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Everything posted by Platty

  1. Oh dear Alan Hansen. Oh dear.... Lee Dixons face said it all. :-s
  2. http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/Disciplinary/NewsAndFeatures/2011/luis-suarez-20-12-11 The Independent Regulatory Commission announced its decision on 20 December 2011, which is as follows: Mr Suarez used insulting words towards Mr Evra during the match contrary to FA Rule E3(1); the insulting words used by Mr Suarez included a reference to Mr Evra's colour within the meaning of Rule E3(2); Mr Suarez shall be warned as to his future conduct, be suspended for eight matches covering all first team competitive matches and fined the sum of £40,000; the [penalty] is suspended pending the outcome of any appeal lodged by Mr Suarez against this decision. The Independent Regulatory Commission will provide written reasons for its decision in due course setting out: (a) the findings of fact made by it; (b) the reasons for its decision finding the charge proved; and © the reasons for the penalty. Take that Suarez.
  3. He still managed to pass it sideways into the net.... ha :-)
  4. Waste of space scumbag. Poor kid. Looks like she is on Heroin or something the way she keeps chewing her lip.
  5. Upcoming gigs: Kasabian Wild Beasts Bombay Bicycle Club Snow Patrol Noel Gallagher Blink 182
  6. Suarez charged then. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15764900.stm
  7. Great game. I got 44 within 6 minutes which surprised me on my knowledge! 2 minutes trying to think of the last one who had only done one season and just couldn't do it. Kicked myself when the answer was revealed!
  8. Elite gives you more stuff to do online, bit like a community plus downloads such as the map packs and stuff like that. MW3 Hardened edition comes with a years subscription to Elite which also means a year of map pack downloads. Hardened costs 80 quid which is double the price but as I usually buy all the map packs which are what £10-£15 each I reckon I'm saving some money. In essence I'm basically paying for the map packs up front but getting a bit more aswell from the Elite membership. As it's just been pay day I thought why not More info on Elite: http://www.callofduty.com/elite Oh Hardened also has some sort of book and crap like that.
  9. LOVE IT!
  10. Game online now have some 360 hardened in stock for pre-order.
  11. Me either, says it's out of stock anyway. Will go into town tomorrow and see if I can get it in store....
  12. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can pre-order the 360 hardened edition online?? Checked about 6 websites and it's sold out already!
  13. Currently Sky+ing and on top of watching: The Walking Dead Season 2 - I love. Terra Nova - first ep was good, it's now so bad I just have to keep watching. New Misfits - Great show and filmed where I live... Fresh Meat - Love it. On Sky+ box need watching: Game of Thrones - only watched first 2 eps so far. Inside Gatwick - What?? I use this airport a lot and I want to watch a show about it! Sneaky ahead show: True Blood Season 4 all done and dusted :-) I also waste a lot of time watching countless episodes of Man vs Food.
  14. Upgrade to Windows 7 or downgrade to XP?
  15. Google told me this: Go to the system settings and uncheck the drives so they no longer create shadow copies (restore function in Vista). Apply the new settings to erase all existing shadow copies. Then reset by checking the boxes you unchecked. Now try to backup the whole computer again. It appears a shadow copy error is conflicting with the backup process. Once you delete all shadow copies (restore points) it will work. Make sure you have the most up to date windows updates for Vista. Apparently MS solved the issue?
