I had a similar viewing of Aliens and The Terminator at the Showroom- just a load of geeks watching their favourite movies and it was awesome. Some of the best screenings I've ever been to.
I also had a good showing of Inception- I caught what was I think the penultimate showing in all of Sheffield and there was only about ten people in the audience. I was by myself and managed a nice, quiet film with no interruptions or distractions. Yes.
yeah I'm nearly done with season 4 so discussing the show with you now would be dangerous stuff.
It's amazing though. Peggy 4 lyf. I've also taken a strange liking to Pete. He's my kind of bastard.
doesn't help that the graphic novel itself is misogynistic, right wing hyper trash though.
Almost walked out of Austin Powers 3. To this day I don't know why I didn't. It was irredeemable cocksauce from start to finish.
As I understand it, the season was greenlit pretty much to give Scrubs crew members another year of work. Quality was, at the time, a secondary consideration at best.
ah that's not too bad. Should be able to pick it up for the weekend after work then
I'm definitely getting up on this- I loved Paradise pretty hard so Criterion just get a free pass from me. Really looking forward to the multiplayer too.