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Everything posted by Iun

  1. "For the most part, you are bisexual. You have a slight preference for the opposite gender, but either gender would suit you. If you are sexually inexperienced, it is possible that this will change after you do some experimenting." ----------------- Sounds about right, I guess. Apart from the inexperienced thing.
  2. Jumpers for goalposts? Secretly rubbing the ball in shite and getting your mate to header it? Anyway, I think the fact that we can hold Chelsea to 2-1 and their second goal was CLEARLY OFFSIDE is a good sign for our players. They have the ability just not the strength as a team yet.
  3. I love the video for Band Aid, the original. It's one of the last appearances of Bono before he disappeared up his own ass. His musical talent is something that is sadly missed.
  4. 10 What is/are your preferred genre/s [multi choice] - Action adventure - Sci-fi - Fantasy - Horror / Thriller - Comedy - Entertainment 11 Are you male or female? Male 12 How old are you? 22-30 13 What is your ethnic background? - Mixed race
  5. I have thieved quite a lot. Recently I stole a gold-plated spoon from a restaurant here. They initially tried to overcharge me, they didn't thin k I would look at the bill or recognise they were trying to charge me for four more dishes that I had eaten. I consider that retribution. I stole an awful lot of crap from the supplies cupboard when I was 5, go caught and vowed never to do it again. Get caught, that is.
  6. I'm hassling the missus to come tomorrow so I can take pics without getting arrested. It's a busy day though what with Christmas Shopping before my brief holiday back to the UK, then return to Shanghai where my publishers are waiting for first drafts of these here children's books... Narf!
  7. There's a lot of good there, but there is a lot of bad. The situation with the PS2 was similar for th first year, except in the case of the PS2 there was nothing worthy of purchase from day one.
  8. http://www.ukresistance.co.uk My SEGA coin features on UKR today, I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed that I am so excited about this. Still, the website has been consistently cracking me up for the last few years, so it's nice to get on.
  9. Net for preference. Although as it is my first Christmas living in China I am giving my family authentic Chinese goods when I visit for the festive period.
  10. "Dude... this is such a sausage fest. Wanna make out?"
  11. I'm feeling the Lampard hate here I've learnt enough Chinese in 8 months to get on with the basics of my job, and the rest is diagrams and gestures, so good luck to the guy.
  12. Hippo Birdie. DaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaHhhhh!
  13. Well, isn't it JUST WONDERFUL to be you!?
  14. You're suggesting Nintendo made it easier to copy games in order that Nintendo could make more profit for themselves? Maiky, I love you sometimes...
  15. But Nintendo also make it easier for people in countries where the Wii is not on general sale to say say "Ah, F*ck it, they don't care about us..." and then go out and buy a modded machine. I wanted to buy an American machine out here, but then found out that Nintendo would make it off-warranty, that games were as expensive in the West, when salaries are significantly lower in this region. Plus if I brought my Wii with me from England, Nintendo would have cast me down from Heaven and refused to repair it. So what was my choice? Take a stand against the pirates and adopt a holier-than-thou attitude? Or play the games I want to play, in the only way I can? Nintendo have no-one else but themselves to blame for people in this region buying pirated software, but in the West... well, retailers have to shoulder a lot of the blame for game prices.
  16. It's not physically possible to buy a Wii in China because Nintendo are so worried about piracy. The result? Retailes import consoles from Japan and America, chip them and sell pirated games.
  17. Agree with Moogle. Freedom is a privilege given to those who do not break the law.
  18. Iun appreciates Mcoy. Mcoy is a breath of fesh air in a sometimes stale environment.
  19. Oh dude, so sorry to here this. Get well soon!
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