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Everything posted by Platty

  1. I am also a 3D hater. Gah! Thankfully the new girl I'm sort of seeing feels the same I also wish I had never watched any trailers for this apart from those original teasers. I feel I have seen too much and little bits that I would have preferred to have just seen on the big screen. Pretty gutted. GOD DAMN SPOILERS.
  2. Find it hilarious that Arsenal are celebrating like they just won the league. I'm sure spurs players and fans would have done the same. But man... United done their best to give Fergie a heart attack on his last game in charge. 5-2 up and throw it away to 5-5. Gonna be an amazing watch on MOTD. I read a stat that is the first time in the prem league there has been a 5-5 and the first time United had a 5-5 draw since 1895. Crazy. End of an era today.
  3. Let me tell you my story. Had lovely blond hair as a kid. Even rocked out the curtains in the 90's. By 19 my hairline had started to recede, by 22 I had the Alan Shearer island starting to happen. By 23 I had to shave it all off. Grew a beard to offset it. Now at 29 I have to number 0 it every few days as the bastard sides and back still grow like the clappers but I get nothing on top. In a couple of years I'm gonna have to bic it. Enjoy your hair while you can. Although saying that, I don't miss it, been far too long without now. Don't need to worry about it too much and you wake up and your basically done. People say to me that it suits me (just being nice probably). Hat wearing is essential all year round. In the winter to keep you warm and in the summer to stop you getting burnt. Basically all the men on my Dad and Mums side were bald in their 20's. I had no chance unless two negatives made a plus..... Clearly not.
  4. I like that most of your posts in this thread are written like you are a journalist or something.
  5. Exactly my argument with him. Turns out he had the phone balanced on some unbalanced books on his desk. Text received, phone slides off books, off table onto wooden floor. Both sides smashed. Not my fault...
  6. Soccer AM? I think frankie fryers was there couple weeks back and I think football focus may have done a piece on it too. I'm okay with Moyes. 6 year contract not so sure about. Would have been satisfied with 3 years. A year transition and rebuild then 2 years to prove himself and win something? Although it's good to see a club put faith early on and fergie is still going to be around... A lot of people wanted the special one but I think he then becomes bigger than the club and it all becomes a bit of a farce in all honesty. Plus I like that Moyes invests time in youth system which is always the United way. Time will tell. As for Rooney he can do one now. Hasn't performed since the last time he had a strop. Let's use him in a deal to lure Ronnie back!
  7. My friends Nexus 4 fell off his computer table and hit a wooden floor. Smashed the front and back. He is not happy as it was my text that made it vibrate off the table. Get a case!!
  8. Wow some of you guys carry a lot around with you. Generally I'm just wallet (which includes passes and oyster), phone, keys, some chewys. On the commute to work I will also take the mp3 player and headphones. If I'm going on a longer journey then yeah I may take a bag with the laptop in it or something but that is rare.
  9. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Mosquito Alt-j - An Awesome Wave. Yes I still buy CDs :P 12 Month Xbox live. It ran out Some new wheel trims for the motor as mine are scuffed to bits...
  10. Just back from seeing it and loved it (2D of course). Rezourceman and shorty pretty much sum it up for me so I won't bother writing a whole post about it but I really enjoyed the direction they took and the decisions they made with the characters and story. All good for me.
  11. Update from the above.... I'm now back in London fully and met with said girl above last night. Just went to a pub and ended up chatting at each other for like 6 hours which was pretty amazing. Bouncing off each other. The night ended with a kiss too. :-) I was a little nervous, felt like a teenager all over again. I'm nearly 30 for christ sake hahah. Going to take it slow, tread carefully and not think too far ahead after being so hurt after my last relationship. But I am in a happy place right now. :-)
  12. I think the people above me such as the flinkington and JonSt have it spot on, not Reina. Oh and this guy:
  13. No he doesn't.
  14. Yes. You can get a tackle wrong, it's part of the game. But biting someone? Seriously WTF?
  15. Not the first time he has bitten someone though is it? and not the first time he has cheated. Not going to miss him if he does go. Good riddance.
