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Everything posted by Platty

  1. What a joke that was. Best bit was the ref coming out 3 times to test the pitch by rolling the ball around. WHY?! the rain has not stopped it's only getting worse you pleb. Only plus point is that Adrian Chiles (or however you spell his name) didn't annoy me half as much as he usually does. The banter was alright. Watching Norn Iron now. 1-0 against Portugal at the mo. Could they?
  2. Went on a CD buying haul yesterday (yes I still buy CD's!): Battles - Mirrored Of Monsters and Men - My Head is an Animal The Vaccines - Come of Age Alabama Shakes - Boys & Girls The XX - Coexist Metronomy - The English Riviera Thanks goes to play.com.
  3. What a great match, the 2nd half and that last 10 minutes was brilliant. I couldn't believe it when Citeh went 2-1 up, what a comeback by Real. I still love Ronaldo. His goal wasn't the best but he deserved it. 150 goals in 150 games. Incredible.
  4. Hmmm not happy with those prices at the moment. I may leave buying for a few months. I'm not overly excited (maybe my age ) and I have a busy December so won't really be able to play it. I might pick it up in Jan/Feb time. Was thinking of not buying at all to be honest. It would be the first Nintendo console I haven't bought if I don't get it. What's happening to me?! O_O
  5. Something a bit different.... I have this cos it's just looks awesome clipped to my screen. http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/4-/5345816/Star-Wars-Darth-Vader-Tie-Fighter-Webcam/Product.html?searchstring=tie+fighter+web+cam&searchsource=0&searchtype=allproducts&urlrefer=search Apart from looking pretty it is actually a good webcam for the price. As you can imagine it's not going to give you crisp HD quality images but it's good enough for me. Never had any issues with it and I use Skype a lot.
  6. Yeah I've been with Admiral for the past 2 years. Always seem to be one of the cheapest. I'm lazy too and can't be arsed to keep changing anyway for the sake of saving 30 quid or something so I have just stuck with them.... Mine was just under under 400 quid this year for my 1.6 Astra but then I'm 28 and have quite a few years no claims.
  7. Yeah Kenny spent it all.....
  8. SouthEastern trains are amazingly crap and I can't believe how they get away with putting up the prices as much as they do every year. I live in London Zone 4 which means it currently costs me £160 a month in travel for a 5 minute bus ride and 30 minute train journey twice a day. It's not as bad as some who live further out for sure but to me that is still a big chunk out of my wage to get me to work across London. I have no other options on the table. Cycling would take far too long from South East London to Central and quite frankly I don't feel it's safe. Using the car is a no no. Again it would take far too long due to traffic and cost shed loads in congestion charge fees and parking fees. I wouldn't mind the train fare going up if it actually IMPROVED the service of SouthEastern. But they haven't changed since it was connex. Fed up with the overcrowding and last minute cancellations and constant engineering works. I'm surprised they kept it together for the Olympics getting everyone to Greenwich and Woolwich. Bunch of cowboys. /rant
  9. Not sure how I feel about RVP transfer. A lot of money for a guy who I always thought was a bit of a sicknote before last season when he smashed it and had a blinder. Plus he is ex Arsenal. No doubting his quality but it's gonna take me a while to get on board with an ex gooner. Fergie likes having 4 good forwards to rotate. It's always the way but just not sure how RVP will fit in with our current squad. Good problem to have though, I trust in Fergie so only time will tell. I take it this means Berba and Macheda are probably off and that new 18 year old henrique will be sent out on loan, probably back to the club he has just come from. Also where is our defensive midfielder eh?!
  10. I saw it at the weekend. It was very meh for me. I of course enjoyed it but I didn't walk away feeling blown away like I did with the Dark Knight. Maybe that was all due to the Joker. I dunno, felt like the storyline took too long to get going and just wasn't overly great. Nice ending though I thought. Bale's Batman voice still annoys me.
