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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. you basically need to be in perfect physical condition. I've never bought the idea of super heroes just being in spandex anyway. Grant Morrison's X Men wear 'high impact kevlar vests' and leathers, and Frank Millar has Batman wearing armour under his greys that shakes off a magnum round to the chest. Always liked The Comedian's take on Captain America's costume too- all leather body armour and gun holsters. Much better.
  2. I swear- everything on my profile is legal! (seriously though, that sucks. Hugz)
  3. she's still ridiculously fit though.
  4. to clarify on my earlier post: Apartheid is officially over. However, the social deprivation it caused is far from over, the Afrikaans whites are ingrained racists and....yeah basically it's pretty fucked up. If you ever go to a restaurant, for example, the only black person there is almost guaranteed to be the poor old man paid fuck all to stand watch on the car park while all the rich whites eat inside. It's a bit of a system shock, really. Course, there's still loads to love about the place.
  5. This one is genius. I can actually see that being what down time in Avengers Mansion looks like.
  6. aye 24 hours. fark.
  7. aye but those are reprints about 2 years behind right? These are brand new.
  8. I think it's £2.70. could be £2.40 actually.
  9. good job it doesn't feature here dying, though eh? seriously though, I'm already primed for spending £2.70 on this. and that is kinda steep for one issue. I'll save all 20 pages for the price.
  10. two day ticket to Hard Rock Calling. Oorah.
  11. Awesome dude. South Africa is a stunningly beautiful place. I found it strange, socially though. I felt very awkward about the place when I was there. Still, it's cool you're doing good work while you're there. Good shit
  12. I'm looking rez....but I don't get it. Tidings, forum. I met the perfect woman last night...and she was more in to my best friend. Argh.
  13. nah not looking!
  14. I...holy shit I'm actually seeing Neil Young, Fleet Foxes and Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band. I'm so drunk I can barely type. I did it though. I have tickets. Actually going to be the best weekend ever.
  15. Gave me a bit of a Sheffield vintage semi, that. Rwwnaar.
  16. It's absolute genius. Not as good as 'Planet Sexor' on the last album (yes, it's about a mythical sex planet) but it's funny as hell.
  18. I'm actually looking forward to the game.I just really don't give a rats about post after post of famitsu scans or whatever. I'll check it out when it ships and maybe buy it.
  19. Dante, nobody cares about the bayonetta scans!
  20. I forgot to say how good Deadpool is this month. 4th wall am lol. totally demolished in ludicrous style. Absolutely hilarious.
  21. I hate it when dumb qualifications get in the way. All the local govt jobs I've found (entry level, really) require typing qualifications. I can't get those because of my Cerebral Palsy so I'm kind of locked out. It proper sucks.
  22. Journey were there? man I should have gotten a ticket!
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