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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. God I love Omar.
  2. Brubaker on Cap is one of the defining runs of all time- especially with Barnes taking on the role later on. It's been absolutely amazing.
  3. well dick to that! I want to play as fucking Nightcrawler, not some generic blank slate.
  4. In the original Avengers story- and I mean #1 back in the day- Loki manipulates The Hulk in to going on a rampage basically for shits and giggles. He's very much a background villain most of the time so I imagine they'll be doing the same here.
  5. Fucking hell. It's going to be one of those games where your main character is a fucking shoe in cypher and all the X-men you actually want to play as are NPC's, isn't it? oh, cock.
  6. Someone took the name TerryWorgen on my server. I mean, what's even the point now?
  7. Just finished the first season. It's great Funny as fuck sometimes and the cast are great. Storylines could have been stronger overall but the highlights were very good. Particularly liked Curtis' episode.
  8. Wait...what? Really?
  9. Oh, I know. I'm still blazing through though.
  10. dude...what the fuck?
  11. Getting close to 78 now. Come on, Warrior! Fury spec is amazing for levelling- you can take on 3-4 mobs at your level at once, come out of the fight on full health thanks to self healing skills and then proc a skill that takes you instantly to the next fight. There is practically zero downtime between battles and combined with my fast gryphon mount it just means I'm hoovering up quests like there's no tomorrow and burning through whole levels in no time at all.
  12. Ha, awesome. I love that character design. This is the all ages book yes? I'll pass.
  13. Jay is a hobo.
  14. This week's episode of Imagine on the beeb was a cut of the new Bruce Springsteen doc The Promise about the making of Darkness on the Edge of Town. I've not watched it all yet but it seems pretty much awesome.
  15. The comics are...fairly relentless. There is some light at the end of the tunnel though in that really, it's all about Carl. He's a much bigger character in the books than (so far) in the TV show and the main storyline is all to do with Rick striving for his son's life above all else. The quality of that life is another question itself, I suppose, but if you take on the face value that a fundamentally valuable human life should not be thrown away, it makes sense.
  16. far too cool.
  17. he was just running tests. He fucks up and triggers the alarm.
  18. There's two things the doc could have told Rick
  19. Laughter tracks are scientifically proven to make people find jokes funnier. Can't argue with the evidence I suppose. Personally I find myself too aware of them but it probably works subconsciously.
  20. I hadn't noticed. I'll try that out later.
  21. Seriously? Amazing- especially as it's total balls.
  22. Uhh, all day yesterday and tonight. So there's that. edit: fuck you, white text!
  23. Exactly, right?
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