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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Thanks for the tip, any advice, Moria?
  2. So I would use MacTheRipper to make a DVD from an existing DVD of my latest "Home Movie" ?
  3. Best of luck getting through to the Service Centre. They have stopped answering the phone or replying to emails.
  4. Check the batteries in the remote is all I can say. Has anyone else tried to get to NoE customer services recently? The line is always engaged and I still need a replacement sensor bar.
  5. Does that seriously work? How does it improve the response of the Wiimote?
  6. Happy birthday, enjoy yourself whatever you are doing.
  7. Thank god I am not the only one! I am SO ANNOYED by this challenge! I don't even get hit! The remote stops responding after the second lot are cleared away! GRRRAAAARRRGGHHHH! *BITE*
  8. I wonder what Panda tastes like?
  9. Guh? I don't understand at all. But I like the way you talk.
  10. Hugs all round. My christmas miracle is that dad and I are speaking again.
  11. Wii Play for the extra remote and multiplayer minigames, and Zelda because it's Zelda, and I'd buy it if the disc was made of hardened camel faeces.
  12. I sold a plastic bag on eBay for a mighty £5 + £2.50 postage. Stupidest money I ever made.
  13. Looking forawrd to Wario Ware, it's out on my birthday! Buy-me-do!
  14. What kind of embarassing retard can't hold onto a controller?
  15. Woolies have 4 rechargeable batts and a charger for £9.99. It's Energizer too, so fairly good quality. plus the batteries are 2000 m/ah. Reasonably powerful.
  16. Iuventus Stultorum Magister : Youth is the teacher of fools. (J. Ringo) Rashness is the mark of youth, prudence that of old age and discretion the better part of valour. (Cicero)
  17. Welcome, Blue Wizard! Don't shoot the food.
  18. Happy Birthday, person I don't know!
  19. Mm. The Wii motes seem to occasionally lose their connection to the system in certain cases. Best thing to do is just turn the machine off and on again, first on the machine, then at the wall socket.
  20. My girlfriend's cat chewed the sensor bar cable -what is an efficient cheap alternative to two candles while I wait a few weeks for a replacement?
  21. Many dappy interns aren't gay!* *Note: Many happy returns of the day.
  22. GAME were useless with getting my pack to me, I didn't get confirmation until I called Customer Services the other day. Threw what little weight I have left around and got apologies and vouchers
  23. That's odd, because mine is 13 (that number crops up everywhere in my life) but I am actually 7th in the queue.
  24. Looking forward to getting thoroughly stuffed by the Arsenal. Yep. It's like Mike Tyson fighting a baby at the moment... when will the Toon stop being such a joke?
  25. Every time I see a new report on Artificial Intelligence of life-like robots, like the Repliquee Q1 I get this quote in my head: "The First ones had rubber skin, we spotted them easy. But this is something new: sweat bad, breath, blood... I had to wait for him to make a move before I could zero him" *shudder* and then I pee my pants and can't sleep for the night. ON TOPIC: I miss my glow in the dark advent calendar. But apparently you're not allowed to do glow in the dark stuff any more because it's toxic. So are cars. Ban them and then we'll have fun with cool glow in the dark stuff.
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