  16. I cocking hate Suarez. Does himself no favours with acts like that. What a dick. Enjoyed the two matches today apart from Suarez. Glad the Spurs won. Hats off to AVB, made some good tactical changes that turned the game around for them in the last 15 mins? Can now relax. United need 3 points out of 15 left on offer. Wrap it up tomorrow hopefully.
  17. Been listening to a lot of the Flaming Lips lately. I've always liked the music they create and have seen them live a couple of times but all of a sudden it's like they are all I want to listen to and I'm not happy until I have! Some linkage below (more known songs?) for those who do not know the magic that is the Flaming Lips. You should, they have been around for quite some time (80's?) and are a little bit weird and have a new album out now....
  18. Yes please Flinky! We would have a good laugh together that's for sure. It would pretty much be a lads pit where footie and the musics are the main point of discussion on entry. Oi Ine, when can I move in haha :P
  19. Moved back to London from Belfast for good this week after 3 years of living in between both cities. Couldn't find anywhere I really wanted to live, mainly cos I'm picky but also the prices for a little box in London are still ridiculous as ever. Ended up moving back to the mothership til I figure out what to do. Feel like a teenager again living with mum. I'm sure it will be fine for a bit but it's just a bit hmph.
  20. Very sad scenes. That image of the guy in the wheelchair will be with me for a while. Cowardly act to target people at a fund raising event. Meanwhile though there has been a number of explosions across Iraq killing over 30 people and injuring over 200. Not much news coverage of that despite it being more devastating but then it's not happened in America.
  21. Thamesmead, South East London. Built in the 60's and 70's as a futuristic town to create better community and ease hosing issues in South London. It's now known as little Lagos and London's number one place for fraud (gone well). It's the last London postcode in the South East - SE28 before moving into Kent. Built on marshland and on the banks of the River Thames looking over to Beckton. We are split over to boroughs. Greenwich and Bexley. Neither do anything well. Labour stronghold. We don't have a train station, we have to go to the next town Abbey Wood but we do have a lot of buses including a night bus - N1 which takes an hour to get up town to Tottenham Court Road. Also known for: Grey buildings Tower blocks Man made lakes Canals Parks Famous Heron Chavs Morrisons Elevated roundabout Roundabouts in general (learners everywhere) The A bridge 9 hole golf course lulz The boiler house (now knocked down ) Stella English (apprentice winner) Clockwork Orange Misfits (TV show) Not far from where Rummy lives as it goes.
  22. r0khead, he was a character. I actually met him once at an event in Earls court/Olympia back when he was a beast of a man, long hair, big beard, smashing up storm troopers (actually happened, got a pic somewhere). Seemed like a really nice bloke. Then the whole cross dressing thing, which was perfectly fine, big shock but fine. But he just went waaayyyy too far with too much information about his sex life and ended up turning into such a strange person. Shame.
  23. He is good. Married with a kid now and still a loyal Nintendo fan, although he is awful at ZombieU.
  24. Like most I found this place by searching for Nintendo news and dolphin related rumours. Stumbled upon N64-europe and lurked around a while until @Oli1983uk convinced me to join the forums. Been here ever since. This place has been part of my life for so long, it's quite mad when I think about it. I've visited the forums almost every day for like 12 years! Crazy. Had some great times and met some amazing people including going to official events, drinking beer and getting free games :-) My admin days were good fun but I ended up having lack of time to actually do anything due to job and life stuff - sorry @Shorty and @Ashley. I also met the love of my life here. My sexy flinky flinkington @Fierce_LiNk - what a guy. Still love this place. I may not post much anymore but I'm here lurking most days.........:-)
  25. I enjoy the odd flutter on the football and playing poker with mates. I went to Vegas in 2009 and had an amazing time. I think gambling is ok as long as you keep it sensible and within your means. Unfortunately people get addicted and end up on a slippery slope of hell. But I'm too much of a scardy cat to gamble big. It's more a bit of fun for me.
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