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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I'm up because I live in China. It's early afternoon here.
  2. I have the touch. I have THE power.
  3. I shall miss Quintessa... I mean, the Dinobots.
  4. I demand that Hot Rod is mangled, bludgeoned, tortured half to death and beaten with leather whips before finally being killed by everyone who loved Optimus Prime. Also: The Touch = Greatest Movie Song of All Time.
  5. Thanks. This guy also hates Macs. That is why his opinion is invalid.
  6. Not if I can possibly help it. Read Fire Flower for an in-depth list of my merciless prejudices. :p
  7. Meh, ultimately pesonal opinions are just that - personal. An individual can come up with a reason why the sky may be falling/rising based on experience. But human nature cannot be dismissed: humans are often selfish, group oriented beings that require a sense of belonging through affiliation to validate themselves. And that works on both sides - you cn be a football supporter and a football hater. Both are equally valid opinions in the mind of the individual but demand a sense of belonging that does not necessarilt match up with the reasons of those within the group.
  8. It's identity by association, sadly the ironic axiom "You are unique, just like everybody else" rings startlingly true.
  9. Perhaps not, but you have to ask what aspects of society are drawn towards football and why. What is the relation between the simplicity of the game and the prevalence of thuggish violence? Is there a correlation or is it imply an aspect of coincidnece? Is it not possible to argue that football itself is more of a passionate participants sport than others such as Cricket and F1, and therefore necessitates an encourages the diffidence of its spectators? Why then is it considered to be more difficult to win an away game than a home game? Human nature is such that it needs to belong - be that through political, cultural or religious affiliations, and these all breed a different kind of ignorance and prejudice.
  10. Indeed, as a former employee of GAME, we used to see a lot of this. As a suffere from Omniscient Concept of Design, I always made sure I had sealed preorder of anything new in advance - it's just good sense.
  11. Your accusations may well be levelled at any area of society, however football is a convenient example. If you wish to challenge these prejudices, then you must place the blame on society as a whole, rather than simply the raucous hordes who enjoy the often thoughtless entertainment of a football match. It is the symptom, but not the cause. And to track the cause, you must make a far more in-depth study than mere words and considerations on these forums allow.
  12. Can you back that up with some kind of sense and reason? Otherwise it's an empty statement, regardless of my personal feeling.
  13. Everyone has a right to an opinion, provided that it is an informed one. If it is uneducated then it is less valuable in the sense that it is not as ill informed, but more valuable in the sense that is unbounded by preconceptions. Unless. of course the education is based on hearsay, conjecture and the unrefined opinions of others. Let's keep it clean, chaps and think about what we say prior to expressing ourselves. Make sure our opinions cite individual examples relevant and pertinent to our opinions, and most importantly agree that there are multiple points of view.
  14. What? What the Hell is going on, by the Flame of Persephone?
  15. I drink sometimes, and it's a mistake because it reminds me but for the grace of something/someone, I would already be dead.
  16. Shamanic Meditation. Deep-seated change of consciousness to heal the wounds beneath the surface.
  17. I once started a fight with a guy who dropped litter in front of me. It totally spoiled my day as I was buying a 360 that day with Oblivion. Still, from then on he crossed over the other side when he saw me.
  18. Rumours are flying... did we actually get anyone in the transfer window other than that USA defender?
  19. I have to say, I am a dyed-in-the-wool Starfox Fan -but only because of Lylat Wars, Starwing and Starfox Command. Starfox Adventures was a Calorie-Free version of Zelda that was ridiculously limited at times, and Starfox Assault was just a bit shabby in everything it did. Though I am replaying the game after getting it fo £6 from my local 2nd hand store, and it's alright, but no classic.
  20. You know guys, I'm trying really hard to kick my perversion habit, but comments like this don't really help. Oh, my...
  21. Happy birthday, Flinky! Make it a good one, and have a beer on me. You're kidding me, right? I'm 2X and I still feel like I'm 17 most days!
  22. Ask yourself this: can you trust yourself to trust her again? If the answer is no, then the way forward is to move on, hard though it is. If you can, then you are a better man than I. If not, then.. there will be others. I won't lie to you, you will never love another like you love Becky, but you will love differently. And sometimes, that is better. What I said in my PM still stands.
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