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Everything posted by Iun

  1. What kind of embarassing retard can't hold onto a controller?
  2. Woolies have 4 rechargeable batts and a charger for £9.99. It's Energizer too, so fairly good quality. plus the batteries are 2000 m/ah. Reasonably powerful.
  3. Iuventus Stultorum Magister : Youth is the teacher of fools. (J. Ringo) Rashness is the mark of youth, prudence that of old age and discretion the better part of valour. (Cicero)
  4. Welcome, Blue Wizard! Don't shoot the food.
  5. Happy Birthday, person I don't know!
  6. Mm. The Wii motes seem to occasionally lose their connection to the system in certain cases. Best thing to do is just turn the machine off and on again, first on the machine, then at the wall socket.
  7. My girlfriend's cat chewed the sensor bar cable -what is an efficient cheap alternative to two candles while I wait a few weeks for a replacement?
  8. Many dappy interns aren't gay!* *Note: Many happy returns of the day.
  9. GAME were useless with getting my pack to me, I didn't get confirmation until I called Customer Services the other day. Threw what little weight I have left around and got apologies and vouchers
  10. That's odd, because mine is 13 (that number crops up everywhere in my life) but I am actually 7th in the queue.
  11. Looking forward to getting thoroughly stuffed by the Arsenal. Yep. It's like Mike Tyson fighting a baby at the moment... when will the Toon stop being such a joke?
  12. Every time I see a new report on Artificial Intelligence of life-like robots, like the Repliquee Q1 I get this quote in my head: "The First ones had rubber skin, we spotted them easy. But this is something new: sweat bad, breath, blood... I had to wait for him to make a move before I could zero him" *shudder* and then I pee my pants and can't sleep for the night. ON TOPIC: I miss my glow in the dark advent calendar. But apparently you're not allowed to do glow in the dark stuff any more because it's toxic. So are cars. Ban them and then we'll have fun with cool glow in the dark stuff.
  13. Banjo Kazooie is one of my all-time top 20 games, and certainly top 10 platformers. And also, much, much better than Mario 64 -it just had so much more colour and personality. Plus, Mad Monster Mansion was gorgeous to look at!
  14. Mmm. It does get boring after a while, however, the DS game has more events, more villager interaction and much more variety. I do miss the NES games, Christmas and Easter on it though.
  15. Hello, Rummy! I've not had a letter just yet, but my place is 7 in the queue, so I'll be mightily offended if I don't get one at launch. The thing that does bother me quite a bit is the expense of the bundles -traditionally the cost is reduced. But as this is a launch AND it's a pretty hot one, GAME can and will charge whatever they like.
  16. Dude, that's Dover Castle... that's all of 5 minutes down the road from me. *astounded*
  17. Hmm. An older one for me would be Obliterator on the ST and Amiga. Throw onto an alien-infested spaceship with only a weak pistol to start with, and every time you die, the game cuts to a screen with your frozen skeleton floating above the surface of the moon. Oh, and definitely AVP 2 as the Marine: you go into the complex and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens for a very long time. The you turn the security system ON and all hell breaks loose. Pant wetting stuff.
  18. I am going to America in approximately two weeks. I may be able to pick you up some, what's in it for me if I stack my already pretty stacked suitcase?
  19. Mm. You have to take these things with a careful eye. Basically I remember a headline that said AIDS would be curable within four months.... that was 5 years ago. While I agree we cannot continue as we are forever, we have to look a sustainable and reasonable options for change. Socially, we are simply unprepared for this though.
  20. Iun


    Specsavers often have bogof deals, best to go for them. That way you have one in your bag and one at home all the time. As for lightweight and scratch resistant.... only consider those options if you think you'll drop them or can't hanle and extra 50 grammes hanging around. Try being partially sighted, it sucks.
  21. *blush* Aw, hey... Morality is a tough issue, and I can see where Haden is coming from. Where do you take your compass bearing if you have no religious belief? Ultimately, it is not easy, and one tends to cobble together an individualised answer that has its roots in a number of different sources -religion, upbringing and socially accepted norms. In an atheistic society it is down to the group as a whole to define this. In a way, it is little different from religion in some ways -there is a central ideal or goal to work towards, and this is often defined by either a majority or a single entity with the power of definition itself. So there are paralells. Equally, however, the ideal is based around the continued agreeable survival in the here and now, and not through fear of post-mortem punishment. Though there may be the fear of punishment in the here and now. Actually that raises an interesting point: Prisons are decidedly non-christian things. "Judge not, lest ye be judged" and the fact that it is the responsibility of the higher being to exact judgements, not those on the mortal plane. So what is punishment here? Is it perhaps the melding of two ideals, or inspired from the fear that there is no divine retribution? Hmm. Now that the concussion is wearing off...
  22. My Moogle! There you are! I thought I had lost you! *ahem* Sometimes the answer is not as important as the question, so yes, what made you come up with that one?
  23. I agree that DKC 2 had a far darker tone, but graphically and gameplay wise, DKC 3 was just a little bit cleverer in its overall execution. The option to explore the map was great as opposed to being shepherded around all the time, plus there was so much more personality to the game -at least from my point of view. Don't get me wrong, DKC 2 still makes the top ten (particularly for the aforementioned Bramble Blast levels) as it was an incredibly good game, but for overall entertainment value, DKC 3 pips it neatly to the post.
  24. The GBA version was an inexcusable mess. DKC 3 was, is and will remain my second most favourite game of all time. Nothing I have played has ever come close as a platformer for me. Plus, as a Native American, the "Northern Kremisphere" theme with the pine forests and mountains really called out to my tribal memory. *sigh*
  25. And your internal spellchecker as well!
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