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Everything posted by Platty

  1. when i go up to see my mate in norfolk we always go to chicargo rock cafe, love it in there, always have a good night! looks like you had a wicked time you dirty boy
  2. Platty


    yeah i thought the exact same thing cheets so i filled up at 90.4 a litre today, full tank should last a while as im going liverpool and manchester next week via train and wont need the car! hurricane looks pretty bad, it could turn and smack into new orleans again, im so glad i dont live in america.
  3. your a handsome chap now arent you linky my boy
  4. its quite sad that something as amazing as space travel and moon landings could end up causing dispute due to certain people/countries owning different parts of the moon, i hope it doesnt come to that but knowing the human race it will.
  5. i like Pete Doherty, im gutted i never got to see the libertines live... as for kate moss...ah well.
  6. yeah it is 10, which ive been stuck on :P the "poor sod" must have got a bad karma from someone...
  7. dont get me wrong im a massive music fan, and love my music i listen to and cant live without it whether it be at home, in my car on the train, going to gigs or whatever and i would love a place to talk about my musical tastes with everyone, but i dont think here is the right place.. its just if we do people will just be demanding other boards and i know they will, and they will be using the exact same argument you are about there being a creative board and tech board! a member who is into football could just as easily say he wants a board all about football as there is a lot of interest in it, then when i say no, the member will say well there is a music board! i just dont want this nintendo revolution forum becoming like many other forums i see around the internet with tons of boards and not much going on in them, its all very crappy. the forum has only just opened and we are still fiddling about with it so in time (and i mean give us time) perhaps it may happen after some more discussion and maybe we can have it but for now i hope you can understand the reasons why its a no.
  8. just to clear up there isnt gonna be a music board, football board, sport board or anyting like that, all those can go into chit chat! if we had seperate boards or sub boards for every topic chit chat will be empty and would not be what it is today! we are a nintendo forum not an everything forum, yes we have boards such as creative and tech etc but there was a need for them and at the moment still is, at the moment there isnt a need for anything else, i dont see tons of music threads with lots of pages cluttering up chit chat so there is no need to take that topic of conversation away from there. we dont want this forum ending up with tons of boards which have hardly any posts in them, it all looks too messy, the fewer boards the better.
  9. i like it, its animated but simple! 4/5
  10. hmmm its a tough one, i had a lot of fun growing up with my NES and SNES playing all those great games with my mates but i think ill go with the N64 as games such as goldeneye and mario kart 64 had endless multiplayer fun throughout the summer years with mates, still something that hasnt been beaten for me.
  11. westwood is an idiot, i dont know anyone who doesnt laugh at him! its awful! they need to stop trying to be all american gangster hip hop style and just go british no nonsense get the work done style! when i was in magaluf we went to this club and westwood was there being the mr big DJ....it hurt my ears!
  12. ok i watched neighbours for the first time in ages today and oh my who are those new pretty girls eh ?
  13. i was one of those mates with oli! all the kid with the dog could do was say mush mush to make his dog bark! how very hardcore of him! they did shit it when they realised oli wasnt on his own, even tho oli is twice the size of them and could have taken them out! lol give me the bottle, what a prick!
  14. they probably will be, they would be stupid not to release them on the revo, and maybe introduce new features just for it!! some games probably wont make it but the add on shell will help that cause but who cares we are gonna have the entire nintendo catalogue to play with!!
  15. the exorcist is just plain funny, dont watch that. watch something like IT! now that film proper shits me up! well it used to havent seen it for ages! get a good ol black and white horror aswell, thats some crazy scary stuff.
  16. install a bunk bed and im coming to your's when it all goes down! ...ill bring protection..... will a hammer be sufficient ?
  17. heh that made me chuckle! yes welcome to you gus, have fun posting!
  18. ive never got anything from the stars catalogue, whenever i go there its just crap like wallpapers and stuff, bah! they had that zelda disc on there once but i already had that!!
  19. i have to concentrate when taking a picture otherwise i end up doing a chandler
  20. i used to buy NOM every month but only buy it now and again...and sometimes i get gamestm or EDGE if they have something inside them i wanna read about but i dont get them monthly. i try to get NME every week but sometimes dont manage to but i guess thats the one magazine i always like to read. and on the odd occasion i get the old nuts/zoo and sometimes loaded or FHM for a perv, especially if the hollyoaks girls are featuring.
  21. as for the planet we are just totally messing it up, its ok for us and a few more generations but in the future its just gonna be so messed up that a lot of places will be uninhabitable. no one will listen tho, and to be honest it probably too late! countries like us (england) and america are now starting to realise and reducing pollution, recycling etc but countries such as india and china are just starting to boom in industrialisation and car production and we cant just tell them to reduce the pollution when we have been doing it for years and remember china has a very high population, so no matter what we do the planet has got no chance in a couple of centries time. recycle kids. as for religion, its the cause of the majority of the worlds problems! past present and future religion causes hate, hurt, war and death it should be done away with i tell you, the only religion is science! thats what created the earth and us none of that other bull doo doo.
  22. i live in south east london and when walking around at night on your own you cant help but be nervous even a group of 16 year old kids can be intimidating! it never used to be like that when i was a youngster! bah its just crap but i just think tough and walk through them all, if they start they start i have jedi powers you see.
  23. here is me your one and only leader! note..i have less hair now...
  24. yeah i would like to see post counts off the profile as well, but as far as im aware there isnt an option for that, ive looked and looked and my eyes hurt >_< ill get someone to mess with the code and see if they can be taken out or something...
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