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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I genuinely don't advise buying the Mine Thrower as the delay in exploding can cause you a lot of problems if the enemies get too close. You're better off upgrading the TMP and Semi-Auto Shotgun, the Red 9 is the first thing you should max out though. Plus mine thrower darts are quite rare, you're better off sticking with grenades.
  2. According to this online quiz I did ages ago, that's where I'm going. Or was it the 6th? It's the City of Dis where all the sodomites go. And good luck with the moving out, what prompted this and where are you going?
  3. It's difficult to watch from the outside, there's sometimes no logical or sensible reason for why people feel the way people do. I remember when I was a teenager my parents would not allow me to have feelings or be upset unless I explained to them precisely why. And when I did, they'd always knock the reasons down one by one.
  4. I know what it's like to feel invisible Daft, whenever I post here no-one pays attention or just repeats what I've said and then they are quoted ad nauseum. A similar thing happened at school for me - I was one of the most senior musicians there, I was involved with virtually everything and eveyone knew it. But I left the music teacher's pride and joy (the Senior Choir) and when it came to prize giving he gave me a junior prize for the Jazz Quartet and nothing else after 6 years of unbending and unbroken service to the schools music. What it boils down to is that people have short memories when it comes to things they don't want to be reminded of. And particularly in large social groups the "Alpha" will always be rewarded, even if they are not really top dog, but only elevated for their popularity. We suffered from that a lot in our University sports teams: the popular people were always the forward players, believing their social popularity would translate into match-winning ability. Needless to say it didn't, but that fact was papered over and they were always name-checked when the backs kept a clean sheet and they managed to muddle a shot into the back of the net. God, now I'm depressed.
  5. I suffer from severe Bipolar Disorder - what they used to call Manic Depression, and also very bad Omniscient Concept of Design (OCD). Both of which can be extremely debilitating. Everyone always says "get help" but honestly speaking, all the so-called "professionals" I have seen have been absolutely useless. That's not to say that they weren't helpful for other people, but these things are not for everybody. Set yoursel reasonable short term goals, achieve them and then reward yourself. Then as and when you regain your confidence (it may take a long time) set yourself bigger targets. Before you know it you'll be the author of several articles hat nobody reads on a popular Nintendo Website.
  6. I have to say that this was really very disappointing. I didn't connect with any of the characters at all, and felt the whole piece needed a lot more depth and interest. That said, Will Smith is edging closer to that Oscar, though because it's a sci-fi/horror flick he probably won't even get a nomination. He really should have won last year though, I imagine it'll be like Denzel Washington, where he gets one for a film that really doesn't merit it.
  7. Oi! Don't force your celibate lifestyle on other people! Seriously though, "It Takes Two To Tango" is the basis for a lot of the law concerning parenting and holding fathers responsible for the "dance" as it were. But it really makes very little sense and again seems totally weighted against fathers by way of making them almost totally responsible. Take this as an example: there were two of my colleagues dating, not too serious, but they were happy together, I was on a summer job before university and they were considering their options for the future -work or further education. Anyway, the girl gets pregnant and suddenly the future is only the baby and nothing else. If the guy didn't like it: tough. Where's the "two to tango" in that? Basically, two people had sex and only one person gets to decide on the future afterwards. How is that "two to tango"? That is saying "It Takes Two To Tango, But Only One Decides When The Dance Ends" and how is that fair? The guy involved made it very clear that the future was not certain, and that he didn't want a child before they had sex the first time. They had their whole life ahead of them, and all of a sudden his life has been chosen for him. In what way is that even slightly right? In fact, it's practically criminal! He uses contraception, makes it obvious he wants no children because they are too young and it's financially unviable.So they split up and she decided she was keeping the baby because of her "beliefs" when his "beliefs" were "no babies before we can be responsible and decent parents." But no, the woman has a sacred right to control her body and the man just has to lump it. So for the next 16 years this guys gets stung for child support from a woman he made it clear that he didn't want to have children to, and he is denied the ability to look after the child full-time because "mother knows best" and the courts decided that because he made it plain he didn't want to have children, it is obvious he is not good father material BUT HE STILL COUGHS UP EVERY MONTH from his bedsit while mummy and baby play house in a fully furnished council house big enough for 4 people JUST IN CASE SHE WANTS MORE. How is that it takes two to tango? That's a bullshit law designed to protect the woman's rights and deny the say of the father, if it was really "two to tango" then the father would have as much say on a termination or adoption as the woman, if the relationship breaks down. But no, he doesn't. The only option then as you say Dom, is no sex just in case. Then nobody dances and nobody has to pay the piper for a song they don't want him to play.
