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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Um... good for you! Drown your sorrows, have fun, relax and take your mind off the "big" questions!
  2. Mmm, agreed, Aimless. It seems like you're not looking for a real answer, but instead you're posing a circular question.
  3. Hocus Pocus, arguably Bette Midler's best performance. AND... interesting movie to a video game here: The song "Almost Unreal" by Roxette was originally going to be in the movie "Hocus Pocus" (it contains a repeated "do that hocus pocus to me" line) but it ended up being one of the themes in the Super Mario Brothers film.
  4. Not a big TV watcher, but I might put on Resident Evil Apocalypse. *shudder* Such frightening acting....
  5. Then the argument is simply that yes, you can do it, but then it may happen that someone else can do it as well, without being found out. And the conscience of the individual kicks in and says "But it may happen to me, and I don't want it to, so I won't do it."
  6. You should not do it, because if you do it, someone else can do it. And then someone else as well, and someone else after that. And there is anarchy. We must have laws and these "morals" in order to function as a society.
  7. At the end of the day it boils down to this: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you feel free to stab someone, there is the worry that someone else is free to stab you too. Therefore you do not stab anyone, and you rely on the fact that no-one else wants a stabbing so you don't get stabbed. It is mainly fear, tired as that may seem. If you open up a stab free-for-all, you run the risk of you or someone else getting killed. So you put these restrictions down in order to prevent it happening to you. It is selfish fear that motivates this.
  8. "Moral" is not a particularly useful term as notions of morality change with time: For example, to the ancient Greeks, homosexuals were not only "moral" but superior to heterosexuals. Look at the way people dressed as recently as the 50's -if there had been women wearing trousers back then, they would have been classed as "immoral". Our legal system in the West is, however, based on the Ten Commandments, and therefore they dictate in a round about way that we follow a religiously acceptable code. Is there right and wrong? It's all relative: one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. One man's doctor is another man's abomination. Good and evil, light and dark are perspectival. Individuals make the choices, then find other individuals with the same ideals and form a group. The group becomes a movement, the movement becomes a society and the society will invariably breed rebels and dissidents who are unhappy with the majority rule -even the "majority" may be unhappy with the situation, but their apathy prevents them from changing it. However, despite these individual societies, there appear to be core rules which permeate most societies depending on the openness and the permissive attitudes prevalent. Some societies may only have a few rules that link them to others: some may be virtually indistinguishable but for one or two minor nuances that set them apart. I think the witches do have it right though: "An' it harm no-one, do what thou will."
  9. Stranger's Wrath was the second reason to own an Xbox.
  10. I'd appreciate your input... but as far as I'm concerned... You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals....
  11. CLubbing is not for me -too noisy, no conversation and too many aggressive drunks. How are you going to meet new people and learn about them in a place where you can barely see or hear them?
  12. We need someone to be Winston Zedmore (Y'honour) any takers?
  13. Well, it's a toughie. Some people will say just get on with what you like to do as it is, and that is fine. But do try to open your mind to new experiences. For example, I am p*ss-scared of heights and flying. However, over the last week, I have been in a plane and I am seriously considering going skydiving. I may only do it once in my life, but I'm not going to deny myself the opportunity to experience it because it scares the shit out of me. All the same, life is not a rehearsal, so don't get yourself too badsly caught up in doing things that you don't enjoy just to please other people.
  14. My mates and I are going as the Ghostbusters.
  15. The main issue is that the lady who is suspended removed her veil in front of male governers and then refused to do so in the classroom. It was not seen as a problem initially, because the lady at first, removed her veil. This seems to have been the act of a "Trojan Horse". i.e. lull them into a false sense of security then make a political statement once inside the walls. The classroom is NOT the place to make a religious statement, however. What if my religion stated that I should p*ss all over everyone I met in the street? An extreme example,but I would feel that in the spirit of tolerance and understanding in another culture, that I should only p*ss on people in my own home. This is just a counter-attack as a means of portraying the lady as a victim. In all my travels around Britain I have never met a single muslim woman who felt obliged to wear the Niquab, and I have lived in some of the most predominantly asian communities in the UK.
  16. Well done! And for the next piece of fine entertainment, we can cheer as we watch a bouncer kick a puppy to death. It really cheeses me off when people glory in pointless wins. I went to a Gills match a couple of years back as they played local non-leaguers, and I really felt sorry for the underdogs as the Gills fans were doing everything short of p*ssing in their faces when they won something like 7 - 0. I just thought "What's the point in revelling in such an empty victory?"
  17. Well done. You're playing Watford though, not Inter.
  18. I'm going to get a projector one day and project it on my butt. Then I will have a REALLY big ass TV.
  19. Oh, you want to talk about overlooked? Scott Parker. A much, much better midfielder than Carrick. Scotty's work rate is unquestionable and his teamwork brilliant. I would have him as back-up for Hargreaves over Carrick any day.
  20. Um. The Nazi state? True it was eventually an out-and-out failure, but there was a while there when everything looked bleak for personal freedoms and the right to not be blonde. I think the main worry is what kind of devastation this could potentially cause and what the wider world ramifications will be. Do we nuke them? Frankly, nuclear weapons are a deterrant more than a weapon. The thought of them and the terrible impact that they may have is enough to pull people up short. However, an idiot with the opportunity to cause that kind of devastation is a dangerous idiot indeed. While the same may be said of George Bush, now is not the time to point fingers at the big, bad Americans and how naughty they are. Instead let's focus on the potential implication of a new nuclear power emerging in a world already heavily destabilised. And spare a thought for the poor South Koreans. They are a decent, nice people that don't deserve this. Save the finger pointing for afterwards, let's sort out the problems first.
  21. Meh, I'm buddies with all the staff at my local GAME -seeing as I used to be their boss! So therefore, I should be top of the list come midnight!
  22. Small squad = Bad. There are many phrases I would associate with Shola: "Dependably Mediocre" "Forgettable" and "Not Much Cop, Really" but "Blistering Pace" ... no... not one of them. We are really going to pay for not making more defensive and attacking signings during the summer: our midfield is strong with imaginative, reliable and hardworking players -Parker, Milner, N'Zogbia and of course, the excellent Emre. Our defence has never seemed to gel -Carr is losing it, Ramage is a hard-worker who would probably push for an international call-up if he were given the chance. Moore and Taylor are great and Babayaro is solid. But ever since Keegan, we just haven't had a defence that has inspired me with confidence.
  23. Arf arf. What a weekend. Still, at least we have Harper to rely on.
  24. Ebay is good. And by the way, I have the largest collection in Europe of Marvel Comic's Iron Man figures.
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