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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Only because I aint got time to bleed.
  2. personal statements make my skin crawl. They make me feel like a liar and a charlatan, at best. I hate writing them.
  3. I don't think I've ever been one for people confiding in me. But then, I keep myself to myself most of the time too. Maybe I've just not got the kind of friends that do that stuff.
  4. Yeah i wondered that about Cortez myself. I think it's to do with how he amps up other mutants- maybe he amps himself up too.
  5. The Walking Dead is bloody excellent this month. Really interesting character development, especially Carl. X Men Forever is also damn good. I guess Marvel freaked when Claremont
  6. I think it's gone at my place. I wanted to get it but several days of torrential rain kind of put an end to that idea. Due in town tomorrow. I'll be picking up TWD and seeing what else is knocking about.
  7. It makes them worse, really. The BNP are sly fuckers. They have an ex NF Holocaust denier as their leader, yet here we are, debating if they're all that bad afterall. It's their lies and doublespeak that gives them a platform from which they can exploit and scare people in to voting for them. They're fascists. Racist, homophobic, ignorant thugs who would like nothing more than to deport, imprison or god knows what else anyone on the basis of skin colour, creed or sexuality. That's the truth, yet only a couple of weeks ago danny you were professing you would vote for them.
  8. Yeah. Dante, you seriously need to stop spamming this forum with press releases. You never even say anything to try and make them thread worthy.
  9. I'd be amazed if they made half that
  10. No. My point is that all protests are well and good. Protest is an essential part of the political process- and a citizen's right to conduct one is one of the best things about this country.
  11. lol, weather.
  12. EITS for me too. Lovely stuff for a late night word document bother, or somesuch. definitely getting tickets for them in September.
  13. Planet Terror was amazing. I thought it was absolutely hilarious. not that familiar with the grindhouse genre though, so maybe the critics found fault there. I was more than happy to sit back and enjoy the spectacle though.
  14. Throwing stuff on politicians is a long standing national passtime. But hey, I'm not entirely sure we need to defend protests against nazis. I was under the impression they were generally considered Bad People.
  15. that's because it takes time. It's a show with a long game to play and, if you stick with it, rewards your time immeasurably.
  16. they're more than predictable. They're morbid car crash gawping and offer no grounds for discussion, conversation or useful input in any way whatsoever. All that they ever do is turn in to a list of people saying 'this is shit' for 3 pages. Every time one comes up they're just depressing and, without fail, the worst kind of thread we ever have.
  17. would appear so
  18. There's obviously no post production involved in the pic so expect it to look considerably better in motion. Quite a cool design- though how that's supposed to rival the Iron Man suit I'll never know. speaking of which: when the fuck is the next Invincible Iron Man out?
  19. First look at Rourke as Whiplash
  20. Quick summary of how this thread will go: Some posters: wow this is lame some other posters: super lame dude, check out how retarded America is. Yet more posters: absolutely dude. The fuck is with people leaving loaded guns near children? everyone: fuck knows. Shame, anyway. There. saved us the trouble.
  21. Once I have a real income I intend to sell my singles and collect the hardbacks.
  22. so..um...yeah this is thread worthy. ohwait! no it's not. It's just really depressing.
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