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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. When was it exactly, do you remember, when you actively started aiming for the Gay Icon look?
  2. Only a few more days to go. HYYYYYYPE.
  3. the sound of a pc fan for that long = fucking annoying. tru fax. Here's a side to Bruce Springsteen most people don't know- the side where he made an album on his own in his bathroom with a guitar, a harmonica and a 4 track.
  4. watch like so: 4,5,6. Then watch Alien.
  5. Yeah but kids are stupid and rely on wiser adults to protect them from fat cunts with shit beards.
  6. That's...remarkably shit.
  7. isn't making kids watch the phantom menace child abuse?
  8. Tobey Maguire's emo fringe and George Clooney's nipples are one and the same. but he has nothing to do with Socialism! Kraven is all about the old Russian nobility and Tsars- he's a stinking rich aristocrat. He could have been from anywhere, really. He's Old Europe in a very Colonial mould- being Russian is very secondary to that and really is just an excuse to give him a quality name.
  9. Thanks everyone! Been a fun day, and I ate too much. Boom.
  10. Well it's not like you can only like one! I love HIMYM but I still think 30 Rock is the best comedy of the decade, bar none.
  11. Site is looking very nice indeed guys. I'd be interested in doing some editorial / review stuff in my spare time if you need some mad skillz.
  12. I disagree. I think it's got much stronger characterisation than you give it credit for and is, generally, very well written. One thing I like about it is that the characters actually feel like a group of friends. Yes, it's a sitcom but people actually laugh at jokes and stuff- the back and fourth between characters is also realistic (relatively) and feels like proper banter and conversation. But at the end of the day it is just a sit com. It's not trying to be anything more like Arrested Development but it's a well produced and fun comedy. Zing.
  13. yeah, well so's your face.
  14. Another really good episode. I really do love the way the show uses narrative devices to actually make each episode a story as told by Ted rather than just some random events ala Friends. It always makes for the series' best jokes.
  15. Yeah I suggested as much to friends tonight. Really though. No lizard? Still? Fail.
  16. Rhys is a quality actor. Looking forward to finding out who he plays in this.
  17. That's an awesome line-up. I'd love to see that again with a bit of a freshen up (Come on marvel, be brave and use Wolverine less)
  18. to add to my previous post: Gambit looks like he went to special school.
  19. Like most of you I'm...largely indifferent to the fact that I'm English. I like living here etc etc but by and by it's not something I hold to. Patriotism is, to me, faintly repugnant stuff that basically consists of tolerable levels of bigotry. It's particularly stupid in England- historically an island prone to invasion, immigration and cultural absorption n all. There is no 'British Culture' to be proud of in my view. That said, I'd rather live here than somewhere full of tropical plagues, lethal weather and what have you. And I'm a great believer in the social principals established by post war government in this country and wouldn't want to live somewhere like America without them.
  20. You mental. The campaign is absolutely bloody brilliant.
  21. Holy shit, that's amazing. Emma Frost is too good.
  22. i though it was fucking hilarious myself.
  23. Eenuh sounds like a euro cockney at times. <3
  24. Eenuh I love your accent. It rocks.
  25. There's one in Halo: Reach that looks to be a total bitch- 1,000,000 points on Firefight. I'm something of an achievement purist in that they're only any good if you actually achieve something when you do them so I have no intention of using that IGN custom game to get it easy. At a guesstimate though, that means that I'll need 3 buddies for a good couple of hours of massive pwnage to get it properly.
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