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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Ghost Chronicles. Hmm, that actually sounds like it could be a sleeper hit.
  2. There was some kind of chemical imbalance in her brain that got worse during TTOTM. She had to be kept in the house during that week, for fear of incidents like that.
  3. You... you... you're cheating on me? Best one ever happened a few years back: "I don't mean to be weird, but my girlfriend just brought me some of her period in a jar." The other one I hate is: "It's only a game." I now warn girlfriends in advance that saying that signals they wish to end the relationship.
  4. "Hands up all the people in this room who don't have AIDS? No, sir, you put your hand down..."
  5. Timesplitters 2 is probably my favourite FPS ever. But I could never design single player levels that were challenging enough for me. Multiplayer rocked, especially capture the flag in that base set in a ravine with two buildings at either end. Man.
  6. Bourbon, or a nice Irish whisky. Brandy for when I'm feeling low. But from now until further notice, I am not allowed alcohol.
  7. I've got a massive hard spot for National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. "Surprised Clark?" "Eddie, I couldn't be more surprised if I woke up tomorrow morning with my head sown to the carpet."
  8. Much love, honey .x.
  9. Unless it's all lies.
  10. Could you all name every one of the counties of England and point them out on a map? Could you tell me the name of every king or queen in order since the Domesday book? No, and neither can I and I have a genius-level IQ. People know what they need to know and then if they choose to they can educate themselves further.
  11. I get the impression that these rallies were carefully orchestrated. Thing that annoy m is that we are going to have to turn the other cheek on this one and preach tolerance and respect for other people. While at the same time, these people we are trying to do so for are calling for this fat lady's death.
  12. The children picked the name, I hope their parents are counselling them on how wrong it was to do that.
  13. Those Jissbon ones are, they gave me a ... Hey hey! Anyway, Islam is not the problem, like many things it's the way that Islam is interpreted by some. It's the same with Human Rights laws, there's actually very little wrong with them, but the way that they have been interpreted means that they are abused and misused.
  14. Everyone and everything has a place in the universe. So long as nothing dies a pointless death, then there is no harm. My cancer drugs were animal tested, and I thank the animals that gave their lives for mine. So too do I thank the animals I eat, and I work every day to ensure that the world is a better place through me for their sacrifice. It's when animals die a pointless death that frustrates me, that's why cosmetic testing is wrong. Cosmetics are nice, but they are not really necessary. Yay for Shamanism
  15. Mars bars used to be 25p... I remember the days when shops would sell sweets at a penny a throw and make a profit.
  16. I strongly urge people to pick up Three Men In A Boat by Jerome K Jerome, it's hilarious. There are a number of great classics to be read, check out the back of your Penguin book and try titles like "The Prisoner of Zenda" and "King Soloman's Mines". Also, the Barsetshire Chronicles are worthy of a read, and if you've never read Hardy, try at least one. And of course, you are almost legally required to read Treausre Island. By the way, does anyone remember/know a book about a group of children who meet a man living in the forest, and the guy is in a cave covered over by vines or something...? Sorry to be vague, but this I remember from my childhood. I thought it was The Children of the New Forest, which I picked up recently, and it wasn't. Still, I'd recommend that one too.
  17. All the crisps in China are American brands. Have a packet for me Jordan
  18. Sounds like an interesting idea. I've never actually watched Wales or NI play a competitive match.
  19. Oh gee, a few injuries eh? Heard of team called Newcastle, have you?
  20. What's next, Wii Play Away?
  21. It's all a question of tempo; building an attack slowly and probing the enemy for openings. Also, short passes. Look at the continental teams and see how many passes they string together before attacking.
  22. Futurama was funny sporadically, but too inconsistent to be worthy of the legacy of the Simpsons, or even come close to Family Guy. Too many in-jokes and too much internet humour meant that it was largely inaccessible.
  23. In Merrie Old England we don't really have bomb threats at the school, just someone smashing eggs on the Headmaster's desk. And of course "exploding" perverts.
  24. Canada? We had a similar thing at our school, but not quite as serious. Back when I was a Year 7 there was a guy who would sit in his class and play with himself as the Sixth Form girls walked past.
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