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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. They should do Ezekiel Stane- it would make more sense, he's more modern and he's a better foil for Tony Stark.
  2. KDR doesn't really mean anything to me. It's fine for slayer but I play a lot of flag and it's usually me trying to mule the flag home which means I die a lot. It makes me a better player but not according to my KDR anyhoo, major playlist update today. Here's the deets: Loving some of these new updates. Update also introduces Atom and Cliffhanger to the rotation- two new Forge maps from Bungie staffers. I've played Atom and it's quite cool, if initially a bit confusing but I won't pass judgement yet. Oh, further down the BWU, I not this about Score attack: Lots of awesome news in there.
  3. I actually like the sound of where this game is going- amazingly it feels more like a measured response to MW2's bullshit multiplayer than a typical activision sequel. I still think that CoD is a fundamentally hollow MP game though.
  4. I hate it. It offends mine eyes. Edit: fucking hell daft- great time to post brilliant art. I mean 90s Cyclops obv.
  5. lol, 90's Cyclops.
  6. These puns are sole destroying. We need time to heel.
  7. Ah, Apocalypse. I love how nobody knows what he does, other than be old and mental.
  8. I want that edition, but I'd be terrified to own it. I wouldn't be convinced that so many pages can be held by a paperback bind.
  9. It still looks like a gay disco sailor hat
  10. well there we go. On cue, CBR have a promo vid with a Nov 10 date.
  11. Wouldn't blame you- that shit was balls. Actually, that was the last one I read too so...fuck, TEEEEEAAAM!
  12. So has Big Time started in Spider-Man? I'm similarly behind like Rez and I'm already feeling confused by the absolute truck of stuff I've missed.
  13. so the dc of the extended pilot? yyyyeeesss
  14. well obviously they made that part of the story later on, yeah but what I mean is that originally Superman was a newspaper strip for kids so the whole elaborate alien origin was hardly a big deal back then and everything else is basically accommodating that original oversight (if you can even call it that)
  15. I always enjoyed how badly thought out that part of Superman is
  16. ...and today he's 23! Happy birthday Daft!
  17. When was it exactly, do you remember, when you actively started aiming for the Gay Icon look?
  18. Only a few more days to go. HYYYYYYPE.
  19. the sound of a pc fan for that long = fucking annoying. tru fax. Here's a side to Bruce Springsteen most people don't know- the side where he made an album on his own in his bathroom with a guitar, a harmonica and a 4 track.
  20. watch like so: 4,5,6. Then watch Alien.
  21. Yeah but kids are stupid and rely on wiser adults to protect them from fat cunts with shit beards.
  22. That's...remarkably shit.
  23. isn't making kids watch the phantom menace child abuse?
  24. Tobey Maguire's emo fringe and George Clooney's nipples are one and the same. but he has nothing to do with Socialism! Kraven is all about the old Russian nobility and Tsars- he's a stinking rich aristocrat. He could have been from anywhere, really. He's Old Europe in a very Colonial mould- being Russian is very secondary to that and really is just an excuse to give him a quality name.
  25. Thanks everyone! Been a fun day, and I ate too much. Boom.
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