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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Apart from the occasional go on Mario Kart DS, I've not touched a Nintendo machine in several years, so I never go in the company gaming boards. In fact, I haven't even seen the main site in months, if not years either. I only link directly to the forums- from there I go straight to General and sometimes Other Consoles but that's a pretty weak board anyway and I generally get my game talk on over at Edge. There's a much stronger sense of multiplayer there, with people coming together regularly as a whole forum to play new games online and such. So yeah, mostly General.
  2. I really don't get the fuss over Queen. Except the Flash Gordon theme, of course.
  3. To be fair he did much, much worse
  4. haha. should say- images are loading badly for me. anyone else? If it looks like I've edited your posts, I'm just C+P-ing the image URL to another tab
  5. Oh man, guys.Guys. We forgot it. Tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuune! Anyone who says otherwise is a cunt.
  6. Interpol was ok, but not so memorable. Fittingly for a self titled album, it kind of felt a bit Interpol-by-numbers. It's no write off, but it didn't exactly stand out.
  7. As emotional opening statements go, this is flawless. Absolutely sublime introduction to the album as a whole.
  8. Seriously though: resident evil 5 is balls.
  9. Easily the best two episodes of House to date. Other season finales have been good (they always have been) but that was a tour de force. Six Feet Under springs to mind- it was a show that sticks in your head for weeks and months when it finishes and remains one of the most emotionally complex and honest programs I've ever seen. Very, very powerful stuff.
  10. That's because kittens are terrifying.
  11. I really like this band called Radiohead. I think they'll be big this year so you should check them out.
  12. Exactly, right! although, really, I thought the badshits should have been a more immediate threat. I'd have liked to have seen them wreck more shit as a general note on the game.
  13. My objection to it isn't the subject they've chosen (clearly room for decent drama) but that they've done it with all the sensitivity and nuance of a bull in a china shop. It's been done so badly that it actually lowers the bar for...everything. Eastenders is a lunatic cartoon of real life- it jumped the shark years ago but even for them this is pretty base.
  14. the second game actually has a much better rpg element than the first. The move to divorce morality decisions from the skill upgrades for one means that your choices in game are no longer influenced by any constraints or pre determined narrowing of choice. You get to play a much more fluid role than in the first game.
  15. Very much planning on seeing this. It looks awesome, and who doesn't love the Franco? Easily one of the best male leads in Hollywood.
  16. It actually sounds like it could make a decent snowboarding game- maybe in the same way Skate did skateboarding. I just resent them using the SSX brand because a) It's not fucking SSX b) by doing this, it means they'll never do another proper SSX, so am crai.
  17. I just checked and you can get Chew volumes 1-3 (paperback) for around £10 or so in all on Amazon. Will be doing so myself in the near future.
  18. You'd have to exceed £50 on deliveries but given that prime is so fast, that's not actually hard to do anyway. After that it'd be free.
  19. Na that's a shit thread too.
  20. I've realised that I totally missed TWD #79. Not sure how, exactly, but I guess with work n stuff....oops.
  21. It's not free- you paid £50 for it!
  22. Well, naturally. That verse from Hello, Good Morning is so, so sick. absolutely love it.
  23. "Objection, motherfucker!"
  24. That's what I mean- to some extent that's actually RDR standing there, being Tony Stark in this big ol' suit. Not always, but I think they integrate it really well.
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