  11. Bring back Sharp Viewcam.
  12. Tickets for: 7 a side football and then Athletics. Get to see lots of finals. I've also purchased various Team GB related merchandise.... T shirts, Hoody, Football top and the weird cyclops mascot thing. Proper involved with it all now. Can't stop watching it. O___O
  13. Awesome. Can't wait. But also wish I kinda didn't watch the trailer....
  14. I take it you have seen this?
  15. Went to see this on Saturday and was very excited but came away a bit meh. I enjoyed it for what it was but I just felt it was missing something but I don't know what. Maybe a bit more suspense and OMG WTF ARGGGHHH moments would have done it. Was still a good watch overall though.
  16. Good work guys. Nice new fresh design, really like it.
  17. There is just no point taking him really. Who is he going to play ahead of? I can't forsee him starting or any situations where we would need him to come off the bench to change the game. He probably won't even make the bench, well he shouldn't make the bench. Might aswell have took another striker. Free holiday for the lad and some good experience being with the team at tournament I guess.
  18. I guess I do. The Universe is too big for there not to be other life out there. Whether it is intelligent life form as we know it is another question. I hope there is, otherwise what is the point of it all?
  19. United's Keane's and Thorpe are in the squad too. Good prospects.
  20. Didn't he only last 5 months as Reading manager too? Interesting appointment.
  21. Is it dumb? He only had 7 defenders called up with 9 midfielders. I can't think of another midfielder good enough to take on the Barry role really and I'm not even sure Barry would have started even if we end up playing one up front for the first 2 games. I think calling in Jagielka makes sense, he or jones can slot in there if needed. Just got to hope Scotty Parker doesn't go out injured now. Carrick has said he is not interested in being a bit part player so has more or less retired. I can see the first 2 games being Carroll up front on his tod with a midfield 5. Walcott and Young on the wings and Parker, Gerrard, Lamps in the middle. Maybe Gerrard playing off Carroll or go with Young playing off him. Not the most exciting but can see it happening until Wazza is back. Will he then switch to 4-4-2? Who knows.
  22. Very interesting. I don't think there will ever be one Ireland football team. The sport is far too sectarian in the North for it even to be considered. Imagine the uproar from the Northern Ireland (mostly Unionist) fans if they tried to merge it. Not going to happen for a few generations I would say. What I find interesting is that Derry/Londonderry FC chose to leave the Irish premiership (Northern Ireland) and joined the League of Ireland Premiership (ROI). Don't really know the history as to why but I assume that could be down to sectarian issues and perhaps too much trouble at games when playing most of the other teams in the Irish premiership. Sad that a sport can't be enjoyed by all no matter what side of the community you are from. At least Northern Ireland have got the Ice Hockey right with the Belfast Giants!!
  23. So far I'm happy with the One X. The battery isn't actually that bad. I get around 16 hours out of it with moderate use. If I hammer it with playing games etc then yes it does run out quicker in like 6-8 hours. But that was no different to my Desire. Although, I have noticed a little Orange/Yellow spot in the bottom right corner that seems to be LCD related. If I push down it goes away. Not overly annoying and can only be seen on white background. I remember the iPhone 4 having something similar, something to do with the glue. Tempted to get it replaced but not sure I can be bothered with the hassle of it all as apart from that the phone works perfectly.
  24. The One X has arrived. It is Beautiful. Currently on charge before I switch it on and whilst I get everything off my Desire I want to keep. I have question about battery charging as I've read conflicting views on this. 1) Running the phone until it completely dies for the first few charges which calibrates the battery and makes it last longer? 2) The above is a myth and for older battery technologies. You should never let it run dry and in fact if possible charging it when it is down to 30% - 40% is recommended to prolong battery life - "top up" charging. What is the right advice to follow eh?
  25. How long are you living in Canada for? Do you need all those films with you? I think ripping them to a couple of hard drives would be your best option.
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