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Everything posted by Iun

  1. One chance only. That's enough for everyone. If you are too stubborn, stupid or self-centred to take it, you don't deserve another one. But there is nothing wrong with working to atone for your mistake.
  2. It's a difficult question of age, assigning an arbitrary number for a whole society means that some people are excluded from responsibility when they know exactly what they are doing. Cases should probably be assessed on individual merit, but this would likely cause a lot of problems. So I guess 10 would be about right. What really needs to go is this "protect the identity" thing we give to youngsters. They should be thrown to the wolves like any other criminal. Also, I'd more for a lift on the law that allows false rape claimants to be protected. A good friend of mine was sat next to me for a whole night drinking and chatting, the next day he was accused of rape by someone at the same party. For a fortnight, his life was hell, and he confessed he was considering killing himself - the papers took it as a sign of guilt. Once everybody's testimonies were heard, the case was thrown out, but we never found out who it was who had accused him.
  3. *hugs for you honey* Just be patient, all you need to do is let him know that you really care about him and that you will no matter what.
  4. Hide the other plates. Everyone else should take a plate, knife, fork, spoon, glass and bowl into their room, only clan your own stuff and then when he needs things, he'll have to use dirty things or clean up after himself. University is fun. Oh wait, no. University is hell because you finally realise that there are so many people who don't give a toss about anyone but themselves.
  5. Best curry house in Shanghai is near to my old apartment. Run by an English-born Indian family, they had just the biggest variety of curries I have ever seen, plus they were ultra-nice to everyone who went in, even the drunk japanese guys.
  6. Er... Ha'way the lads? *slinks off to a more tame thread* There's nothing wrong with pride in your side winning, but there's no point in celebrating say, a 15-0 demolition of a side who have 5 injured first-team regulars and are currently going through administration, and would be in a bad league position regardless. That's what gets my goat when people go around yelling "'mon the GOOOOOONERS!!! WHOOOOOO!" When all you've done is beaten a Championship side. You are measured by the class of your opponents, not the margin of victory.
  7. Winter Wonderland. Or White Christmas. But I really prefer Christmas Carols.
  8. We don't get the proper Dairy Milk stuff in China, the milk out here is wrong for making chocolate. Anyone who sends me some gets either (a) Free Hugs or (b) Fancy Chopsticks. Oh, and we have "Dove" here too, it's a pale imitation of Galaxy.
  9. Ross Noble. Undoubtedly one of the funniest men alive. Jimmy Carr and Russel Brand are not funny, however. Jimmy Carr in particular gets boos for believing that swearing at the Prince of Wales charity gig for CHILDREN was going to go down well.
  10. Good/Bad Day. Good because I'm off work. Bad because the highlight of my day is going to be walking to Ikea and buying all the energy saver bulbs I need. I am actually quite excited by this prospect.
  11. Because sometimes and only sometimes, there is true justice in the world: the bad are properly punished and the good are rewarded.
  12. Bless her. I seriously hope that one day the Second Amendment is repealed.
  13. Ghost Chronicles. Hmm, that actually sounds like it could be a sleeper hit.
  14. There was some kind of chemical imbalance in her brain that got worse during TTOTM. She had to be kept in the house during that week, for fear of incidents like that.
  15. You... you... you're cheating on me? Best one ever happened a few years back: "I don't mean to be weird, but my girlfriend just brought me some of her period in a jar." The other one I hate is: "It's only a game." I now warn girlfriends in advance that saying that signals they wish to end the relationship.
  16. "Hands up all the people in this room who don't have AIDS? No, sir, you put your hand down..."
  17. Timesplitters 2 is probably my favourite FPS ever. But I could never design single player levels that were challenging enough for me. Multiplayer rocked, especially capture the flag in that base set in a ravine with two buildings at either end. Man.
  18. Bourbon, or a nice Irish whisky. Brandy for when I'm feeling low. But from now until further notice, I am not allowed alcohol.
  19. I've got a massive hard spot for National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. "Surprised Clark?" "Eddie, I couldn't be more surprised if I woke up tomorrow morning with my head sown to the carpet."
  20. Could you all name every one of the counties of England and point them out on a map? Could you tell me the name of every king or queen in order since the Domesday book? No, and neither can I and I have a genius-level IQ. People know what they need to know and then if they choose to they can educate themselves further.
  21. I get the impression that these rallies were carefully orchestrated. Thing that annoy m is that we are going to have to turn the other cheek on this one and preach tolerance and respect for other people. While at the same time, these people we are trying to do so for are calling for this fat lady's death.
  22. The children picked the name, I hope their parents are counselling them on how wrong it was to do that.
  23. Those Jissbon ones are, they gave me a ... Hey hey! Anyway, Islam is not the problem, like many things it's the way that Islam is interpreted by some. It's the same with Human Rights laws, there's actually very little wrong with them, but the way that they have been interpreted means that they are abused and misused.
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