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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. The comics are...fairly relentless. There is some light at the end of the tunnel though in that really, it's all about Carl. He's a much bigger character in the books than (so far) in the TV show and the main storyline is all to do with Rick striving for his son's life above all else. The quality of that life is another question itself, I suppose, but if you take on the face value that a fundamentally valuable human life should not be thrown away, it makes sense.
  2. far too cool.
  3. he was just running tests. He fucks up and triggers the alarm.
  4. There's two things the doc could have told Rick
  5. Laughter tracks are scientifically proven to make people find jokes funnier. Can't argue with the evidence I suppose. Personally I find myself too aware of them but it probably works subconsciously.
  6. I hadn't noticed. I'll try that out later.
  7. Seriously? Amazing- especially as it's total balls.
  8. Uhh, all day yesterday and tonight. So there's that. edit: fuck you, white text!
  9. Exactly, right?
  10. Darkplace is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It's so, so good. Bit of a hidden gem that one.
  11. Aye that first F1 event is really something. Took me untill then to nail the drifting mechanics but once i did- wow.
  12. I was in Scotland. Far, far away from my hairdressers. But yes, it was too long. (TWSS)
  13. The GT5 one was brilliant. Too long, but very funny.
  14. yeah the new client service changed that though. actually, I think it's more to do with the combining of the two. Whatever.
  15. J7- you don't beleive in untagging but you're also a serial offender of complete lack of quality control with your uploads.
  16. DON'T USE THE DISC! seriously. I did that and shitfucked my client install- had to download the entire game twice.
  17. actually no... Just good times
  18. So I'm not so mad any more. Massive Win last night
  19. And my magazine, yo. Word.
  20. Oh yeah the one about the Norwegians... Ok that's slightly better. I'm just very attached to the Carpenter film - such a landmark movie and so, so good.
  21. Wait, they're doing WHAT?
  22. Thanks for the back up guys! I'm seeing her today anyway, so there's that. I just wish it wasn't at work.
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