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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Spoken like a true master.
  2. Hahahaha- those are shrooms mushrooms I take it?
  3. ....I quite like that...
  4. Hahaha. The choice move of nobbers in Halo is Armour Lock- it makes you invincible/immobile for up to five seconds and in Halo that's a long, long time- especially in free for all matches. Assholes love it because you can cheat death by just locking down when you're already beaten by better players (me) and waiting for a third player to finish what you started. Of course, the third player almost always kills the locker too, so you gain nothing except cheating the first player out of a well earned kill and five measley seconds of immobility in which yuo cna do nothing.
  5. Pipped the balls out of the lead on two consecutive games of Halo just now against some particularly twattish players. It was profoundly and deeply satisfying work
  6. Fairly sure my parents don't, and hopefully never will know, my dabblings with drugs. It's strictly recreational, harmless hijinks from time to time but it's something I'm open to which they are absolutely not. it wouldn't go down well, so what's the point?
  7. Just an old photograph I'm afraid. I wish it was just a week's worth- that'd be amaze. I think it was about 3 weeks? Might have been longer + beard trimming. I took this one right this very minute though, and my guesstimate puts me last shaving around the 25th. I'm not Movembering, but a winter beard is mos def on the cards.
  8. I look like a sex offender, yes, but it's an actual moustache so I'm way ahead on the technicalities
  9. You both absolutely suck at facial hair.
  10. you call that a 'tache? I need to find my phone transfer cable...
  11. So episode 2 is 'out'
  12. Winnar. Coming soon: Castle Von Dare.
  13. Was cool to see N-europe city earlier! I need to claim some land somewhere...I was thinking the large crater near Happenstances stargate if that's free?
  14. oh my lord that's excruciating viewing.
  15. no they're excellent.
  16. What has been seen...
  17. But haven't you heard?
  18. Ah cheers Might see you guys on this afternoon then
  19. eugh. That's proper balls, dude. Very cliché and old hat.
  20. You can trade my wood anytime
  21. in my defence, I've already met nightwolf several times so I was just commenting on people I've not met. Yus.
  22. your friends are kind of smokin. Harro!
  23. More importantly, I'm still not on the whitelist.
  24. An Obsidian gamecube with lava for the light would be pimpin. Tru fax.
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