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Everything posted by Platty

  1. thanks im glad a lot of you guys like it. Happy posting
  2. ooo a tough one...ok the 5 songs im listening to the most at the moment are: 1. The Subways - i wanna hear what you have got to say 2. Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass 3. Oasis - The importance of being idle 4. Art Brut - Emily Kane 5. The Magic Numbers - I see you, you see me (i know i know but i love it)
  3. what about me eh? i worked my arse off, i was the one who started getting the ball rolling and added all the boards!! im glad a lot of your like the new forum, we spent a lot of hours configuring it all and im pretty happy with them and its glad to see that a lot of you are to!
  4. hi, well im the same...platty... same sig everything, im too lazy to do a new one plus j7wicked isnt around anymore... when i first joined the forums nearly what 4 years ago i was "steveplatt83" how original... then i changed it to my nickname that everyone calls me cos there are too many steve's on this planet.
  5. the forums had been planned for some time, actually for about a year but it was decided not to cause a lot of hassle and wait until the revolution was announced, hence like now.... we was gonna just surprise you all but the hacking did make us announce that there was gonna be a new forum and get you all excited! i like these boards but i still miss xsorbit, its like leaving a girlfriend of 4 years...it hurts.
  6. i came third in best admin, some people like me well 6 people! hurrah!!
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