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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Of course I don’t mind. I’m fine cutting my time by 30 if Redshell can’t make the extra time. I don’t want other people to miss out, it’s only me that isn’t into the custom stages.
  2. Nook gives you a loan with no background check, 0% interest with no deadline. Upgrades are done in a timely manner. I think Nook's bad rep is unwarranted.
  3. N64 Controller available. https://store.nintendo.co.uk/en/nintendo-64-controller-for-nintendo-switch-000000000010006981
  4. Mega Drive controllers are back in stock. https://store.nintendo.co.uk/en/sega-mega-drive-control-pad-for-nintendo-switch-000000000010008149
  5. NES controllers are 50% off (£24.99). https://store.nintendo.co.uk/en/nintendo-entertainment-system-controllers-for-nintendo-switch-000000000010000562
  6. Sorry, this isn’t fun for me, I’m out.
  7. Seems retailers are selling the expansion pack now which means it can be gotten a bit cheaper, for example, Shopto are selling it for £26.85. https://www.shopto.net/en/ndo10009344-nintendo-switch-on-line-expansion-pack-365-p1179195/ Family pack is £45.85. https://www.shopto.net/en/ndo10009345-nintendo-switch-on-line-expansion-pack-365-days-p1179194/
  8. Wayford has announced they are resuming development of a canceled Shantae game for the GBA, coming to... the GBA? https://wayforward.com/wayforward-announces-shantae-advance/
  9. The digital version has dropped to £13.99. Amazon is saying the physical release is the 24th July.
  10. Just a heads up that I won't be able to join next week.
  11. Accessing the site via a browser seemed to be fine, seemed to just be the app. Bit hard to know exactly what happened and what was exaggerated, but I totally buy Elon not paying his bills and hoping they didn't notice. Or wasn't able to migrate the data fast enough with as little staff that is left these days. The bots have gotten worse and so have the ads, probably because most of the big names have dropped advertising there. When is that new he appointed CEO supposed to take over?
  12. I was a bit late, I’ve joined @S.C.G’s room.
  13. I didn’t know that, assumed it would be like Sonic Mania Plus. Glad I didn’t buy it then.
  14. NoA have confirmed there will be a physical release after all.
  15. Finally a "proper" Wario Ware? And it takes advantage of the console's feature?
  16. I was actually in a mood for a 2D Mario so this is perfect timing (apart from being 4 months away).
  17. Friendship with Pokemon SV is over. Now best friends with DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS: The Dark Prince. This must have been in development longer than they let on then. They got Treasures and this out before the DQIII remake?! Weird that they didn't/couldn't show this properly a couple of weeks ago. Due to a deal with Nintendo or something?
  18. The Zelda Amiibo is great. I'll get Ganny to complete the set. I think if they were planning DLC they would have announced it by now. I hope they don't, the game has enough content Or they might be cheeky and hold it off for a possible Switch 2 port?
  19. Any reason why it releases on a Thursday?
  20. I was wondering why you said it wasn't getting a physical release in the other thread.
  21. Great, more fuel for people wanting Geno in stuff.
  22. In that case, I’ll let off that instance.
  23. To be fair, I couldn’t remember most of the gym leaders. Apart from Larry. You done the post game as well to unlock 7 star raids (or is that what you meant?)
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