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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. why not? it fits the description. it might be slightly trickier to get a home console but I don't have a gameboy so for me it was easier.
  2. it's more of a thematic trilogy, although the world may be the same and the art has always been kind of similar. there's no 'plot' between the 3 at all though.
  3. More or less exactly the same. I just want any kind of work so I can afford to plan my way forward, though right now I'm in some kind of catch 22 and going nowhere. It's super fuckin lame.
  4. Well Norman Osbourne is now running the replacement of Shield and is generally being a bit of a cunt. This is a promo for his, presumed, next bout of cuntyness.
  5. Iron Man is missing. It's probably him seeing as he's on the run atm. so is Captain America, who Stark is looking for.
  6. If it's based on The Ultimates they have a really great structure there to work with. Could be amazing.
  7. Just as long as they have Hawkeye, yeah?
  8. Guys- this will never, ever be used in a game. It's for wii-fit housewives. Stop trying to imagine it being used in any other way because it won't be.
  9. Happy Birthday dude.
  10. was the soundtrack to march of the penguins any good?
  11. Fuckin A(ssemble)
  12. don't quote me, but i'm pretty sure online gaming is negligible in terms of limits. It's all based on tiny data packets (all the complicated stuff is done on your machine, see) so it's really small numbers. course, I could be talking total shit. I've never had a dl limit but I'm sure I've read that before.
  13. Interesting: Valve have said they expect this iteration of the series to last a whole lot longer as a 'platform'. From what I read, they consider the first one slightly too flawed for lnog term development so they're doing that on the sequel instead. makes a lot of sense.
  14. Shorty that's fucking immense. Gonna do mine today. Video, motherfuckers. edit: maybe.
  15. game invites through facebook tickles me. bout it though.
  16. Definitely want a ps3. Not that 360 came out looking bad at all but fuck me sony have a good year coming up.
  17. the two men in a box bit was piss funny. so: co-op tactical espionage action! Could be really good. loved MGS 3, too. The low fi cold war feel was bloody brilliant.
  18. If you're right Cube I really can't see much Metroid gameplay in this. It just doesn't seem to fit any sense of exploration.
  19. Proof, if itwere needed, that Nintendo are no longer in the business of proper gaming. What a sorry state of affairs.
  20. Nintendo are probably worse. Gah, there's no hope!
  21. Don't like this 'story' bull though. Play Super Metroid- that's how you do it! TN do terrible stories anyway so I can only see them mutilating Metroid's.
  22. oh, that actually looks awesome. Only good thing I saw tbh.
  23. Twice, dude. Twice.
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