  8. No, no, and a big no. My current girlfriend, while nice enough is not the motherly type.
  9. He did it in the end, but was awfully huffy about it until I told him what a wonderful job he had done. He was alright after that.
  10. That film and the previous began my fear/curiosity cycle with artificially intelligent life. I just can't handle robots at all.
  11. I would say that a good 100% of all the hairdressers here are gay, they're all so sweet. One of them threw a wobbly because I wanted him to cut my hair really short and he said he wouldn't, because my hair was so lovely. Bless.
  12. Good for you, Esequiel! If I have children, I'll probably have a dozen. That way there's plenty of them to take care of me in my dotage.
  13. Open invitation it is then! I walked down a street earlier full of "back room" massage parlours and I had hardly any cash with me and not an ATM in sight. The worst part is I can't remember where the street is now. I know it's nearby, but WHERE?? And Bluey, I know a couple of good agencies to get you a job in Japan if you are interested.
  14. Oh right... and the girls with very little on asking to be allowed to rub you, let's not forget that. But hey, you can look at buildings if you like.
  15. Middle of Forrest Gump, when Bubba was shot. It. Killed. Me. And at the end of The Iron Giant when Hogarth's voice echoes in the Giant's head - "You are who you choose to be." "Superman." Gah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytcEWAZOXnQ
  16. The WFC? The WiFi Chicken? The World Free of Capitalism? The Weird Foolish Champion?
  17. I was in an ALP, and I teach gifted children, if you want quotes.
  18. Congrats, how many do you already have?
  19. When I moved to Shanghai last year. Nearly one year on, I am loving it. Free massages and cheap clothes for everyone!
  20. I'll definitely be playing this offline with friends. If the microcosm of "Master Players" here is evidence of wider arrogance, then I'll be avoiding online matches for the sake of my own enjoyment.
  21. I spent it in the company of a room full of attractive chinese ladies who were making eyes at me... ...along with my girlfriend who was scowling at all of them.
  22. Oh stop with the "No method of contraception is 100% safe" bullshit, it's giving me a hangover. If you are taking the pill or if you are wearing a condom then it is a given that you DO NOT WANT to get pregnant/have a child. So therefore in the unlikely event that it happens (Newcastle winning the league is more likely) then you should be prepared to BOTH make a decision. Sure, the woman's body is the one that has the baby, but the baby is 50% of the male. People talk about responsibilities of the man, but what about his rights? What if he uses a condom/she's on the pill and then she's pregnant? The man has to obey the whims of a woman he may not love or who may not be entirely stable mentally, and yet he has implied clearly beforehand he doesn't want or doesn't feel ready for the responsibility. All the while wankers are sitting there in their Ivory Towers wagging their fingers and saying "You should have been more careful" and other useless bullcrap, implying yet again that the woman is the victim of another heartless man intent only on sexual gratification.
  23. "Does anyone else want to laugh at my fwiend.... Biggus...Dickus?" That had me in stitches for the rest of the week. I don't think anyone else but Michael Palin could have delivered that line so well.
  24. Dude. Look, just take it easy, it's the worst feeling in the world when you know you've lost control of your life and someone else is tlling you how it's going to be for the next 17 years. If she's pregnant, either consider adoption or abortion, both are real options despite what some might say. But for heavens sakes, if you have the child, stick by it or at the very least do the right thing by them. Though on personal note, there was a girl I know who tried this on me... her ass hit the ground hard. Not physically, of course. I have known several women who have used preganancy as a way to trap a man and then enjoy a work-free life on the payroll of the government.
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