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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Yeah I would. It's only about £15-20 online but I imagine I'd be rocking through it solo. do not want. if the new pack makes Azeroth all new and a bunch of people I know are up for a bit of dedicated time with new toons, I might go for that first.
  2. nooooooooooo! not official forums! I'd miss my warrior though. She might have looked like a low rent hooker in her metal chaps but I really like the class.
  3. hm might do... are you all doing that?
  4. OK team: Had a chat with a guy at work today and reminisced about Wow...I might get back in to it.... So would I have to play through all of WOTLK content in order to play Cataclysm? I have a 70 from back in the daaaaay.
  5. TBH, I'm actually fine with this relying less on stats. RPGs should be defined by the availability of player choice and character development, not whether or not they have plenty of choices. If it's a shooter and I get the choice to avoid conflict, develop my arsenal towards stealth and change the storyline then it already features way more roleplay than a JRPG linear snore-fest.
  6. Yeah but Deus Ex was way more rpg than shooter- under the surface it was as much about stats as any conventional quester. man that game was fucking awesome. I have high hopes for this one. (I'm still not over DE2. That was a hate crime)
  7. you shut your whore mouth!
  8. "Hulk straight!"
  9. It's ok, I bought sexy back.
  10. Genius!
  11. Yeah i think I had some kind of forcefield- every time I stepped out of shelter it stopped raining and vice versa. Amazing.
  12. what the FUCK.
  13. the job centre are a bunch of muppets. Fact. I have some temporary reprieve, at least. Working for the rest of the year at an M&S call centre.
  14. Wolvie being Big in Japan is well established canon at least. Never been that keen on the idea myself though truth be told. Reeks of 80s JAPAN IS AWESOME geek wankery.
  15. I just caught it on Rez' facebook. Was that your link?
  16. the points don't bother me but not being able to even play a game of gun game with buddies sucks.
  17. That was legen-dary! The sheer weight of in-jokes and continuity lols was just amazing, and Space Teens was absolutely incredible. Achingly funny.
  18. is she the really smokin intern?
  19. strongbow is profoundly gross. It's far, far too sweet and leaves you with a horrible layering of sugar and fuck knows what else all over your teeth.
  20. ....oh yeah!
  21. ahahahaahaha
  22. is this out on 360?
  23. I thought it was shit.
  24. I had a similar viewing of Aliens and The Terminator at the Showroom- just a load of geeks watching their favourite movies and it was awesome. Some of the best screenings I've ever been to. I also had a good showing of Inception- I caught what was I think the penultimate showing in all of Sheffield and there was only about ten people in the audience. I was by myself and managed a nice, quiet film with no interruptions or distractions. Yes.
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