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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. bit good eh? I can't really imagine watching something like it ever again, which is odd considering I'm only 22 but I think it'll stand apart for a long, long time.
  2. I read 1-2. Very, very good. Holy Fucking Shit! Invincible! TWD this week too. shit be raw, yo.
  3. I've only read the listings. Gotta work on an application yet.
  4. you already have a job? you bastard!
  5. *looks at emulator and fightpad*
  6. 0-0 for me. also: Pools?
  7. Just seen that Nick Griffin got pelted with eggs outside Westminster today. Fuckin A.
  8. Yeah it's in Sheffers. University of, to be precise. It's a media relations job- writing up stories from around the university (research proposals, notable achievements etc) and writing them up for Journals and media types to read. Perfect for me, really. I just hope I can convince them of that. If all else fails, I can at least (reasonably) count on playing the disability card for an interview on legislative grounds
  9. Sorta the point there, chap.
  10. Found a job to apply for today. It pays considerably more than the jobs I've been going for before so it may be punching above my weight. It's also the best suited job I've gone for, however, so I may be in for a good chance.
  11. What's scarier is that you reckon it's thread worthy.
  12. hahaahahahaha ----- Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena Still on the Butcher Bay chapter of the affair but this is a great update. The engine is on freaking crack or something it's so pumped up. Some years on and the game continues to impress with it's empowering, physically aware portrayal of Vin Himself as the predatory protagonist. Almost entirely due to lighting alone, the sense of lethality imbued in your actions as you stalk from the shadows is genius. Far ahead of it's time in many ways, this is still solid gold stuff.
  13. speaking of wolf man- I've more or less given up on trying to acquire the bloody thing. Wasn't in the shops either so...fuck. edit: tell a lie. found it.
  14. you, um, do know it's set in an evacuated city after a nuke grade explosion, right?
  15. My x box is home and BT have fixed my router issues. Winner.
  16. you can have 2 weapons. In fact, it looks like Combat Evolved: old school pistol, health... um, yeah you're basically talking balls.
  17. I'M BACK!!
  18. there was a gun wheel dude always liked the hl2 d-pad weapon system actually.
  19. Hi Happy birthday Daniel-san.
  20. Well colour me disgusted with my fellow countymen. Fuck. We jsut voted in a fucking fascist. A fascist. In 2009. Jesus Fucking Christ. I want to emigrate.
  21. I got a dispatch email from Bill Gates Himself or whateva. In a week, yeah?
  22. Silence, you fool. They're amazing. And happy birthday!
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