  16. I have cousin who is city much to the disgust of the family! And he used to work in the United Megastore for a bit in the 90's! Phone didn't stop going on Sunday from him. He loved it after years of grief from the rest of us. I also work with a couple of City fans who loved asking me how my weekend was on Monday morning. Not sure I agree with you on buying someone in January. I don't think we need to. Yes Rio may be past it but he is still up there. We have Him and Vidic then Jones and Smalling as backup then Evans. I like Evans. He had a bad spell last year and Sunday's sending off was awful but people too easily forget all of the good games he has had for us. Thing is he always had the potential but he is now old enough to have reached that but he hasn't quite got there but that doesn't mean we should write him off. We also have the Da Silva brothers and not forgetting Evra. There are also a few other youngsters doing well (which we may see tonight) such as Fryers and Brown. If we were to buy, then who? if we spend big then they would have to come above Rio, Vidic, Jones and Smalling and I don't think there is anyone around who would fit or who we would want. I guess I'm classed as a Cockney red then growing up in London supporting United so I am one of those people you just can't stand. You shouldn't tarnish us with the same brush. I don't need to justify why I support United. But I will tell you why. My Dad is from Salford, met my Mum who is from Catford. Got married, decided living in London was better than Manchester. Had kids, me and my sister and thus since I was a baby I was dressed in a united kit and forced to support United by not only my Dad but my mum too. I tried to break away and support Charlton (Went to lots of games as a kid - £1 entry back then) but was not allowed thank God. When I was at primary school everyone was Liverpool and glory hunting away and people couldn't understand why I supported United. Then boom we start winning and I get all the glory hunting cockney red shit. Pisses me off. I love united and always will depsite trying to go against my Dad as a kid I'm a one united member, have been for years. I don't get to as many games as I would like, didn't go to any premier league games last season and only 2 home champs games but I have been working away lot. Plus it's bloody expensive! I don't know where I'm going with this but just wanted to say don't judge everyone who supports united and doesn't have a manc accent with the same brush. Yes there are lots of glory hunters world wide, you're going to get that with any successful team but does it really matter and bother you that much?
  17. LOVE IT just as I knew I would. Legend. Hearing Stop the Clocks at last was amazing, such a good song, well worth the years of waiting. Will be picking up some tickets for the new dates for sure. Will have a pre-sale link so surely cannot fail this time round.......I hope.
  18. Devastating result. 6-1 doesn't tell the story of the game really. I though first half United were on top despite going 1-0 down. The sending off killed us then the rest of the second half saw some really good play by Man City followed by good finishing. We were chasing too hard and you're always going to be punished when piling forward with 10 men and chasing the game. Gutted. Really gutted.
  19. Fat is the new thin. Or something. Love the flab. The missus will still love ya I care not for Arsenal, I'm off to play 5-a-side tonight.
  20. I would go for all 3. Pizza + Chocalate + Something else (beer).
  21. It will never happen. Fans won't have it. Tonight is a must win, infact we need back to back wins against this Romanian team and pick up the 6 points ready for the final two games.
  22. Was going to download but it's on FXHD channel Friday. Shall let Sky+ do the saving of the series for me. Can't wait
  23. Massive fan of the originals growing up and still love them to this day. I also like the prequels just as much really. Pretty much love the whole saga and the wider Star Wars universe to be honest. Bit of a Star Wars geek. I don't think phantom menace deserves all the negativity it gets. I really like it. Jar Jar doesn't annoy me at all etiher. I think out of all 6, episode 2 is probably the weakest in all honesty. Not overly fussed about Lucas keep changing the films either, most of the changes are for the better and I will defo go see them all in 3D. People need to stop moaning about him milking it. You don't have to buy versions/go cinema and spend your money on his creations. Han Solo is by far my favourite character. but loved McGregor as Obi Wan too.
  24. Just watching the Republics game. Keeper for Armenia been sent off. First thoughts were that it was handball. Slow mo reply shows it was chest. Don't think you can blame the ref though. Every man and his dog would have said that was handball watching it in real time. Another talking point for replays to be used? Ball was out of play, by time ref chose to send him off a 4th official could have watched it and communicated through..... hmmmm. Advantage Republic! Deserve a bit of luck after Henry.....
  25. 3 year pay freeze, higher pension contributions, working longer hours, higher living costs (like everything gone up), ridiculous rise in train fares. Paying for some crap sporting event in 2012 no one wants. All this = me being much poorer. Want to buy a property? forget it. Want to start a family? forget it. Want to buy a chocolate bar? forget it. Fuck the Tories. At least I have a job I guess. Thankful for that.
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