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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I have to agree with Ashley, you are what you are and you should be proud of that. Unless you molest bicycles. I think we can all agree that's wrong.
  2. It never snows in this part of China Still, I am surprised the snow has come so early.
  3. I got this yesterday on naughtyperson import. But it won't work. DAMN YOU!
  4. Happy Birthday, my Moogle!
  5. I have no qualms about telling everyone to buy this game, it is fantastic. Okay, the hit locations can be difficult, but only if your aim is poor. The weapons are good too, with a shotgun inneffective at distance and deadly at close range. Difficulty is nicely balanced with an excellent learning curve even on the easy setting. It took me an hour on normal to finally nail the RE end guardian.
  6. Attaboy. I'm thinking of getting a Panda, they're nature's vegans!
  7. Really? So if someone beats up a blind guy or a young mentally handicapped girl in a wheelchair because he thinks anyone with "defects" should be hurt, then the punishment should be the same? Wow. Just wow.
  8. I just got it from Japan. It scores a firm 8.5 in my book. Very, very good game, plenty of atmosphere but just nothing big and new.
  9. Resi 4 Wii Edition was the dog foo', y'all biscuitheads. I can't understand the flak that it got from some corners. UC is at the top of my list, well over and above Mario Galaxy.
  10. Sadly I have. It looks like a PS1 game and plays... well, just awful.
  11. Homosexuals, Lesbians, Bisexuals and people who differ from your narrow-minded perceptions obviously need protection from you. Prejudice against sexual orientation, racial difference and religious beliefs are all prejudices against small aspects of personality. When you are prejudiced, YOU notice these characteristics more, they are not more prevalent traits. True, there are those who are extremely flamboyant with their sexuality, make more of their race than others or indeed preach the Koran/Gospel/Talmud from on high to anyone who will listen. But can we not apply the same thinking to football fans? Someone who is a fanatical Manchest United supporter, or a Rangers fan could be classified as just as "Fucking annoying" surely? The difference is that no, they do not have greater protection from the authorities, and are in fact punished harder by them for transgressions. Why? Because crimes between football fans are often crimes of prejudice. The same is true of hate crimes. They are crimes of ignorance, the blank refusal to accept the fact that someone else may have a differing point of view, or a lifestyle which others may find distasteful -which is a pretty close definition of hate. That is why we need hate crime legislation, and the punishment is just the same, it is only the terminology that is different in this case.
  12. Errrrm....no. A person is not his actions, it's the reasons behind his actions that matter. You could kill someone because they were endangering your life, or because you didn't like the way that they looked at you. Now, which one of those is right?
  13. No. No. NO. Do NOT buy this. Not even to "Support a developer". If you want to do charity work, adopt a chimp.
  14. I think some people should be more specific especially when some people are being so vague! :P Anyway, I just don't think this qualifies as news in any way. You could design a computer program and it could divine a sonata from a child's finger painting.
  15. Oh! Thank heavens for that! I could say that for anything! War is over people, the planet is at peace!
  16. Oh! Thank the heavens for that! Da Vinci wasn't an atheist! War is over people, the planet is at peace!
  17. Favourite Mario Memory 1: Taking a crowbar to my spare copy of Super Mario World to find out precisely where the "Annoying" was. Favourite Mario Memory 2: Playing the Arcade Super Mario Bros 2 with a friend all the way to the end one saturday at my local swimming pool
  18. Animal Crossing Wii: More variety, out of town online shopping experience maintained by NPCs. Ability to visit other people's towns. Duh. Link to the weather Channel for real-world weather, except in Winter when there should always be snow Bring Christmas back: I don't care who you pissed off having that in the first one, you pissed me off by taking it out. Competing stores in ton for competition: bring in sale days and have th stores vying for business. Out of town offline experiences -for example visiting an island, a trip to a mountain village - just anything to get out of the everyday town. An arcade to play minigames in, with the owner upgrading the more money you put into it like Nooks. More furniture series to collect so the selection on sale doesn't get boring. Maybe have separate stores for separate things - carpet shop, sofa store etc. New collectables, such as books you can read to help stock up the town library. These could range from AC mythology to fun facts. Generally more to do.
  19. No it wasn't. No they wouldn't, it was terrible. A very bad Zelda clone.
  20. I appreciate games must evolve to survive, but the changes made by Rare and Namco were only in the interests of the their own games, not in the interests of the series as a whole. It ruined it.
  21. Sounds good, except in my version Krystal would die within the first five minutes of the game. In fact, the whole first five minutes of the game would be dedicated to Krystal being brutally, but slowly murdered, with a plastic bag on her head while the music and gameplay footage of Lylat Wars play out loudly in front of her. Then the next ten minutes feature the ENTIRE (including families, vague acquaintances and pets) staff of Rare making a collective apology for Starfox Adventures, pointing out where they went wrong and showing in each case who responsible for each mistake. (This may take longer than ten minutes, but it's what everyone deserves) Then there would be a DAMN GOOD explanation from Namco as to why they chose to Keep Krystal as a Character and relegate Peppy to supporting role, when he was the most ass-kicking of all the wingmen in Lylat Wars. And then there would be an apology from the Director of the game for all of the On-Foot levels - no developers, I really would not be able to contend with seeing their faces. Then, the whole series would be retconned to an event just after Lylat Wars and everyone would pretend that the years since its release were the dream of a drunken weasel and everything would be okay.
  22. Glad people still remember. It's not just The Great War and WWII but for veterans of every war since.
  23. Not skeptical, just curious as to why this in any way advances the human race, should be considered news, or why anyone genuinely thinks this makes a difference?
  24. Many Haps!
  25. What a load of old horking crap.
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