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Everything posted by Platty

  1. Joey Barton is at it again on Twitter commenting on John Terry stuff. Interesting.
  2. Six figure savings and you're worried you might start struggling financially when you move out? Do me a favour. I barely had a 4 figure sum when I moved out and managed fine. I would be living the dream with six figure sum. Damn man. Good luck to ya though. Would love to have that kind of money to start off in life. Mental.
  3. Bentley is still a Spurs player but went to West Ham at the start of this season on loan. Think he got injured early on pretty badly so probably back at spurs now either with a sick note or bumming it in the reserves. He had great potential. Next David Beckham they said. Never happened. Shame.
  4. Downing is shit. Such potential but his final ball is awful. So disappointing to watch. Shame as he is left footed, he could have been Englands answer but in truth he only got in the England team cos McClaren loved him from the Boro days. He was known as Stewart McClaren by us fans back then..... If he weren't English he would only be worth a fraction of what L'Pool paid for him. I hope he gets better, I really do but what is he 27/28 now? He should be in his prime for a winger and he is not.
  5. Gutted about result yesterday. Didn't deserve to lose that. Scholes, Giggsy and Carrick were bossing the midfield was a dream to watch. Missing that final ball again though, didn't create enough clear cut chances. Welbeck's work rate is second to none with and without the ball. Wish they still did player cam as it goes. You should see the amount of work he does off the ball, amazing.
  6. Speaking of new phones. Any news on the Galaxy S III? Due my upgrade in May and heard rumours of it coming out in June-July but a lot of people don't think it'll be until October..... Not sure I can wait that long.
  7. Walcott's confidence is just shot to shit. You can see it in his face. He is too scared to go around people anymore and has no confidence in his ability. Wasn't he a striker anyway before he joined Arsenal? why did Arsene start playing him on the wing? purely cos of his pace? maybe chuck him in the reserves for a bit up front and see what he does.
  8. FA have charged Balotelli then. 4 match ban I think as he has already served a ban. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/16693521.stm Lescott gets off.
  9. Under SOPA the penalty for uploading Michael Jackson music illegally would be 5 years in prison right? The penalty for killing him is 4 years in prison... Interesting.
  10. screen cap for you
  11. Yeah saw the second half. Unreal. Such great players on display and the play act like that. Horrible to watch to be honest especially when you see someone get a little nudge then take a massive dive on the floor holding their face rolling around like they have been shot. I mean WTF!?!
  12. Goon Went into the cinema thinking this is going to be one of the worst films ever but infact I quite enjoyed it. You have to really like Ice Hockey to go see this film. Luckily I love Ice Hockey. Storyline was a bit hmmm and very predictable but was easy viewing and cheap Tuesday meant it was only £3. The main love interest was the drummer from Scott Pilgrim. Hot. It wasn't overly funny but was ok. Only go and see if you like Ice Hockey and you get a discount
  13. Rooney's is growing pretty well but he probably paid crazy amounts at a top clinic. Wouldn't dream about doing it myself.
  14. To answer your question Shorty, I still go to A LOT of gigs from Big bands to local bands playing in pubs. I love going to see a live band play, nothing better. I still buy CD's too. Yes a CD! I don't do downloading, I like having the physical media and use the website recordstore.co.uk all the time. They stock all sorts and you can find bands on there which are out of the mainstream and only printed like couple hundred albums and some special edition LP's for those of you who like your vinyl. Support the small bands, the indie label is dying! I'm pretty much still into what I have been my whole life, British Indie type bands tbh. Just picked up Maccabees new album as it goes. Pretty chilled out compared to their first two but amazing nonetheless. Going to see them in Belfast in a small little venue in March too. Can't wait.
  15. Hairline started to recede at about 19, by 21 I had the Alan Shearer island (footy skills similar too btw), used to spend ages hiding the gaps and trying all different hair products but by 23 had to take the plunge and shave the whole thing off. I'm now 28 and completely used to being a baldy, suits me better as it goes and saves me a lot of time in the mornings!! I always have a beard to offset the baldness though. Can't beat some beardage. The back and sides of my hair still have some good growth so I have to shave it all off every week or it adds about another 10 years on me if I leave it. Could go for the comb over. To be honest, I never really worried too much, I knew it was coming as all the men in my family were bald in their 20's. It's in the genes init. This day and age no one batters an eyelid at a baldy and a lot of people have shaved heads anyways. Funny thing is I'm a pretty hairy guy apart from the top of my head. Testosterone galore!!
  16. Happy Birthday Mr Flinky Flinkington! Hope you had a goodun'
  17. They do a special 12 year old which you can only get from Bushmills. Not sold anywhere else in the world. Very tasty. You can also have it personalised with your name on the label. About 40 notes I think
  18. It's better up there if it is bad weather. The waves over the stones are AMAZING, I got some great footage. You could also pop into Bushmills which is only 5 minutes away from the causeway. Oldest whiskey distillery in the world!
  19. Is that the same Thierry Henry who everyone in England and Ireland called a cheat and hated 2 and a bit years ago? #justsaying.
  20. Lindgaard is a good keeper. Couldn't really do much about the goals, couple of mistakes but solid. De Gea is also good keeper but he comes from a league where you don't have to deal with crosses and has struggled. He is young and will get better with age and gain confidence. I have faith in both of them. Knew City would get back in it. That last 20 minutes was not good for my ticker!! Can have a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon now.
  21. Happy Birthday N-E. Can't believe this place has been part of my life for half of my life (almost). Mental.
  22. Although I agree it wasn't a red, he should have known better. World class defender going in two footed? always asking for trouble. Just don't do it. If Nani hadn't had jumped and he made contact then I think everyone would agree dangerous tackle and a red? City were bossing the game before that even with us 1-0 up. One chance and one goal. People will say the ref has ruined the game but I couldn't be happier at the moment. I want 7. :-) Just hope we don't take the foot off the gas as city are more than capable of getting back into this with 10 men.
  23. Derby day. Excited and Worried. Our lack of defence against that Citeh attack could end up in another beating but I have faith in the lads and I know they will rise up and put in a good shift. EDIT: SCHOLES is back. What the? Not sure he will have the legs to play a full 90 minutes but glad to have him as an option again! http://www.manutd.com/en/News-And-Features/Football-News/2012/Jan/paul-scholes-rejoins-united.aspx
  24. Due an upgrade in May so was thinking of flashing the Desire and giving it a new lease of life. Any good websites to use for guidance and for downloading ROMs?
  25. I got a new update notification today for my HTC Desire but it fails to install. Downloads fine and starts the install but about a quarter of the way through I get a red triangle and it stops. Have to pull out the battery and reboot the phone. The update is "system enhancement" and is only 20mb. I thought at first it may be due to the lack of phone memory left so I uninstalled some crap and had about 40mb free but the bugger still fails. Anyone else having issues? and do you know what the update is? maybe I don't want it anyway.......
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