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Everything posted by Iun

  1. £ 3 to wash? Jeez... for me it was £1.20 and that was only 2 years ago! Are your washing machines made of gold?
  2. I usually see myself using a mirror. But I respect that's not for everyone.
  3. *Bats eyelids and blushes* The best thing to do with a pest is just tell them "no" flat out so there is no confusion whatsoever. Although some can be fairly persistent. Try to be a friend but nothing more. Biggest turn-off ... either when people smell bad or try to be sexy before bedtime and just fail miserably.
  4. Well, that's Freddy Krueger so it's probably Nightmare on Elm Street or one of the endless iterations of that particular franchise.Robert Englund is the actor.
  5. Shoot...um. "Tell them I'm coming, and hell's coming with me."
  6. That would be Ted Striker played by Robert Hays.
  7. I have severe OCD and I can handle mess, I always know where everything is. I jopke that I can find my way to anything in my apartment in the dark. I tested it once, after a lot of banged knees and a scraped finger I found what I needed. However, leave me without a toothbrush for more than 6 hours and I go mental. Anyway, dividers in a folder are useful, but sticking to it can be difficult. Organise your time using the reminder system on your phon e and have an alarm go off when you need to be doing something important. That way the noise will galvanise you into taking care of the problem. iCal and other programs can work, but your phone is alway on and with you so no need to delay entering those important reminders. Also, set yourself a routine and stick to it. Just do it rigidly. What this takes is discipline, and that is something you have to learn.
  8. This is who you wanted to be growing up, isn't it? I used to be in to Thundercats and fanatsize about being Cheetara. Then being in Cheetara. Life's complicated. Annie Lennox with long blonde hair was hot. Now not. Sadie Frost was hot. Tricia Helfer used to be hot, now I think she's made of rubber.
  9. Wow. Sounds like a real progressive and worthwhile leader. I will certainly vote for him. Oh. No, wait: 1) Not a US citizen. 2) I'm not as stupid as anyone who votes for him.
  10. I plan on using Fox first. My memory of Lylat Wars has not been sullied by recent StarFox games. I tend to block them out.
  11. But be careful not to drift into da Hood.
  12. 14, eh? Difficult time. So much is explained, so much is left unknown... Many happy returns!
  13. Go nuts. Height: 5'7" Weight: 140lbs Hobbies: Weasel flinging, weasel kissing, weasel walking. Boxing, weasel boxing and putting weasels in boxes. Special powers: Southpaw fighter with an amateur lightweight record of 14 wins and 0 losses. 4 Wins by TKO.
  14. Living in China = Noodles on the cheap, anytime, anywhere. You could literally eat well here for about 50p a day and get all the nutrition your body needs. And I have to say Martinist, that it has been my experience that any restaurant with "Jade" in the title almost guarantees good scoff.
  15. Could have worked! But the thought of Richard Attenborough in a dress is somehow... mucky. Did you get the costume sorted, my Moogle?
  16. While I am sure I am going to regret asking this, I just have to: is it actually possible to recreate a working penis and make it a replacement for the vagina? I know a man can have a partially functioning vagina, but obviously not a uterus. A penis would seem a similarly daunting task of creation. It has erector muscles, spongiform tissues and a dense network of blood vessels. It doesn't seem the thing you can grow in a jar. And don't forget that fellatio was invented for eunuchs to perform on their masters when they were away from the wife.
  17. Best part of it was that I was sat next to a guy dressed in a dinner jacket and suit, with his wife in an evening dress. He looked just like Richard Attenborough... and thoroughly appaled at this evening of so-called "Theatre" he had paid good money to watch. It's the little things, really.
  18. I took a group of friends to see the last tour, I got all dressed up as Magenta and they were saying "You look like such an idiot, you're going to stick out like a sore thumb, we're embarassed to be with you." Of course, little did they realise that they were the ones who looked like idiots. Revenge = Dish best served cold. It is very cold...in space.
  19. Islam regards interest as usury, and I tend to agree. And money is not the answer to poverty.
  20. Cue a round of the biscuit game... I'm done. You all lose. Now EAT IT!
  21. Buy a number of investment properties to keep a steady income, design my dream country cottage and have it built. Donate exactly 1 Million GBP directly to men's prostate and testicular cancer research. New Mac. New Bass Guitar. Apartment here in China. Upgrade my studio lighting. Open a weasel sanctuary. Export gypsy tart all over the world.Seriously, why can you only get that in Kent? I would also track down the last few remaining pieces that I am missing from my Iron Man action figure collection. Currently the largest collection in Europe, by the way.
  22. Did you guys not read my review from a while back? After a thorough revision of the game it has to lose at least 2 points and become a 6/10 for some great elements but too many crap things.
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