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Everything posted by Platty

  1. I'm in Belfast but missed everything/couldn't be bothered to go watch. But then I'm English so don't really have a need to celebrate this day. I had a Guinness yesterday though. I like Guinness. :-)
  2. Where as I can for example; "shall we go for tea at the Ritz?" Rather than; "what you want for dinna?".
  3. Where was the red card on wed night night for Martinez then? Consistency. That is all.
  4. Would I try it? No I like food. Interesting though.
  5. Calling dinner dinner is definitely not a class or a posh thing. Well it's not when you're from south east London anyway. Have you heard us speak? Dinna.
  6. Tea is something I have throughout the day. In a cup. With milk. It is not dinner. :p
  7. So I've lived in London most of my life and it's always been: Breakfast Lunch Dinner However, the last 3 years I've lived for bit in Belfast and work with some northerners who all say it as: Breakfast Dinner Tea So basically the opposite to what you are saying.... So I'm not sure it is a north south divide. Perhaps just whatever you grew up with your parents calling meal times.
  8. Dublin is great, bit expensive but great. Temple bar area is where it's for places to eat, drink, dance and meet people. So hang out there. Visit the Guinness factory and if you like whiskey go to Jameson's. You need to get Euros. Come up to Belfast if you have time, we take your sterling here over the border in Northern Ireland. Belfast is better anyway. :p Have fun!
  9. More money from Bale for me tonight. I'm telling you guys this is easy money. So easy. ££££
  10. Seems okay to me. Although I wonder how it will look via the app, in particular on my Nexus 10 as the current Android app is horrible so I just use the website.... So is this happening now automatically or do we have to sign up to get in early like before?
  11. If you are using the logic of you must be aware of players around you then what about Vidic being punched in the head by the keeper then? That's more dangerous play than Nani trying to bring down a ball and catching a player he didn't even see in my eyes.
  12. Wish I never watched that trailer. I did not want to see that bit at the end >_< RUINED!
  13. Retired referee Dermot Gallagher on BBC Radio 5 live: "[The decision was] harsh to say the least but in fairness the Real player did Nani no favours whatsoever. At worst Nani catches the underside of his arm, certainly not the ribs as the guy has gone down and shown. "I can't reiterate enough that he [Nani] is watching the ball over his shoulder, there was no malice in him. At worst it was a yellow for dangerous play, but if I was refereeing that game I cannot se what stretch of the imagination where I would have sent him off for that." Ah well what is done is done. I'm angry but no need to get banging on about it. Not a red for me and ruined the game regardless of the result. Got the FA cup coming up and lets go and smash the league and break some records in doing so.
  14. It was going so well. Never a red. Ref ruined it for us. Proud of the lads fighting the way they did after that and push it all the way to the end still creating chances. Real were just too strong in that period just after the red card where they got the two goals. FUCK IT. We should be talking about a great game of footie no matter who the winner ended up being but instead it's all going to be about the ref. Welbeck is becoming such a great player. Just needs to work on his shooting and add goals to his game now. Lots of chances that in time he will finish no problem. Giggsy was amazing once again.
  15. So as you know I have been single since November. Of late I have been having a bit more confidence in myself and have started to enjoy being single again. Met a few women and had a bit of fun. One particular girl I met who I really wasn't trying to get anywhere with cos I thought she was way too attractive for me actually asked for my number via a mutual friend a few days after we met. We have been in contact for about a week now and getting to know each other is fun. Massive confidence booster and feels good. Getting happy again. Just thought I would share!
  16. Thank you again Mr Bale. Another win from betting on him. 95 quid today :-)
  17. You can save apps to SD card on HTC phones. I certainly could on my Desire. I have a One X now so that doesn't have SD card support but I can move apps from the internal memory to what they call phone storage which is about 26GB. Some apps have to be on the internal memory and can't be moved. Usually Google related ones or apps that offer widgets. But that is the same for any Android phone. I use an app called apps2sd and it moves any apps that can be moved automatically.
  18. It is indeed the Nexus 10 which I haven't put down since it arrived. I really like the Nexus 7 (a few friends have one) but I have a HTC One X which is good enough and big enough for "on the move" so decided to go for the 10 which will not be leaving the house. The screen is quite ridiculous. HD movies are very impressive as are the games that are optimised for it. Web browsing is a breeze. Very happy so far.
  19. Yeah and I have just posted this from it. I'm in love.
  20. Oh really. Most people on the Internets seem to just leave their tablets powered up. I'll have a play. Posted this from my nexus 10 by the way. Oh yes. It's beautiful so far, so beautiful.
  21. I just got myself a Nexus 10 Currently stuck it on charge. How long are you meant to charge these things before first use? and also, do you guys power down your tablets after use/over night or do you leave them constantly on like a mobile phone? /n00b
  22. I love Bale. He has won me over 200 quid in the last 2 weeks. Guaranteed returns at the minute from him. Great goal.
  23. At least I'll be warm rather than up in the clouds where the temperature will be minus something ridiculous.... Heaven?! more like Baltic. Plus I only believe in the great religion of Jedi. I don't.
  24. Exactly my Flinkington. It's a game of football. We've got to stop all this "oh I've been touched, I better go down" nonsense. It's embarrassing for the game.
  25. He dived. Well threw himself to the floor. If I done that in Sunday league I would probably get knocked out by my own manager. Stay on your feet. So embarrassing. My reaction on watching the game went something like this: Live time: "oh get up you little prick". Penalty given: "no way!!" On seeing replay: "fuck off, hardly touched him. Diving little prick". On Stevie G miss: On West Brom scoring: :D On Lukaku murking Agger and scoring: :D
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