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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Okay, my turn! 1: What is the name (and sub-title) of the sequel to Wizball on Amiga and Atari ST? 2: Who is the real villain in Donkey Kong Country 3? 3: What do Laharl and Etna rename the first boss they fight against in Disgaea?
  2. 30. But that seems a little unrealistic, I'd say about 50 before I got tired.
  3. Happy Birthday, Dyson! May all your scandals be private...
  4. People will get ugly and old as time goes by. A beautiful personality is almost always a jewel forever.
  5. I think : Will Smith Michael Biehn Alan Rickman Fish (from Marillion) Enya Avery Brooks Carrie Fisher Lisa Lougheed Winston Churchill
  6. DO NOT get Ghost Squad. It's an incredibly short game. Get Nights or Red Steel.
  7. I'll warm you up, honey. Right, Haggis: be patient, examine your feelings for him, take a step back and think why you feel like that. Is it because you've been through some tough experiences together? Is it because of an intimacy of knowledge between the two of you? Is it because he's familiar and feels "safe"? Only you can choose the best course of action, but whatever happens, we're here for you.
  8. Oh you cannot BUY marketing that good! Anyway, rest in peace, Bobby. You were the greatest, but also one of the craziest, Kasparov has a lot of work to do before he is thought to be half as insane as you.
  9. Happy Birthday, only 16 eh? You said you were 21 when we... uh... we... played... football together?
  10. Want to make it up to him? Take him to the middle of the most open place in the school, surrounded by people. Get down on your knees and tell him it was all a cruel joke and to make it up to him, you want to please him with your mouth, because the reason you did this is because you've harboured feelings for him for so long. Then you have an idea of 1/10th of the humiliation this guy feels.
  11. Celebrate good times, ... uh.... line? Happy birthday, dudemeister!
  12. "Weasels...everywhere..." "Fetch Me The Bill, Flunky" "GET READY FOR PAINTING BY NUMBERS! WAAAAGGGGH!!!!!" "They're Coming Out Of The Walls!" "Let's Be Enemies!"
  13. A_F, you don't really deserve help. Giving you help would excuse your actions, and you would learn nothing. There was a case like this in th US last year where a girl was made to believe a boy was interested in her, then the family playing the "prank" turned nasty and the girl killed herself. And that, is a pretty losuy thing to have on a conscience, if indeed you have a conscience.
  14. Iun is cautiously pleased about this. However, in punishment for past crimes, Iun insists that Factor 5 be renamed to "Factor 1.5".
  15. I always wanted to read them, but it took me years to remember what they were called. Then I caught part of the Mattimeo cartoon on ... some Satellite Channel a few years back and was hooked. Loamhedge = Worst Book in Series. A badger Lord with a bow and arrow? What's the point?
  16. Good luck, and may the Great Spirit go with you.
  17. Mm. That was pretty much it, but there were a few clever plot devices. But truth be told, only the first 5 books are worth reading. He wrote his best stories years ago.
  18. I love them, but they got old after "The Long Patrol" - that was the last one he did any experimenting with. But Redwall, Mattimeo and Mossflower are real classics. Mariel and the Bellmaker too.
  19. Can't drink at the moment, my liver is shutting down. Not that I ever drank that much anyway.
  20. Crikey. Thoughts are with you...
  21. Iun enjoys cookies, but also leftover birthday cake for breakfast.
  22. Because when walking through the streets of Shanghai, someone just stops in front of me for no reason. They get a "Out of my way, you little yellow bastard."
  23. Thanks guys, much appreciated!
  24. Thanks! Lord knows what I would have said... I told the 999 lady she was breathing but I couldn't rouse her... It probably would have been obvious with her naked and tied to the bed like that though :/
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