine a week before release because my local video game/DVD/shonky shop was run by a pair of muppets called Mick and Mike. Mike looked like Barry form Eastenders, he used to be a barman at my local and served me underage without batting an eye... Mick looked like Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys on steroids, and they both had nary a brain cell between them. Lovely blokes, and we got on well. Perhaps that's why they sold me the game early. The shop turned into a charity shop a few years ago, then became a second hand bookseller... I wonder what ever happened to Mick and Mike. Oh, I digress. My wife hit me the other night. To be fair, I'd called her a stupid "b". So I probably deserved it, yeah?
  16. Don't forget the warm bath and the razorblades/plugged in toaster!
  17. I like re-reading my favourite books and imagining myself in a TV series adapted from the book.
  18. And they'll be JUST AS BUGGY AND TWITCHY AS NORMAL PC GAMES?! BAZINGA! Joke, joke... Basically I can't use the 360 or the Wii any more, and I want to play Morrowind, dammit.
  19. Question: If I create a Windows Partition on my intel i5 Mac, will I be able to play PC games as if they were on a PC?
  20. Well put. It's pretty sad how people just turn up and make snide little comments about things other people enjoy. It's attention-seeking behaviour coupled with a need to be the "edgy outsider". Fair enough if you don't like it, but be adult enough not to take the piss out of others because they like it.
  21. The Big Bang Theory. Some people despise it, and fair enough to them, but I absolutely love it.
  22. So, my Wii no longer reads my Skyward Sword disc and since I updated my 360, I can't save my game preferences - inverted y-axis, difficulty or subtitles. Problem with China: all consoles are chipped and getting them fixed costs about half the price of the console. Annoying.
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